Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 190 What is after 10?

Chapter 190 What is after 10?
After smashing the alien soldier's head, Wayne's castration continued and he landed directly on the roof of a tall building.

Looking around,

Alien soldiers have filled New York,
There are bloody and brutal killings everywhere,
There is wanton destruction everywhere,

A blue figure appeared in Wayne's sight,

Steve is fighting three alien soldiers with his shield,

Throwing out the shield in his hand, while knocking down an alien soldier, he flew up, kicked another alien soldier, knocked down two soldiers in an instant, and caught the shield that fell from the sky.

The whole set of operations is smooth and smooth, as if it has gone through countless drills.

As the ancestor of super soldiers, Steve still has enough strength to deal with these alien soldiers, but Wayne found that his breathing rate is not as stable as before.

the other side,
Thor soared into the sky with his Meow Hammer,

The blue electric current surrounds him,

Echoing with the thunder and lightning in the sky, the lightning lights all over the sky were like countless electric snakes, scattered and rushed towards the nearby alien soldiers, killing dozens of alien soldiers with just one blow.

The Avengers are resisting tenaciously,

Use your own strength to resist this sudden alien invasion.


After all, their numbers are too few,
Facing tens of thousands of alien soldiers,
No matter how powerful they are, they may defeat all soldiers in an instant.

Gunpowder smoke gradually spread out, covering the entire New York.

"It needs to be addressed at the root of the problem."

Wayne avoided a laser beam, picked up a piece of gravel from the ground, and threw it at the alien soldiers who attacked him over there.

Then, without looking at the soldier who was falling in the air,

Wayne turned his gaze to the energy column that soared into the sky,

The huge energy on the energy column is still flowing continuously, constantly providing the energy needed for the huge space portal in the sky.

No longer stay in place and sigh,

Wayne jumped in place,

Spanning a distance of more than ten meters in the air, he jumped directly from the roof of one tall building to another tall building.


just landed,
A loud bang sounded beside Wayne,

Looking sideways,
Hulk jumped from the other side, moving in the same way as Wayne.

"I'll stop that over there."

Wayne pointed to the blue beam of light in the distance, and said to Hulk: "You continue to kill these soldiers."

"Too weak!"

Hulk showed his big white teeth in disdain.

The huge arm waved, and precisely killed an alien warrior who wanted to fly past them.

It was like slapping the mosquitoes around him to death.

"Let's have a competition and see who kills more."

Wayne said,

Lift the body of the soldier shot to death by the Hulk, and throw it at another soldier as a cannonball.

In fact, these soldiers who look like monsters to ordinary people are really not much different from a mosquito in the eyes of Wayne and Hulk.

The only real headache about these alien soldiers is their numbers,
It is too huge, as if it is endless.

"Hahaha, Hulk, will win."

Hulk shook his big head and laughed.


Hulk rushed into another group of alien soldiers like a huge green shell,
It seemed that endless anger was surging in Hulk's chest,

One punch knocked one alien soldier apart, Hulk let out a roar, and continued to rush towards another alien soldier.


Wayne continued to move towards the blue energy column,

It's exactly the same as the Hulk's movement method, they all use huge force to forcibly move,
Although it can't keep up with the speed that Sol and Tony can fly directly, it is still much faster than those fleeing cars on the ground.




Every jump means the top floor of a building is destroyed,

It also means that Wayne is getting closer to his goal.

Those soldiers continued to flock to Wayne as if they were fearless of death,

Even if their attacks can't break through Wayne's defense,
Even if their deaths only cost Wayne a pause for a second,
But they still rushed over like locusts in batches.


Silently counting the number of soldiers he defeated,
Wayne suddenly found a very serious problem,
Wayne looked at the green figure that killed all directions, and a question suddenly appeared in his mind,
"Can he count?"

at this time,

The Hulk just hit an alien soldier,
Then a trace of confusion suddenly appeared on that fierce face.

Scratching my brain,
Hulk said to himself, "What's behind 10?"


Swat a fly again,
Hulk smiled ferociously.

"Hahahaha, I killed another one, the second one!"


The fierce eyes fixed on his "third" target.

Wayne jumped high,

Tore an alien soldier from the air, violently tore off the alien soldier's head, and looked at the organ that was flickering with electricity, and Wayne once again found a problem.

These soldiers don't seem like serious beings,

They didn't even bleed anything resembling blood when they were killed.


Their body structure looks more like a robot,

Not that kind of purely mechanical robot, but that kind of biological robot.

In this case,

Is it enough to cut off the connection between these soldiers and the alien headquarters?

While continuing to jump, Wayne pulled his phone out of his pocket.

Under his intentional protection, the mobile phone was still intact at this time.

Pressed Tony's phone,

Wayne couldn't help scolding Nick in his heart,
As the leader of a large international organization, he was reluctant to distribute the equipment even if he got it.

Tony, Sol and the Avengers members all have miniature walkie-talkies, even if they are not in the same area, they can communicate directly with each other.

But Wayne, as a foreign aid,
When you want to communicate with teammates and exchange information with each other,
You still have to call yourself!
When the previous few laser shots were fired in the direction of Wayne's pocket,

Wayne even used his own body to block the attack on the phone, after all, it was the only thing he used to communicate with his teammates.


The phone was connected, and Tony's voice came over.

"Tony, they don't seem to be real aliens, but a kind of biological robot."

Wayne went straight to the point.


Tony hit a soldier with a missile at random, and said, "Looks like it is."

"So can we cut off the connection between them?"


Wayne jumped again,
Finally arrived directly below the blue beam of light.

"let me try."

After Tony finished speaking,
Just hung up the phone.

Unlike Wayne,
Alien weapons can still cause some disturbance and damage to Tony.

Carefully put your phone in your pocket,

Wayne looked at the building in front of him,
Compared with the magnificent Stark Building around it, this building looks a bit old.

This kind of building is inconspicuous in New York,
Everyone's eyes are focused on the Stark Tower, and all other surrounding buildings are like a foil.

The laser-emitting device is on the first floor,
Wayne didn't go far when he saw the machine,

It’s still a structure that Wayne can’t understand,
Beside the machine was an old man with graying hair.

"Hey, how do you turn this off?"

Wayne walked over and asked the old man.

"Earth will be ruled."

The old man turned around,
A pair of blue eyes stared at Wayne, with a delirious expression, like the most fanatical believer.

(End of this chapter)

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