Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 150 Wade's mouth escape

Chapter 150 Wade's mouth escape

The tornado is still accelerating, but when its speed reaches a certain level, it takes a long time to speed up again.

The surrounding temperature also began to drop slowly, and it seemed that the woman outside could not only control the wind, but also affect the surrounding temperature.

It's like a combination of Iceman and Storm Girl, possessing some of the abilities of the two, but the strength of the abilities is very average.

There is also the mud player just now, whose ability is very similar to that of the Tus who killed before. Although the strength is far superior to Tus, there is still a certain gap compared with the genuine soil mutant.

At least the soil mutants Wayne had seen didn't need both hands on the ground to control the soil.

"It looks like Hydra's plan for super-powered soldiers isn't perfect yet."

After thinking about it for a long time, Wayne finally started to think about the matter in front of him again.

Looking at the spinning tornado, Wayne's expression became more and more tangled.

At this point, he can only hope that Wade can give a little more strength outside.

Otherwise, I can only force myself to break through.

Thinking about how his finger had just been broken, Wayne's heart trembled slightly. He couldn't be killed, but that didn't mean he wasn't afraid of pain.


Although the two soldiers with superpowers were held back by Wayne, at the same time, the soldiers in the woods were liberated again.

Wade, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, had not had time to escape with the rest of the people, and the soldiers on the opposite side attacked them again.


Cursing secretly, Wade looked at the mutants behind him.

"Can you hit back?"

With a gun in his hand, Wayne yelled at the pig teammates behind him while shooting towards the opposite side.

When they tortured and killed those helpless soldiers in the base just now, each of them was as fierce as a big devil reborn, and they were also ambitious to stage a coup d'état.

As a result, when it's time to employ people, one by one they acted like turtles.

His eyes quickly searched the mutant team, and Wade quickly found the unusually tall figure.

"Hey, can you act like a man?"

Avoiding several bullets fired at him, Wayne nimbly jumped to the side of the big man.


The big man's voice trembled a little.

He's a former fitness trainer, and he's just looking fierce on base.

But in fact, it was just because he was imprisoned in a small room where the sun was not visible for a long time, and he was suddenly released. The adrenaline was rushing for a while, and he just wanted to vent his anger.

And after venting, that stream of toughness has long since vented completely, not to mention that the current situation is different from before.

Before, no one thought that they would be able to escape one day. Everyone put their life and death aside, and only wanted revenge.

But now, they really escaped, and they really realized their dreams of countless nights.

Who wants to stand up and use his life to pave the way for others when a better life is within reach?
In fact, it's not that this team is vulnerable. The previous battles clearly demonstrated the strength of this team.

The reason why they are beaten like this is simply because they are not well-trained soldiers, they don't have a fighting heart.

When they are attacked and threatened, their first thought is not how to fight back or how to protect their teammates.

They are still immersed in their previous thinking, as if everyone works in the same company, and now there is a thankless task, of course no one wants to do it by themselves.

Everyone hopes that this matter can be done by others, and no one is willing to sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others.

While Wade was talking to the big man, another mutant beside him fell under the fierce gunfire of the other side.

On one side is a group of well-trained and calm professional soldiers.

On the other side is a group of temporary teams that have just been formed, and everyone in the team has their own little thoughts.

The results of the fighting between the two sides are obvious.

Under the suppression of the firepower of the soldiers on the opposite side, more and more people fell down.

And the more people who fell, the more cowardly this group became.

It's a vicious circle,
The only solution is that someone in this group can take the initiative to stand up,

Tell your companions, tell your teammates that they are not prisoners waiting to be killed, but villains holding murder weapons.

The wind is still howling,
Soldiers are still killing,
Wade didn't immediately help Wayne out of the siege. In fact, he never thought that Wayne would need his own help.

He just wanted to complete what Wayne had just told him, which was to bring this team out as complete as possible.

There were fewer and fewer people around, but Wade still didn't do anything else, just quietly staring at the big man in front of him.

For those players who died, Wade has no guilt or burden in his heart.

Their death is entirely their own fault.

Clearly I have power,

Obviously I have a chance to do it again,

However, they still chose to escape.

A person who doesn't even have the idea of ​​self-help is not worth his energy to save.

He only looks at those capable and potential people, such as the big man in front of him.

In the previous massacre, Wade carefully observed everyone.

The big man seemed out of place among the group of sadists, because he didn't make any unnecessary movements every time he killed the soldiers.

"Being able to restrain your emotions has a basic bottom line."

This is Wade's evaluation of the big man at the time.

"Are you just watching them die like this?" Wade said calmly, as if he was not on the battlefield, but lying at home chatting with his friends.

"It's not terrible to watch these people who have only met you die in front of you, but what about after these people die? Will these soldiers let you go with mercy?"

Wade's words stopped the big man from running away.

Some of the bullets hit the big man quickly, but every time a bullet touched the big man, his skin instantly turned into sparkling diamonds.

"Even if you escape by chance, what will you do in the future? Just live in fear like this? Worry and fear all day long, afraid that this organization will find you again?"

"Do you dare to meet your family? You should know the power of this organization. If they know you escaped and want to catch you again, how will they treat your family?"

"Think about the torture you suffered in the base, the people who tortured you are still at large, and even arrest new mutants outside, but you can only continue to live in shame like a stinky rat in the sewer day."

"Actually, you didn't really escape. Your heart was still in that sealed chamber, trembling like a coward."

Wade was still chattering.

Occasionally, bullets would hit him, but they would be quickly expelled by the self-healing factor.

One big and one small, two figures stood in the center of the battlefield.

Surrounded by panicked crowds, the two of them were like reefs in the sea, letting the waves around them beat on them, standing still.


The big man finally spoke.

The voice was a little low, and it would soon be drowned out on this battlefield full of gunpowder smoke.

But Wade, who was closest to him, heard the big man's words.

The corners of Wade's mouth slowly turned up, like a fox that has succeeded in tricking.

"Finally got the fool out of this big fool."

Wade whispered to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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