Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 152 I want to fight 3

Chapter 152 I want to fight three


Everyone's eyes are red,

Not because I was moved and wanted to cry, but because I remembered the hatred buried deep in my memory.


There was a muffled sound in the air.

The whistling wind around seemed to be turbulent for a while, and then began to slow down.

A female mutant closed her eyes, seemingly controlling the air around her.

The rustling sound quietly resounded from every corner of the battlefield, and particles invisible to the naked eye were rapidly gathering, turning into needles as thick as a hair.

The blood on the ground began to gather upwards against gravity, forming thin streams of bright red in the air.

One after another, people with dirty faces and embarrassing figures stood up and slowly straightened their waists.

They were like bereaved dogs just a second ago, and they began to show their extraordinary power to the world.

"Bang, squirt, bang"

Intensive gunfire sounded again.

It's just that this time the bullet flew to the other end, shooting at the soldiers hiding in the grass.

Some ordinary people without supernatural powers picked up the guns that had just been thrown away in panic from the ground, and began to use their own methods to give fire support to their companions.

After more than ten minutes of bloody escape,
The horn of counterattack finally sounded.

The diamond man, who was a little bit unable to support under the intensive attack, felt the pressure on his body suddenly lighten.

All kinds of magical powers appeared in the woods,

It came so intensely.

The war that had been one-sided just now suddenly turned around,
The superior side and the inferior side instantly switched identities, although these well-trained soldiers would not flee in a panic like bereaved dogs.

However, under the attack of various abilities on the opposite side, the speed of attrition suddenly accelerated.

The energies mastered by the two parties are not at the same level at all. This time, the collision between science and the supernatural ended in a dismal scientific end.

Wade still didn't make a move.

He saw that the people around him had already begun to resist, and he watched the soldiers on the opposite side struggling to resist in the counterattack.

Suddenly there was a strange sense of accomplishment in my heart.

For the first time in his life, he understood the importance of the brain.

The Deadpool brigade has stopped fleeing, and even started to counterattack slowly.

They rushed towards the soldiers on the opposite side desperately, and under the cover of all kinds of magical abilities of their teammates, they approached the opposite forest unscathed.

The soldiers who beat them like dogs before are now the fish under their knives.

More and more mutants began to try to use their power on the battlefield.

A woman climbed up from a pile of rotten leaves, seeing her teammates attacking with their own abilities, she felt a little eager to try.

After struggling for a moment, she opened her mouth.


A piercing scream instantly overwhelmed all the bombardment sounds on the battlefield.

This is not an ordinary scream, the frequency of the tone completely exceeds the limit that humans can bear.

For a time, everyone on the battlefield was covered by sound waves.

The joyful Wade's expression twitched suddenly, and he quickly covered his ears with his hands.

However, the sound wave penetrated Wade's hands without hindrance, as if it sounded directly in his mind.

It's like countless needles frantically shuttling through your brain, constantly stimulating every cell in your brain.

The originally fierce battle suddenly came to an abrupt end.

It's like when you are playing a game, someone suddenly presses pause for you.

Everyone stopped where they were, dropped their weapons, and covered their ears with their hands.

This is everyone's conditioned reflex. Although it is useless, everyone's movements are surprisingly consistent.

Including a man and a woman restraining Wayne.

The screams quickly spread here, and the unbearable sound waves made the woman lose control of the tornado in an instant.

Wayne, who had been waiting on the spot for a long time, suddenly heard a piercing scream, but because his ears had been strengthened, he could barely resist it.


He found that the tornado that had been spinning around him and the jumping earth-pointed knife began to dissipate in the air.

Once again he was able to see the scene outside clearly.

Except for him, everyone covered their ears, and some even began to writhe on the ground in pain.

Following the sound, he finally saw another standing person, who seemed to be one of the mutants he rescued.

Just when Wayne wanted to take the opportunity to kill the three mutants not far away.

Suddenly the screaming stopped,

Sustaining this kind of screaming seems to consume physical or mental energy. After the female mutant persisted for less than 5 minutes, she fell back and fainted on the ground.

The disappearance of the screams was like canceling the pause button, and the entire battlefield became active again.

Physically strong people seem to recover more than others.

The two superpowers in front of Wayne seemed to be of a stronger physique. Almost the moment the voice disappeared, they had already adjusted and looked warily at Wayne who had regained his ability to move.

at this time,

They had already given up the idea of ​​continuing to attack the team, and their only enemy was the boy in front of them.

Wayne glanced at the entire battle situation, and then looked at the three people in front of him.

The superpower user who had never made a move from the beginning attracted his attention, and this person was still standing there stupidly.

Maintaining the shape that Wayne saw him for the first time, even when his two companions were attacking, he remained motionless.

"Is your teammate's brain not working?"

Wayne asked suddenly.

After seeing that the scene was favorable to his side, Wayne suddenly lost his sense of urgency.

Next, it is enough to kill the three people in front of him.

From Wayne's point of view, this kind of thing doesn't seem to be difficult. The only thing that needs to be considered is how much effort he wants to do.

The muddy man and the windy woman were still staring at Wayne, but they didn't strike rashly.

They are also clear about the current situation, the initiative has long been in the hands of the opponent.

It was as if he was talking to the air, and without any reply, Wayne suddenly felt a little bored.

"You go first, I want to fight three!"

Wayne turned around and shouted at Wade.

Although his side has already gained the upper hand, it is better to be steady.

As long as the group of people in the way are gone, then wanting to leave is as easy as eating and drinking.

This group of people who had just been rescued looked like a time bomb to Wayne, and some inexplicable problems would suddenly erupt at some point.

Wade glanced at Wayne and gave him a gesture of understanding.

After going through several consecutive battles, he seemed to be infected by Wayne's confidence, subconsciously thinking that Wayne could handle these small situations.

Quickly began to organize the team to kill the remaining soldiers one by one, and Wade led the group of problematic teammates towards the originally planned direction.


The three superpowers still stared at Wayne closely, without making any obstruction.

(End of this chapter)

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