Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 12 New York

Chapter 12 Back to New York

In the endless desert, a figure with bare buttocks covered in blood was pulling a steel arm and twitching it.

"Hey, can you hurry up." An impatient man's voice came from the armor.

"Then I'm going to use my strength, bear with it." The bare-bottomed figure replied.

I saw that figure with bare buttocks, hugged the steel arm with both hands, lifted it vigorously, lifted all the armor that was half sunk in the sand, and then threw it aside like throwing garbage.

The already broken armor fell apart after being thrown like this. Tony effortlessly opened the iron mask covering his face, glanced at the white butt beside him, and looked like he had seen a ghost. "Are you a pervert, Wayne?"

"Well, I also think my abilities are abnormal, so don't envy me too much." The bare-bottomed Wayne didn't feel a little self-conscious, and he was still facing Tony's face, even showing a trace of pride on his face.

"I mean, you must use your little brother to talk to me." Tony covered his eyes with his hands, a little broken.

After finally escaping from birth, if a beautiful woman stood in front of him naked at this time, he would still be able to accept it.But he wasn't interested in a naked man covered in blood.

Wayne's complacent expression froze, he looked at Tony in horror, and subconsciously covered the key parts with his hands.

The clothes on Wayne's body had already been beaten into cloth strips when he was shot in the first round, and these remaining cloth strips had already dissipated with the wind when he was escaping.And Wayne just now was still immersed in the excitement of the first battle, and didn't care about his own situation.

In a panic, Wayne ignored Tony's angry eyes, reached out and grabbed the clothes on Tony's body, tore them off, tied them around his waist, pretended nothing happened, looked at the endless desert and asked: "We What to do next?"

"Let's go slowly, we can go home when the rescue from the army arrives." Tony tried his best, but still couldn't stand up, "Hey, help me, let's start our long journey."

two hours later.

"I seem to hear the sound of a helicopter." Wayne staggered on the desert while supporting Tony.As soon as the words fell, a family of armed helicopters appeared in their field of vision.

The moment Tony, who was still in need of support, saw the helicopter, he excitedly pushed away Wayne who was supporting him, and waved in the direction of the plane while running: "Here I am, hey, this way."

Wayne, who was pushed away, looked at Tony, who had been slapped with chicken blood, and suddenly felt his heart throbbing. Along the way, were you lazy? Wayne looked at Tony with his emerald green eyes He stared at Tony in front of him.

The helicopter slowly flew towards them, as if he felt something, Tony turned his head, and smiled at Wayne a little embarrassingly: "Haha, why did the legs suddenly feel better."

Wayne raised his eyebrows, ignored Tony's explanation, looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, and waited sadly for the helicopter to arrive.

After a while, the helicopter landed precisely beside Tony, and a black man in military uniform couldn't wait to jump off the plane, ignoring Wayne next to him, and went straight up to give the embarrassed Tony a bear hug: "It's been a long time No see, brother, this is the first time I've seen you like this."

"It's good to see you." Tony, who was being hugged, patted the black man on the back, then pointed to Wayne and introduced him like a black man: "This is my savior, and I'm going to take him back to New York with us."

The black man looked up and down the bloody Wayne, gave him a military salute, turned around and invited them to board the helicopter without saying a word.

After receiving the clothes from the black man, Wayne thanked him, and sat down in the back row in a quiet manner.

It was only then that Wayne remembered the little fat man he grew up with, and couldn't help but worry about the safety of the little fat man. Wayne knew that Francis would not let him go so easily. Wayne didn't have any friends, the only one who could threaten him People are fat guys, and Francis will definitely make a fuss about the fat guy and force himself to show up.

Looking at his hands, Ethan's death made Wayne realize that although he had awakened his abilities, the abilities cannot protect his friends.The lack of systematic fighting training makes him have huge power, but he can't use it perfectly. Like a baby with a big knife, he can deal with some ordinary soldiers, but he may not be good at dealing with people in research organizations.

Looking at Tony who was bragging about how he escaped bravely, Wayne shook his head. It's better not to trouble Tony, after all, he is just an ordinary person.

After successfully bragging about himself, Tony lay on the backrest with some satisfaction, looked back at the silent Wayne, and said thoughtfully, "I will help you, don't worry."

During the few days in the cave, Tony already knew all of Wayne's experiences, and he was smart enough to understand the reason for Wayne's silence in an instant.

Seeing Tony offer to help, Wayne was a little tangled and hesitant. He was really not sure of saving the little fat man on his own.

I thought that living in an orphanage was the warmest time since I was a child, but I found that the orphanage is just a cold slaughterhouse.Instead, in the dark time of being tortured and hijacked, the two people I met brought warmth to me.This is probably the window handle that God opened while closing a door for himself.

"Thank you." Wayne closed his eyes, but Tony didn't notice his wet eye sockets.

Time back to 3 days ago.

After fainting in the hospital, the little fat man was sent back to the dormitory by the dean. In the next few days, every day when he woke up, the little fat man asked to see Wayne's body, but the staff refused for various reasons.

It has been a month since Wayne was judged dead today, and the little fat man was lying on his bed with a haggard face. In the past month, he not only had to bear the pain caused by Wayne's death, but also had to face Joseph's gang's revenge, the huge pressure made him a little bit broken.

Moreover, he found that his body seemed to have some strange changes from the day he came back from the hospital.

"Bang bang bang" knocked on the door, and the little fat man got off the bed, and opened the door of the dormitory with some doubts.

"My condolences are changing, Stephen." Abbas said to the little fat man who opened the door.

"Why are you here?" Looking at Abbas at the door, the fat man was a little surprised.

Except when receiving work, no one wants to see Abbas with a stern face all day long. They usually don’t have much interaction with Abbas. Abbas came to him on his own initiative, just like the sun came out from the west. .

"I'm sorry about Wayne, he's a good boy."

Abbas's tone was a little strange, and he said to himself: "I once had a son who was about the same size as you. In the first year of high school, he met robbers while doing volunteer work, but his luck was bad. None of the onlookers helped him, they all watched him being beaten to death by the robbers, if there were children like Wayne, maybe he would still be alive."

Wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, Abbas moved closer to the little fat man and whispered in his ear, "Go as far as you can, the place is not safe, and Wayne is not dead."

After finishing speaking, Abbas ignored the little fat man, and some lonely figures walked slowly into the distance.

 What is the strange change of the little fat man?

  In the future, there will be a chapter at 8:6 am and a chapter at [-]:[-] pm every day!
(End of this chapter)

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