Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 172 Brainstorming

Chapter 172 Brainstorming
endless rounds,
endless viewing,
Time seems to have no meaning here,
Wayne's mood has changed from shock and excitement at the beginning, to helplessness and boredom later, and finally to despair now.

He can't remember how many times he watched the game of lighting up the stars,

I can't remember how many times I was kidnapped by that damn emerald green light.


He's starting to get a little numb now,

right now,

He appeared again in a new dark space,

"This time it will appear here."

Wayne looked at a place with a numb look and thought.

He's trying to have fun with himself,
In this boring endless loop world, if he didn't have some fun for himself, he felt that he might become a lunatic directly.


The emerald green light comes as promised,

But not from where Wayne was looking, but on the other side of the line of sight.

In fact, in the process of going round and round this week, he didn't gain anything.

at least,

He has figured out where he is,
The emerald green light in front of him is the magical energy hidden in his body all the time, which is what the bearded scientist calls life force.

And these spherical objects that he thought were stars before were his brain cells.

Wayne's consciousness seemed to be captured directly by the magical energy, and then forced to watch his performance by the magical energy.

It may be that the miraculous energy that has been silently giving in the body seems to think that his performance is not powerful enough without the audience, so he forcibly captured Wayne, the audience.

Or this force is using this method to force Wayne to undergo a new round of transformation.

According to the bearded scientist,
After the first stimulation in my mind, it was as if Pandora's box had been opened.

That vitality will continue to stimulate his brain cells until they are all activated.

This seems to be the road to becoming a god that the bearded man said,
Before Wayne was not sure,
But after experiencing the torture-like viewing, Wayne subconsciously believed his words.

If all the brain cells are activated, he may really be able to become a god.

As the brain continues to be activated,
The more Wayne can feel,
Although his consciousness was imprisoned in his own brain, he could feel that he was becoming stronger all the time.

It is no longer physical strength, but a qualitative improvement.

Dolphins use about 20% of their brain cells, so they have an ultrasound system that kills all technologies.

And when the brain cells of human beings are continuously activated, everything they can do is far beyond that of dolphins.

That strange perception seemed to be the benefit of developing brain cells.

With the continuous activation of brain cells, the benefits brought by this vitality to Wayne are no longer limited to pure physical strengthening, but will bring various magical energies to Wayne.

This is an evolution of life,

If mutants are an evolutionary direction of human beings,
So what Wayne is experiencing now is an essential evolution, an evolution from man to god.


Everything in the world has two sides,
While gaining strength, one will eventually lose something else.

such as emotion,

This force beyond human imagination seems unwilling to be bound by mortal emotions.

So the more power Wayne gains, the farther and farther he gets from human emotions.

This is exactly what Wayne is distressed about,
It is true that he is a person who longs for power, but this premise is that he can still understand emotions.

If the price of gaining power is to give up his emotions as a human being, then he will give up this power without hesitation.

But now he doesn't have the right to choose,
The power displayed by this vitality at this moment made him powerless to fight back.

He could only watch helplessly as his brain cells were continuously activated. The only good news was that the number of his brain cells was unexpectedly large.

And it is very difficult to light up the brain cells, even the emerald green energy can only be lit one by one like lighting a candle.

This gave Wayne time to think and a chance to fight back.

After all, this area is still in Wayne's brain, and still belongs to his home field.

He has been trying to wake up his brain for a while, so that his brain can resist the rough behavior of this life force.

Every time the harvest is small,

But the continuous accumulation over time can still add up to more,

During this long watching time,

Wayne has accumulated enough energy,
At this time, he only needs to find a suitable opportunity to successfully drive the energy of this brainless teammate out of his brain.

The emerald green energy is still lighting up one after another,

Like a diligent farmer, he is working hard on his field.

Yet plowing is physical work,

The energy that is as magical as emerald green cannot ignore the conservation of energy. Every time a brain cell is lit up, it will consume its own energy.

This energy has been slowly accumulating in the dark before, but during this long viewing trip, this energy is slowly thinning out.

Its color is no longer as strong as it was at the beginning, and under Wayne's desperate resistance and non-cooperation, its consumption is doubling every time it is lit.

When it lit up the last cell in this area, the green energy didn't directly roll up Wayne as before and set off for the next area.

Instead, they gathered in one place, forming a small group, quietly suspended in front of Wayne.

Strands of untraceable green energy strands are constantly gathering together.

Green energy is absorbing energy from the outside world to restore itself.

Whether it is the sunlight before, or the soul energy later,
can be its supplement.

this moment,
It was the opportunity Wayne had been waiting for,
Without warning,
Wayne, with a numb face, started.

Numerous fine lightning bolts gathered together from the previously lit stars,
These are tiny biological currents in the brain, and they are also a manifestation of Wayne's will.


This current is already quite large, and it looks about the same size as the green energy on the side.

"Get me out!"

Wayne let out a cry.

Although there is no such thing as speaking in my own brain,

He still forcibly added a wave of drama to himself in his heart,

Not for coercion,
But to better condense one's own will.

The size of the current surged suddenly, like a ball of lightning slamming into the life energy on the side.


It seems to be Wayne's illusion,

The moment the two energies collided, there was a sound, as if two planets had collided.


The whole brain seemed to be paused suddenly,
All the cells stopped blinking,

The biological currents that flowed between the cells also disappeared in an instant.



An invisible energy storm swept through Wayne's brain, and staged a real-life brainstorm.

 IG bull batch! ! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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