Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 179 The Mighty Wayne

Chapter 179 The Mighty Wayne

a tumble,
Wayne got up from the ground.

With a trace of surprise and a trace of disbelief, Wayne looked at the fat green on the other side.

Just under the impact,
Wayne just felt as if he had hit a mountain head-on.

The dense sound of bone shattering sounded at the moment the two collided,

Then the reaction force gave Wayne no chance to resist,
On the way back flying back, Wayne's shattered bones disintegrated again,
Fortunately, the life energy was strong, and when Wayne stood up, the bones of his shoulders were intact.

But even so,

Wayne's shock at the moment has not diminished in the slightest.

Although the previous Hulk had been irritated by him several times, and although his strength had increased a lot, there was still a big gap compared with himself.

But just now,
The fattened and enlarged version of the green fat not only showed strength comparable to his own, but also improved his speed to a certain extent.

This kind of improvement in the range and strength in the battle has turned the previous Joseph into a scum in seconds.

In a flash,

Wayne suddenly envied Hulk's ability.

If I can have Hulk's ability to be infinitely enhanced in battle,
Coupled with the life energy in your body to give your own immortal body,

At that time, who else in this world will be his opponent?
To see who is upset, it is a fat beating,
Even if you can't beat it at first, as long as you are strong enough, as long as your head is strong enough,

beating, beating,

On the other side, you will find with a look of astonishment,

The rookie player who was originally regarded as a gift by himself suddenly turned into a big boss.

This feeling,

This way of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger,
It was just too much in line with Wayne's mind.

"Why don't you find a chance to ask him where this ability came from?"

Wayne thought to himself.

the other side,
Hulk also recovered from the collision just now.

Forces are reciprocal,

In the collision just now, not only Wayne was seriously injured, but Hulk himself was also seriously injured.

More importantly,
He doesn't have Wayne's one-second recovery ability.

Although his recovery ability is strong enough, it will take some time for this degree of injury to heal slowly.


as a warrior,
As a being born with hard steel in the army,
Will Hulk act like an opponent because of a little injury?

of course,
will not.


Hulk growled and stood up,

Although the movement of the whole right half of the body is a bit inconvenient,

Even the right side is softly coaxing me to be by my side,
But the ferocious expression on his face did not change in the slightest.

That indomitable momentum still simply and directly shocked the minds of the crowd behind.


Standing in front of him is Wayne,
After appreciating the vastness and majesty of the universe, Wayne felt that he would no longer be affected by anyone's aura.

No matter how strong, fierce, and ruthless this person is,
Compared with the entire universe, it looks so pale, so powerless.

"Your hands are like this, or I'll be more magnanimous, and if you admit defeat, our game will be over, otherwise it won't be good to beat you up later."

Wayne yelled loudly at the opposite Hulk.

in fact,

Wayne also felt a little flustered inside,

He didn't know if it was Hulk's limit now,
If not,

A little bit stronger, Wayne can accept it,
Even if he becomes stronger and adds a little bit, Wayne can barely handle it.

in case,

If the Hulk gets stronger a little bit, add a little bit and add a little bit, Wayne feels that he should think about where it will be more convenient to run later.

This is not cowardly,
This is a tactical retreat,

Although I am not afraid of death, I will not die,
But I am afraid of pain!
What's more, I just had fun playing by myself and humiliated Hulk so badly. What if Hulk learns to play like this later.

Wayne can't bear this grievance!
has begun to twist,
If it is said that in the early stage of the battle, Wayne still led the way and had the advantage of a big tailwind.

The current situation has entered the mid-term, and Wayne's advantage is not as great as it was at the beginning, and even the two sides are almost on the same starting line.


If it is delayed to the later stage, Wayne estimates that he may, and perhaps still have the possibility of being turned over.

Hulk didn't move when he saw Wayne was about to speak.

Wayne's strength has already won his respect,

As a creature of low strength,
He could see that Wayne had no malice towards him. Although Wayne's nasty joke annoyed him very much, he could still tell the difference between this kind of joke and real malice.

Compared with the attitude of those troops before, Wayne's sarcasm was as warm as his mother's care.


Wayne has a strength similar to his,
With equal strength and a fairly friendly attitude, Wayne successfully obtained Hulk's friendship.

Very lucky to be regarded as his first friend by Hulk,
He also learned the word friend from Banner,

This word can make him feel warm from the bottom of his heart,

Now, everyone shouting and beating him seems to have his first friend.

So, although his arms and shoulders were still aching, Hulk's anger gradually calmed down.

After Wayne finished speaking,

The anger that had gradually subsided before rose again,
Although Hulk regards Wayne as a friend,

But this does not mean that Hulk can tolerate his friends underestimating him.

in contrast,

Hulk really wanted to prove his strength to his first friend.



Hulk swelled again.

"Don't provoke him! According to the analysis, in theory, Hulk can be infinitely enhanced!"


There was a reminder that Natasha was ten minutes late.

Wayne didn't even bother to turn around and scold her,

Silently raised a middle finger to Natasha in his heart.

You already knew that, why didn't you say it the first time I provoked him?

Time cannot come back,

Hulk, who was inflated again, rushed over with a thunderous momentum.


Sighing and shaking his head, Wayne couldn't help sighing:
"What the book says is quite correct, the strange wave is really easy to turn around."

As soon as the voice fell,
Wayne looked at Hulk again,

The eyes are no longer as playful and relaxed as before,

It's serious and chilling.

"However, my disk is not so easy to turn over!"

Wayne took the initiative,

The two figures intertwine again under the night sky,
This time the movement was much bigger than before,
Natasha has even sent several soldiers to evacuate the residents here,

Then he led the soldiers under him back slowly.

The fighting over there is getting fiercer,
The aftermath caused is no longer something they can bear.

A little careless,

Their lives may be lost in the aftermath of the battle.


Several people retreated 50 meters to the rear again,
Looking at the real version of the gods fighting in front of me from a distance,

The entire battlefield seems to have been bombed by the army's latest missiles in turn.
The ground that was originally flat is now full of potholes, and large holes with bottomless depths appear on the ground.

The battle still goes on,
Wayne's fighting style changed suddenly when he got serious, and he was no longer as casual as before.

At this time, Wayne really looked like a seasoned warrior, constantly attacking and defending, showing his superb fighting skills.

When the strength of both parties is the same, or even your own strength is slightly insufficient,

Wayne will not choose to be caught without a fight, or turn around and run.

his strength,

I have never relied on simply using force to suppress people,
He relies on perfect skills, great strength, swift speed and immortal body.

Every attack of Wayne can bring huge damage to Hulk,
Although sometimes he will be hit by the Hulk once or twice,

But Wayne, who has life energy, did not hesitate at all.
Constantly launched a fearless charge towards Hulk.


keep pouring,
red, green.

(End of this chapter)

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