Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 146 One-sided battle

Chapter 146 One-sided battle
Glancing at Wade, Wayne shook his head, with deep disappointment in his eyes.

As my favorite little brother, after thinking about it for a long time, I came up with such a bad idea.

"This team is not easy to lead."

Looking at Wade who looked straight at him without flinching, Wayne thought silently.

Taking a step forward, Wayne didn't go down the stairs step by step, but fell directly from the gap on the side.


Jumping from a height of several meters was nothing to Wayne, he landed smoothly and smashed the metal floor with a loud noise.

At the stairs on the first floor, the soldiers who had been waiting for a long time had already started to be alert after hearing the voice from upstairs.

Since the area of ​​the first floor is not as large as the first floor, they had already quickly searched the first floor when the sirens sounded throughout the base.

After ruling out the possibility of the first floor being invaded, they gathered all the people together and did not choose to go up to support, but stuck to the only stairway.

A man wearing only a few fig leafs suddenly fell from the sky, and there was no need for the person in charge of the lower floor to give an order, and all the soldiers opened fire at the same time.

For a moment, countless bullets flew towards Wayne who had just landed, and at the same time there were several grenades that were thrown high in the sky.

Without hesitation, Wayne rushed directly towards the group of soldiers.


A soldier was directly pierced by Wayne's arm and let out a miserable scream.

This scream seemed to sound the horn of war, followed by countless screams.

Wayne walked through the ranks of soldiers with a relaxed expression, taking the life of a soldier every time he shot.

After close contact, the soldiers stopped firing in order to avoid accidental injury and began to use close combat.

However, when Wayne walked up to them, they discovered in despair that they couldn't see their opponent's movements clearly at all.

Wayne looked like he was taking a stroll in the courtyard, but each step covered a distance of several meters.

It didn't use any powerful moving skills, but simply relied on its own powerful strength to move at a high speed with the help of the ground's anti-shock.

Not long after, the soldiers on the first floor were wiped out.

"You can come down now."

Finding a relatively clean piece of clothing from the ground to put on, Wayne shouted towards the team above.

Soon, all the mutants walked down.

Looking at the corpses on the ground and the unscathed Wayne, the group of mutants finally clearly realized the gap between them and Wayne.

Some mutants who still had some small thoughts in their hearts quietly killed their own thoughts in the cradle while being dumbfounded.

After finally being able to escape from the dark cage, they didn't want to lose their lives because of their unrealistic ideas.

"Have you become stronger again..."

After Wade glanced at the corpse on the ground, he asked Wayne with a look of surprise.

He never underestimated Wayne's strength, and Wayne was a pervert in his heart.

However, looking at the corpses all over the floor, he suddenly felt that he still didn't understand enough about Wayne's abnormality.

"Well, it seems to be a little different."

Wayne squeezed his fist.

He had been thinking about how to pay for these mutants before, so Wayne hadn't carefully experienced the changes in his body.

Now that he was quiet, he suddenly found that the magical power in his body had grown enormous.

Even his overall physical fitness has been further improved. It is no longer the previous increase in the strength of all aspects of the body, but is slowly moving towards a qualitative change.

This was a very strange feeling, he didn't know how he came to this conclusion, just like he didn't know how this magical ability appeared in his body.

"Where are those people being held?"

No longer struggling with these thoughts, Wayne looked at Wade and asked.

"This way."

All the soldiers had fallen to the ground. After the crisis was resolved, Wade once again turned into a leader.

The route to the first floor is not complicated, one way to the end, Wayne and the others came to the place where ordinary people were detained.

Compared with the special metal facility where mutants are held, the defense equipment here is much simpler.

An ordinary iron door didn't even need Wayne's shot, Wade kicked the iron door open with one kick.

The inside was not a single room like the one where mutants were held, but a large hall. The door was opened, and a strong stench rushed in.

There were no beds, chairs or benches in the hall for people to rest. Dozens of men and women lay on the cold floor, their expressionless expressions revealing their despair of life.

The movement of Wayne and the others coming in was not small, but no one looked towards them.

It seems that these people have become walking dead, and the outside world does not arouse their interest at all.

This scene made Wayne a little familiar, and many people in Francis's small broken workshop at that time also had this expression.

Fortunately, he is relatively strong and carried it over abruptly, otherwise he would be a fool even if he has supernatural powers now.


Wayne yelled.

Do your best to appear gracious and loving.

For these people who had the same illness as him back then, he hoped to give them some warmth like a spring breeze.

However, no one paid any attention to him.

"I'm here to save you."

Wayne didn't give up, and continued.

This time, maybe the content mentioned something about them, and the person lying on the ground finally responded.

Slowly, more and more people turned their heads and stared straight at Wayne standing in the front.

However, no one spoke, they just watched quietly.

The scene was a bit weird for a while,
Dirty environment, a bunch of ashen-faced men and women raised their heads at the same time, staring straight at one person.

The eyes full of dead silence made one's scalp tingle.

"Can you give me a response?"

Wayne froze for a moment, although these sights did not make him feel uncomfortable.

But talking to himself for a long time made him a little embarrassed.

This group of people is even more difficult to communicate with than the group of neuropathic mutants behind them.

At least Wade was able to cooperate when saving the mutant before.

And here, the only answer to Wayne is always silence.

"If you don't speak again, I will leave."

After waiting for a long time, still no one spoke, Wayne became a little impatient.

The journey along the way was a bit smooth, and all they met were ordinary soldiers.

Wayne doesn't believe that there is not a single person with superpowers in such a large research base.

So far, I haven't seen it. It can only explain one problem, that is, those people are hiding in the dark and planning something.

This made Wayne feel a little urgency.

There is not much time left for him. If these people give up hope of survival, then he can't save them.

"Someone said the same thing before, saying come and get us out."

Finally, someone spoke.

An older man supported himself and sat up from the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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