Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 165 You Will Become a God

Chapter 165 You Will Become a God

Wayne sprinkled a handful of glass shards and walked in from the outside, closing the door behind him.

"No one answered?"

Wayne's expression was very natural, and he couldn't tell at all that he had just taken away a dozen lives with a wave of his hand.

This indifference to killing made these scientists who survived by chance even more frightened.

They also killed people, and even killed a lot of people.

But no one can maintain such an indifferent attitude after killing someone,
After they kill someone, they are either guilty, excited, or stimulated.

And Wayne,
It's as simple as going out for a walk and throwing the garbage on the ground into the trash can.

A group of smart scientists all had a premonition that their ending might be a bit bad, but there was still a trace of hope in their hearts.

just in case,

I can survive it.

With such a fluke mentality,
A group of scientists who were a few rounds older than Wayne sat obediently on the ground, like elementary school students who like to study the most.

They were afraid that their actions would make the murderer in front of them unhappy.

"Not speaking is the default."

Wayne looked around for a week,
Bending down again, he picked up a handful of glass shards from the ground.

"Now, tell me what you know about Hydra."


The scene was silent,
In addition to the sound of the alarm still ringing feebly,
All the scientists were silent, with complex emotions on their faces.

The scientists looked at the glass shard in Wayne's hand and seemed to want to speak, but then they seemed to remember something, and the light in their eyes gradually dimmed.

"No one answered?"

Wayne asked again.


His hand flung out violently,
A piece of glass flew towards a scientist, taking the life of that scientist in an instant.


The rest of the scientists just felt a chill on their bodies,
They still didn't speak.

It seems that some things are more precious to them than their lives.

"What are you hesitating about?"

Wayne saw their struggle.

Some puzzled,

Is the charm of Hydra so great?
Big enough for a man to give his life for it?

Wayne would understand if ordinary soldiers acted like this,

After all, soldiers are a group of very simple people, especially those who enlisted at a very young age.

The long-term life in the military camp has made their world very simple, and even their views on the world are also very simple.

Such people,
Easiest to be brainwashed.

But the group of old men in front of him is obviously not the kind of simple-minded people,
You can say they are cruel, you can say they have no conscience, but you cannot deny their IQ.

These people have excellent research results in their respective fields, and this kind of achievement is not something that fools can achieve by just working hard.

But these are still heartfelt to Hydra,
This obviously doesn't show up.

"What are your secrets?"

Wayne continued to speculate.

"Do you have a handle in the hands of Hydra?"



All the scientists looked at Wayne,
You can see their answers in their eyes.


This is in line with Hydra's style of doing things.

Wayne glanced at the surveillance video,
Since there is surveillance in the corridor, there must be one in the room as well.

If these scientists told Wayne other information about Hydra, then the family or friends of these scientists would definitely be dealt with immediately by Hydra.

The scientists kept silent,

Not even the threat of death can make them yield,
These cold-blooded, brutal scientists on the operating table also have something to protect.

For my family and friends,
They can even sacrifice themselves.


Wayne chuckled lightly.
After guessing the reason, Wayne suddenly felt a little dull.

The perseverance of the scientists did not bring him any sympathy.

He was just a little distressed, and his way of obtaining information seemed to be blocked again.

Looking up to the upper right,

In Wayne's perception, there is a pinhole camera in the upper right corner of the room.

With a bright smile for the camera,

Wayne scattered a handful of glass shards around.

"bang, bang"

The muffled noise kept appearing in the room,
Corpses fell limply on the floor of the room, and bright red blood flowed out from the wounds.


I didn't gain anything this time. At least I killed so many scientists at once. For Hydra, this is undoubtedly a huge loss.

I don't know if these scientists lost, can they still breed mutants with multiple abilities like Joseph.

Wayne opened his legs and walked towards the door.


Wayne stopped again.

looking behind,

A bearded scientist was hiding behind an instrument whose vital parts escaped Wayne's attack just now.

"You're lucky."

Wayne walked over, knelt down in front of the bearded man and said.

The bearded man let out a miserable laugh, as if he knew that he would not be spared, and seemed a little detached.

"It's impossible for me to tell you those things."


Wayne nodded.

"Then can you tell me what you have learned from me?"

"Research. We haven't had time to study yet."

Bearded man wearing rough air.

"We just did a full physical examination of your body."

"What was found?"

Wayne continued.

Although the shards of glass didn't hit the bearded man's vitals just now, the injured part was bleeding continuously.

The bearded man who lost too much blood was gradually dying.

"Found it, a miracle!"

The bearded man's eyes were a little broken, but he insisted on speaking.

"There is a magical power in your body, and what your x gene brings to you may not be the so-called self-healing factor."

"What your x-gene brings you is life, pure life energy."

"He is pushing you to make continuous progress, all-round progress."

Wayne listened carefully,
The life energy mentioned by the bearded man seems to be the magical power in his body.

From this point, Wayne can see that the bearded man is not lying. He seems to want to tell others the last discovery in his life and pass on his knowledge.

Even if

That man might be his murderer.

"Your physical body has completely exceeded the limits of human beings. You can even be said to be a brand new species, although your organs and appearance are the same as human beings."


The beard paused,

The massive blood loss made his brain dizzy.

"Moreover, after the evolution of your body, this energy began to slowly turn to your brain."

"Your brain cells have been activated by more than 20%, and will continue to be activated."

"This will bring you unimaginable changes. Some people have speculated about your situation before."

"As your brain cells keep firing, you gain all sorts of abilities."

"Although I don't know what specific abilities there will be, but..."

"cough cough"

The bearded man's face was already pale, and his body began to twitch involuntarily.

"You will...become a god, an omnipotent, immortal god."

(End of this chapter)

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