Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 156 How Many Abilities Are There?

Chapter 156 How Many Abilities Are There?

Wayne's sudden swearing did not affect Joseph, and he still walked on his own.

Soon, Joseph came to Wayne.

Joseph stretched out his arms, trying to hold Wayne's shoulders, but Wayne slid past him.

His movements at this time were still a little awkward, like a person who had been paralyzed for a long time suddenly got off the bed and started to walk.

Although not limping, the overall look is very uncoordinated.


A metal bullet case with a trace of blood was suddenly squeezed out from Joseph's head, and it landed on the soft soil with a faint sound.

Wayne's eyes were closed, and he saw that the wound on Joseph's forehead that was shot before was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"So you also have superpowers now?"

Wayne said.

Wayne is not surprised that Joseph suddenly has superpowers.

This is not the first time he has dealt with the organization. Almost every time he has a conflict with the organization, he can meet people with superpowers.

I don't know whether it's my character is too good or the scale of superpowers cultivated by the organization is so large that there can be several superpowers stationed in each research base.

Wayne is more inclined to the former. If the organization really had such a large number of superpowers, they would have overthrow S.H.I.E.L.D., so they would hide in the dark with fear.

The S.H.I.E.L.D., which protects world peace, is a giant in the eyes of many people. In Wayne's view, it is just a natural organization organized by some ordinary agents.

Perhaps compared with ordinary organizations such as the CIA and the CIA, S.H.I.E.L.D. has a crushing advantage.

But compared with mutants and some other supernatural beings,

Calling it a baby is a little too much,

S.H.I.E.L.D. is as fragile as a helpless adult.

Wayne felt that he, Professor X and Magneto could overthrow the entire S.H.I.E.L.D.

I don't know where Director Braised Egg gets his self-confidence every day, and he puts on an expression that I am the best in the world all day long.

Wayne's mind started to run at a high speed again, but the running was not to help him better analyze the situation in front of him, but to keep thinking about some things.

Joseph didn't get angry when he failed, and didn't pay attention to Wayne's question.

Turning sideways, he punched Wayne directly, as fast as a shadow suddenly flew out.

Following the advantage of his own skin color, Joseph at this time is like an elf in the dark night.

In the dark, only a pair of white eyes can make him notice him.


Wayne reached out and pressed Joseph's fist with a hand.

After holding it, Wayne was slightly surprised.

Joseph's strength is significantly higher than that of ordinary people, even reaching the same level as Colossus.

Before, he thought that Joseph had only gained self-healing ability, just like Wade, his strength and speed were only at the level of ordinary people.

However, what surprised him even more was still behind,

The fist was locked, and Joseph struggled hard twice, trying to escape Wayne's control.

However, the gap in strength made his plan come to nothing, and a trace of doubt flashed in his already lifeless eyes.


A few big white teeth were exposed from the mouth that had never been opened.


White smoke rose from Joseph's fist,
Wayne felt that the fist, which was still a normal touch, suddenly turned into biting ice.

The cold air began to spread along Wayne's hand, and the surrounding air was condensed into frost.

The sudden drop in temperature caused the water vapor near the two to condense instantly, turning into wisps of white smoke, enveloping the two of them.

With a tremor at the corner of his mouth, Wayne suddenly raised his foot and kicked Joseph in front of him.

Facing Wayne's sudden outburst, Joseph did not resist, nor did he have time to resist.

Being far slower than Wayne, he could only fly into the distance like a kite with a broken string, and finally hit a big tree.

The surrounding temperature instantly returned to normal.
Wayne lowered his head and looked at his palm, the self-healing factor was rapidly repairing the frostbitten cells.

Looking in Joseph's direction again, Wayne felt countless question marks flashing through his mind for a moment.

He has two abilities?
Can mutants have both abilities at the same time?

Does he still have a third ability?

It's like you watch a whole book of [-] whys at the same time in the same second.

Wayne felt that there must be hundreds of question marks in his mind, if not a hundred thousand.

Before he could continue to think deeply about this question, Joseph on the opposite side stood up again.

This time, his movements were even more sluggish, and he even had to hold onto the tree trunk next to him to stand up.

The chest had been completely collapsed by Wayne's kick. Although it was recovering, the recovery speed was obviously not as fast as Wayne's.

Even compared with Logan, the worst mutant with self-healing factor that Wayne has seen, there is a certain gap.

"Sure enough, there is still a gap in the strength of the developed superpowers compared with the real mutants."

Wayne had guessed in this regard before, but now Joseph once again confirmed Wayne's previous guess.

"But how did they let him have two abilities at the same time?"

"Technology has broken through again?"

No one paid any attention to Wayne, and Wayne just talked into the air by himself.

Under the moonlight, a naked teenager was speaking some inexplicable words into the air.

People can't help but raise their hairs when they see it.

Fortunately, all the people who were rescued before were taken away by Wade, and now the only one seems to be not working very well.

"what is the problem?"

Wayne continued.

The confusion of thinking made him only speak out the questions he wanted to think about, so as to concentrate his attention.

After a few minutes, Wayne was still struggling with his own thinking.

On the other side, Joseph has roughly recovered and regained the ability to move.

Without any delay, the moment he regained his ability to move, he walked towards Wayne.

The broken bone in the chest pierced deeply into the flesh and organs, but Joseph didn't make any sound, like an unconscious robot.

right now,

He only had eyes for Wayne,

All he could think about was how to kill the person in front of him, and then go back to deliver the task.

Dragging his injured body, Joseph did not choose to approach Wayne this time.

His incomprehensible brain also seemed to see that the opponent's close-up ability was too abnormal.

Standing about 5 meters away from Wayne, Joseph stopped.


Joseph spoke again.

The flames from the previous explosion in the distance were about to go out, leaving only a few sporadic sparks.

But the moment Joseph's voice fell.

Mars suddenly skyrocketed,

It was as if a dying person had swallowed a magical medicine suddenly, and his immobile body came alive in an instant, and he quickly ran down from the bed, and was about to go to the bar for a dance.

Several sparks gathered together in the sky, like a giant red dragon roaring towards Wayne who was still talking to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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