Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 15 S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 15 S.H.I.E.L.D.
"Well, you're so frank."

Seeing Wayne admit directly, Coulson was slightly taken aback.

Due to his work, he has come into contact with many mutants. Most mutants will subconsciously conceal their identities. If they want to establish a good cooperative relationship with them, they need to obtain their approval first. This is a very complicated task that requires patience. work.

So Coulson was a little surprised by Wayne's straightforwardness.

"Let me introduce my organization to you first."

Coulson instantly entered the working state:
"Our organization is different from the FBI and CIA, and is not affiliated with the United States. We are directly responsible to the World Security Council and deal with supernatural incidents full-time."

Seeing Wayne nodded, Coulson continued: "The emergence of mutants is also regarded as one of the supernatural events. How much do you know about the race of mutants?"

"Almost none." Wayne said honestly, the man in front of him seemed to have a unique temperament that made people trust him involuntarily.

Wayne's only way to understand mutants is through television, but he does not agree with the extreme views of the TV media. He believes that mutants are just ordinary people with superpowers.

For Wayne's answer, Coulson seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and said to Wayne Cop as if he had endorsed it:

"Mutants are a new race that emerged with the reproduction of humans. The main difference between them and humans is that mutants have the x gene, and the abilities of mutants are obtained because of the awakening of the x gene."

"After a long period of research, we have divided mutants into the following levels, from strong to weak: Alpha (Alpha) level, Beta (Beta) level, Gamma (Gamma) level."

After talking a long list, Coulson paused for a few minutes to allow Wayne to slowly digest the information just now.

After a while, looking at Wayne who nodded for him to continue, Coulson continued:
"The mutants are currently divided into two major factions, similar to the hawks and conservatives that every country has, and our organization has a good friendship with the conservatives among them."

"The leader of the conservative faction is Professor X, a great leader dedicated to the peaceful coexistence of mutants and ordinary people. He created the first mutant school, which is full of orphans and mutant children abandoned by their parents."

"From what you've said, he's a great leader."

Hearing this, Wayne nodded in agreement. Only orphans can understand the feelings of orphans. Without the shelter of orphanages or charitable organizations, most orphans would not be able to survive.

"I came to you this time because of Professor X's entrustment. He already knew of your existence and hoped to talk to you, but you know that the relationship between mutants and ordinary people is getting more and more subtle, and you Being around Tony Stark a lot makes it inconvenient for him to come out in person."

Seeing that Wayne did not reject Professor X, Coulson finally expressed his intention for coming this time.

"I still have something to do. If I have time in the future, I will go there."

For people like Professor X, Wayne still admires them very much. Every race has its own heroes, and for mutants, Professor X is their hero.

Wayne can also understand Professor X's difficulties. After all, Tony is a representative of the upper class of human society. If a mutant leader suddenly appeared beside Tony, he might be taken advantage of by those who want to.

As soon as he said this, there was a burst of confusion in the direction of the press conference. The bald Opadry stood on the podium in a panic and began to appease the reporters below.

And Tony walked over directly with Pepper, ignoring Coulson next to Wayne, Tony grabbed Wayne and walked out.

"Wayne, my contact information is on the business card."

Coulson, who was interrupted, was not angry, and shouted at Wayne who was walking away.

After saying ok to Coulson behind him, Wayne got into the car waiting at the door with Tony.

"I support you in whatever decision you make, Tony."

Inside the car, looking at Tony with a heavy face, Pepper comforted him softly.

"what have you done?"

Wayne, who was busy talking with Coulson just now, didn't pay attention to the situation of the press conference. At this moment, he looked back and asked curiously.

"I announced the closure of the weapons department. In the future, Stark Industries will no longer provide weapons to any organization or country."

Tony squeezed his eyebrows, a little tired, but also a little relaxed:
"You know Wayne, what happened in the cave."

"The purpose of my invention of weapons was to better protect this country, but in the end it became a weapon to harm innocent people."

"Then how do you make money?"

Wayne asked casually.

Even Wayne understands that if a company that produces weapons abandons its weapons department, it is equivalent to giving up most of its own interests.

"But I still support you, Tony, don't worry, I will call you if there is a profitable business in the future."

Wayne gave Tony a reassurance that everything has my eyes.

"Rely on your hot pot restaurant plan?"

Tony rolled his eyes at Wayne, and the originally heavy atmosphere became lighter.

"The hot pot restaurant is just a dream, do you know what a dream is?"

Glancing at Tony with contempt, Wayne stretched out his hands to draw on Tony with some excitement:

"I don't think I can waste my abilities. I'm going to form a small team, similar to hired soldiers. You see, those stupid big guys in the Middle East can do it. I think I can do better."

"It's a good idea, Wayne, what do you think of me running for President of the United States?"

Looking at Wayne with a serious face, Tony couldn't help but joked.

Although the little fat man has never been exposed to computer technology since he was a child, this does not prevent the little fat man from becoming a great figure in the hacker circle.

In the past few days, in order to find traces of Wayne, the little fat man has used his abilities to hack into the FBI, CIA, Pentagon, White House, and various websites of organizations that he does not know.

Due to the relationship between supernatural powers, these invaded organizations found themselves invaded, but they couldn't find a way to organize them.

And what makes these organizations gnash their teeth the most is not being invaded by this hacker, but that this hacker seems to regard their side as their own back garden, and comes around from time to time, but the network security management department inside their organization is helpless.

Some helpless organizations began to offer rewards to the little fat man in the hacker world. The high bounty made several very famous hackers in the hacker world participate in the work of finding the little fat man.

However, nothing is found. This mysterious person is like a ghost on the Internet, everywhere, but no trace of him can be found.

This also made the little fat man quickly become the great god in the hearts of many hackers.

At this moment, these hackers don't know that the master in their hearts may not know as much about computers as an ordinary junior high school student, and that he can become a master in the hacker world all because of his somewhat weird personality.

At this time, the fat man was lying on the bed, eating pizza while leisurely looking at the screen of the mobile phone, and saw the work flow of the President of the United States today displayed on the screen of the mobile phone.

"This old man is really busy every day. He either sees this or that."

After taking a bite of the pizza, the little fat man suddenly said to himself, "I don't know where Wayne is."

As soon as the words fell, the screen of the mobile phone changed instantly. In an article titled "Tony Stark Returns, Announcing the Closing of the Weapons Department", one of the attached photos happened to be a picture of Tony pulling Wayne out. look.

The little fat man opened his eyes wide, and the photo on the phone was automatically enlarged, clearly showing Wayne's face.

"Hahaha, I finally found it."

The little fat man sat up from the bed at a speed that didn't match his weight, and laughed excitedly, "He's actually with Tony Duck."

"Can you find out where they went?" The little fat man said to the phone silently.

"Navigation is on."

Looking at the mobile phone's navigation system, the little fat man dropped the unfinished pizza and ran to the street in a hurry.

 The number of clicks finally broke 1000!
(End of this chapter)

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