Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 195 Fighting Together

Chapter 195 Fighting Together
The alien monster shaped like a magnified whale roared, twisting his bloated body and rushing towards Wayne.

the other side,
Wayne also rushed towards the whale monster,
Apart from the previous war cry, the running Wayne didn't continue to yell foolishly,

Through a gravel pit,



Wayne opened his eyes and approached the huge whale monster,
The closer we got, the better Wayne could see,


Even the sticky black stains on the whale monster can be seen clearly,

This whale monster is obviously not a creature in the traditional sense, but like an alien soldier, it is more like a biological robot.

In addition to his ferocious big mouth and solid body, there are neat and densely packed small holes on both sides of the body of this whale.

These small holes are not big, just enough to accommodate an alien soldier to enter and exit,
at this time,

While the whale monster keeps advancing,

An alien soldier is constantly jumping out of the small holes on the whale monster's body,

This whale monster, in addition to serving as an open tank, also has the function of a transport ship.

"call out."

Just when Wayne and the whale monster approached each other,

Several missiles flew over from the other side and shot directly at the whale monster.

"Bang, bang, bang."

The bursting sparks did not harm the whale monster, but the shock wave generated by the explosion caused the whale monster's movement direction to shift slightly.

A red figure flew over from a distance,
Feet spewing dazzling flames,

The armor that was originally shiny and reflecting luster was already covered with dust, and there were still several deep ravines on it.

Tony flung a small black thing at Wayne as he passed by.

reach out and catch,

Wayne looked down,
That little black thing is Tony's own tiny earphones.

Hold the earphones close to your ears,

A suction force came from the earphone automatically, and it was firmly fixed on Wayne's auricle.


Tony's voice came from the earphones,

On this noisy battlefield, Tony's voice was still very clear, without a trace of noise.

It is clear,
The earpiece and microphone of this headset have been added noise reduction function by Tony.

Even the professional black fan Wayne has to admit that the things Tony designed are far ahead of other people on the planet in terms of quality and function.

Listening to the sound coming from the earphones,

Wayne couldn't help thinking,

If so, how good is that launcher made by Tony.

At the very least, it won't crash at such a critical moment, and won't let someone restart it!

"You big guy came for you, what did you do?"

Tony continued.


Constantly flying around the whale monster,
Attacked the whale monster from all directions, preventing him from approaching Wayne.

"Maybe it's because I look more handsome."

Wayne looked up, just in time to see Tony being swept away by a whale monster's tail.

"Tony, let's complete the strength test that we haven't done before!"

take a deep breath,

Looking at the whale monster that was still persistently rushing towards him,
Wayne stared,

The ground under your feet collapsed in an instant,
Wayne came directly above the whale monster as if teleporting,

Stretching out fists while descending,

"Get down!"



The huge whale monster let out a scream after being beaten by Wayne,
Wayne's body is about the size of one eye of the whale monster,
But it was this very small figure that knocked the whale monster down from the sky with his own power.


Tony, who just got up from the stone slab, stared at the scene in front of him dumbfounded.

After Wayne knocked the whale monster down from the sky, he jumped directly on the whale monster's head,


Fists fell like raindrops,
Each stroke is accompanied by a twitch of the whale monster,
lean less,
In Wayne's violent mode, the entire head of the whale monster has been beaten out of shape.

"How much strength did I have just now?"

took a breath,

Wayne knelt on one knee on the corpse of the whale monster and asked.


Tony drove the armor directly away from Wayne,
prior to,

Seeing the whale monster flying straight towards Wayne,

Tony quickly gave up on the opponent beside him, and hurried over to help.

It never occurred to me that,

Wayne rushed straight up and dismantled the seemingly invincible monster.

Like a kid tearing down a toy race car,

It seems to have done a simple thing.

Recalling the embarrassment I had just jumped up and down like a monkey but was still swept away by the tail of the whale monster,
Tony felt a little uncomfortable suddenly.

"Looks like the armor needs to be upgraded again!"

After a random missile solved an alien soldier who wanted to approach him, Tony thought silently.

in fact,

Tony hasn't gone out to have a good time for a long time,
Before, he had been troubled by his own physical reasons, and after solving his own safety problems, he was busy working with SHIELD and looking for the missing Wayne all day.

And now,
Wayne has returned, and the affairs of SHIELD have temporarily come to an end.

I thought I could go out and relax after solving this trouble,
As a result, Tony was once again stimulated by Wayne, and Tony with strong self-esteem couldn't accept the fact that Wayne left him too far away.

Therefore, the war is not over yet, but Tony is already planning his next retreat.

After letting his mind fly for a while, Tony quickly came back to his senses, Iron Man flew up again,
As the only Avenger who can fight in the air for a long time, Tony alone needs to fight against the alien soldiers over the entire New York.

He's under a lot of pressure,

When he was so big that he just saw those huge monsters in the sky, he was even a little disheartened.


Thinking of Wayne's perverted performance just now, Tony breathed a sigh of relief.


Just came to the other side,
Tony suddenly heard a loud scream again,

Looking back,
Hulk was pulling the head of the whale monster with both hands, hugged the whole whale monster, and then fell heavily to the ground.


Tony was silent,


He had been stimulated once before, so this time there was not much fluctuation in his heart.


Those worries and anxieties disappeared with being stimulated again.

Although a little reconciled,

But at this time Tony was still grateful from the bottom of his heart,

Fortunately, I have a group of powerful teammates.

this battle,

I am not fighting alone,
But fighting side by side with a group of very good teammates,

No matter how tough and powerful the opponent is,

But fight to the end,
The party that wins in the end will definitely be them!
(End of this chapter)

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