Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 192 True Power?

Chapter 192 True Power?

Loki was taken aback,
Then subconsciously took a few steps back, keeping a safe distance from Wayne.


Wayne's reaction was obviously different from what he expected.

"Why aren't you affected?"

Loki was a little surprised,

But this surprise was quickly replaced by anger.

"I was born to be a king, and you all should be my slaves."

Loki is roaring,

His face was already flushed red, and even the veins on his neck were faintly showing.

The elegant and noble image erected before,

It collapsed instantly.

"You want to be king so much, why put this thing in Stark Tower?"

Wayne pointed to the instrument beside him,

He smiled contemptuously at Loki.

It is clear,
Rocky's choice of this low-key broken building instead of the magnificent building beside it already means that,

He was afraid.

This kind of conceited and conceited patient with terminal cancer actually gave up on becoming the rising star that everyone was looking at, and chose an inconspicuous building willingly,

It is enough to prove his inner anxiety, fear,

This anxiety and fear stimulated the poor pride in his heart all the time.

This kind of player who values ​​face more than life,

To defeat him head-on,
The mind that wanted to spray him missed,

It is obvious that one can only start with his most unofficial facts.

"So you have actually started to fear us. For this reason, you would rather give up the opportunity to show off and nest in this dilapidated garbage dump like a shady mouse."

Wayne glanced inside the building,
Compared with Stark Tower, it is indeed a larger garbage dump.

"Oh, am I scared?"

Loki smiled self-deprecatingly,
The mood eased a little,

Like the calm before the storm,
The whole person returned to the previous demeanor once again,
But the temperament of the whole person can never return to the original,

It's like a god who was once high above, after falling into the mortal world once, even if he returns to the realm of the gods, can he really change back to his original self?
Look at Sol now and Sol before,
It can be seen that
God is also human,

They also have the same emotions as humans,

They are also influenced by the outside world,
It's just that these influences make Saul more mature,

For Loki at this time,

The influence made him almost a madman.

A lunatic who would even destroy the world in order to prove himself and for the obsession in his heart.


Wayne was taken aback,
Looking at Loki who was considering his words in front of him,

Wayne's thoughts drifted instantly,
Although Thor and Loki were regarded as gods by the former people,
But in fact,

They are just aliens, they also have emotions, love and hate.


Wayne suddenly thought of the state when his brain cells were just activated,
At that time, I was not like the Loki in front of me,
At that time, I seemed to be closely connected with the whole universe,
That vast cosmic will almost wiped out his human side directly,

Could it be that

Is there really a god in this world?

If I had allowed my brain to continue to develop,
Will he really become a true god who has no emotions but only reason?

If it is possible to become a true god,
So does anyone else have a chance,

Has someone already become that being?
A thought that popped up suddenly caused more doubts for Wayne,
as well as,


"if not you!"

A loud shout pulled Wayne back,

Loki hit the ground hard with the scepter in his hand.

"If you hadn't clicked randomly, my plan would have succeeded long ago. The so-called avengers, the so-called last line of defense of mankind, have already been destroyed by me."

"You people don't understand what wisdom is, and you don't understand what real power is!"

Loki went mad again,

Wayne's words were like a sharp arrow that shot into the most vulnerable part of his heart.

He can bear failure,
even be able to endure the threats of others,

He couldn't stand someone pointing to his nose and saying to himself,

you are afraid

You are afraid of the person who grew up with you.

means not as good as,

Loki doesn't think he is inferior to Thor, and he even thinks that if it weren't for Odin's preference for Thor, he would have become the king of Asgard long ago.

From small to large,

Loki thinks he is better than Thor in every aspect,


Just because of that damned old guy's preference,

Just because he is just the orphan of a frost giant,

own everything,
All the efforts from childhood to adulthood,

all expectations,

and the only goal,
All turned into bubbles.

Loki is actually a poor man,
But there must be something to hate in the poor man,

Poor guy doesn't mean he has the power to destroy other people's worlds.

"Then I'll show you what real power is."


Wayne disappeared instantly.

Verbal stimuli are in place,
Loki has been so stimulated by his words that he lost his mind,

He still had to rely on fists to solve the problem, he had already wasted too much time.

Right now, he just wanted to quickly defeat Loki, and then dismantle that damned instrument.


Wayne's fist went through Loki's body,
It hit the pillar directly behind Loki,

The pillar began to split violently from the middle,

"What are you playing?"

the other side,
Loki's figure suddenly appeared from the air.

"Are you playing hide and seek with me?"


There was another crackling sound,

Wayne's voice has not yet fallen, and the whole person has appeared behind Rocky once again.

punch down,
Failed again.

In an open space ten meters away,
Loki's figure appeared somewhat embarrassed,

From the cold sweat on his forehead, it can be seen that he was reluctant to dodge the blow just now.

just showed up,

Loki didn't even have time to sneer,
Wayne's figure appeared behind him again, and he punched out.


Loki flew out violently,

It stopped after smashing three stone pillars in succession.

But it's not over yet,
Wayne's figure came like a shadow,

Holding a newly broken stone pillar from the ground with both hands,


Like nails, they hit Loki's head one by one.

The Frost Giant's physical fitness is really fast,

At least,

Their heads are iron,
Under Wayne's beating,
Loki didn't have any chance to resist at all,
A mage who is approached by a warrior, there is only one way waiting for him,

That is to be slowly hammered into the ground as human nails.











last word

rising tone,

With a hint of rhetorical meaning.

However, at this time, Loki no longer had the energy to answer,
The ram horn helmet on his head had been blown away by Wayne earlier,
At this time Loki,

There is a trace of blood on the corner of the mouth,
Staring blankly at the ceiling,
The corner of the mouth issued a burst of indistinct,


(End of this chapter)

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