Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 113 Tony's Venting

Chapter 113 Tony's Venting

Wayne walked up helplessly.

The people below looked at Wayne and immediately burst into applause and screams.

Although he doesn't look very old, his handsome appearance still makes many young ladies in the audience a little jealous.

"Enough, today's party is over, please leave immediately."

Pepper once again obtained the ownership of the microphone, and issued an ultimatum to the drowsy crowd below.

"what happened to you?"

Seeing the men and women leaving one after another, Wayne asked Tony who was beside him.

"It's okay, let's continue drinking."

Tony handed the bottle to Wayne.


Suddenly, a gray armor directly broke through the roof of the bar and landed in front of the three of them from the sky.

The helmet of the armor opened, revealing a black face, it was Tony's good friend in the military, Rhodes.

"You don't deserve this armor, Tony."

Rhodes looked angry, as if Tony had done something heinous.

Wayne held up the wine bottle in his hand, and looked at the black brother who suddenly appeared with a dazed expression.

Just now he had already figured out a way to make Tony stop messing around, that is, to drink Tony down with his own drinking capacity, but he didn't expect that the black brother who suddenly appeared directly made his plan aborted.

"Don't pay attention to him, drink."

Tony didn't seem to care about Rhodes' words.

Long before Wayne came, Tony had already quarreled with Rhodes.

He just wants to make his birthday party more enjoyable now, after all, he may not have long time

A laser shot out from Rhode's hand, and precisely hit the wine bottle in Tony's hand.

In an instant, the wine in the bottle and the residue of the bottle splashed everywhere, causing the little pepper nearby to let out a scream.

Pulling Pepper away, Wayne stepped back a little.

It is not easy for him to intervene in the immediate matter, and Tony needs to solve it by himself. The only thing he can do is to keep Pepper away from the two angry iron men.

The wine bottle in his hand was shattered, Tony was taken aback for a moment, and then shot a laser at Rhodes with his backhand.

Then the whole person manipulated the armor and rushed directly towards Rhodes. It seemed that the broken bottle made Tony's suppressed emotions completely collapse.

After all, armor was Tony's invention. Although Rhodes is a well-trained soldier, compared with Tony, there is still a big gap in the proficiency and understanding of armor operation.

So as soon as they fought, Rhodes fell into a disadvantage.

All kinds of small weapons in the armor have been played out in the hands of Tony, and all kinds of seemingly inconspicuous details have been perfectly applied by Tony in attack and defense.

At this moment, the drunk Tony was like a god descending from the earth, defeating Rhodes steadily.

"Tony's armor looks improved again."

Wayne took Pepper and found a booth beside him and sat down, staring at the battle in front of him intently, and from time to time acted as an on-site commentator to comment on Pepper.

"Go and stop them, Wayne!"

Pepper gave Wayne a blank look.

Seeing Wayne's leisurely look, she wished she could throw the wine bottle on the table in Wayne's face.

"Don't worry, Pepper."

Wayne continued to stare at the battle, without any intention of going up to stop it.

"Something must have happened to Tony. You know him. He hopes to handle everything by himself. He probably suffered a lot during this time."

"Just let him vent it, and we will solve other things tomorrow."

Wayne's reassurance calmed Pepper down a bit.

She was the one who knew Tony best.

Only she understands that although Tony looks like a playboy, in fact Tony is a very responsible person.

She is an excellent boss, lover, and friend in all aspects, which is why she admires Tony so much.

And her anxiety probably also belongs to caring and chaos.

After all, Tony has been keeping all the secrets in his heart during this period of time, and she can only worry secretly on the sidelines.


The battle has entered a fierce stage.

"The red player Tony successfully made an uppercut mechanical punch, and the white player Rhodes was knocked off the roof of the bar."

Wayne continued to explain on the spot.

It seems to be messing around with Tony, but in fact, Wayne just wants Tony to have fun.

A large human-shaped hole appeared in the center of the bar, and a sliver of moonlight slanted in from the outside, just illuminating the figures of Wayne and Pepper.


Tony shook his dizzy head, raised his right hand and waved it at Wayne and Pepper.

"The red player wins, shouldn't a famous hot beauty come to present the award at this time?"

Tony mumbled.

But it can be seen that this sudden boxing match has relieved a lot of the worry on his brow.

It's been a long time since he discovered the changes in his body.

Urged by Wayne, Pepper reluctantly walked up.

He took the flowers he picked up from the ground and put them on Tony's neck:

"You win, Tony."

"What happened to you?"

Pepper silently looked at Tony in front of him.

There was no previous blame and confusion in his eyes.

All that's left is to care.


The wall was violently broken again, and the luxurious decoration of the bar has turned into a mess.

The silver armor directly smashed a big hole in the wall and walked in.

But the man and woman on the stage didn't seem to hear the huge movement, but hugged each other and whispered.


Wayne walked between the armor and the stage, stopped Rhodes, and made a quiet gesture to him.

"They're whispering."

Wayne said in a low voice, as if he was afraid that his voice would disturb the two people on the stage.

"Are we done?"

The mask of the armor opened, and Rhode subconsciously lowered his voice.

The duo on stage created a special atmosphere in the messy bar, which seemed to be full of shards of glass and broken stones turned into a library.

After letting people in, subconsciously lower their volume, otherwise it will destroy this special atmosphere.

"I don't know, but it seems to be all right."

Wayne shrugged.

His thoughts were right, Tony seemed to have calmed down after venting, and began to be willing to share the pressure of this period of time with the closest people around him.

Everything was beautiful tonight, except for the owner of the bar. I don't know what expression the owner of the bar will show when he sees his beloved bar look like this the next day.

"I want to take this set of armor away. Tony's performance during this period is really terrible. The military needs an explanation."

Rhodes continued to communicate with Wayne cautiously.


Wayne stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation.

You must know that Tony's armor is set by authority, not just a random person can wear this armor, since Rhodes has already put it on, it proves that this behavior is actually Tony's acquiescence.

Since Tony has no objection, Wayne certainly won't stop him.

"Persuade him well."

Glancing at Tony on the stage again, Rhodes turned and flew into the sky.

At this time, the two on the stage seemed to have finished showing their affection.

"Wayne, come and help me."

Pepper whispered to Wayne.

"What's wrong?
Wayne walked over slowly.

I found that Pepper was struggling to hug Tony who had fallen into a dream.

"I can't hold it anymore."

Lifting Tony with one hand, he got into Pepper's car and returned to the villa.

(End of this chapter)

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