Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 21 Goodbye Francis

Chapter 21 Goodbye Francis
"Long time no see, Wayne."

Seeing Wayne looking towards him, Francis, standing in the middle, waved at Wayne.

"We've been waiting for you for a long time since you escaped."

Francis went on to say that since Wayne jumped off the plane that day, Francis immediately changed the direction of the plane and rushed to New York at the fastest speed.

Originally, he planned to control the little fat man immediately, waiting for Wayne to throw himself into the trap.

But Francis received an order from the organization on his way back to New York, asking him to rush to another base immediately to explain the specifics of the research base's exposure and to bear due punishment.

This also caused him not to rush to the orphanage at the first time, so he could only contact the orphanage by phone in advance and ask them to restrict the little fat man's movements. Unexpectedly, it was because of the leak of the phone that Abbas Let go of the little fat man.

"I thought you wouldn't come back after that little fat man ran away, but I didn't expect that a staff member would be able to lure you here. Should I say you are a hero, or are you stupid."

Seeing that Wayne ignored him, Francis continued to speak to himself.

Although I don't know what method Wayne used to make all the monitors useless, so that he didn't discover Wayne's invasion in time at the beginning, and he didn't take corresponding precautions, but fortunately, it was still in Wayne. Spotted their tracks before fleeing.

Looking at the three people who suddenly appeared, Wayne began to think about the way to escape in his mind. Although he could kill more than a dozen ordinary soldiers with his bare hands, he was not sure about dealing with mutants, especially with Fatty and Abba. In the case of two people.

While Francis thought he had taken control of the situation and was talking, Wayne suddenly turned around, grabbed the little fat man and Abbas one by one, threw them out of the wall, and shouted at the little fat man road:
"You go first, Stephen."

"You know villains die of talking too much, Francis."

After finishing speaking, Wayne didn't climb over the wall, but ran quickly in the other direction.

He believed that Francis' main target was himself, and after his body was strengthened, not to mention whether he could escape successfully, at least he could provide enough time for the little fat man and the others to escape.

He looked at Fatty and Abbas who were thrown over the wall, and Wayne who ran towards the playground again.

Sure enough, the three of Francis started chasing Wayne without hesitation.

The only thing they cared about was Wayne. An ordinary orphan and a betrayed employee didn't deserve their concern.

Wayne continued to accelerate along the way. Having grown up in an orphanage, Wayne knew the route of the orphanage like the back of his hand. He kept walking through various trails, and soon left the three of Francis far behind.

And Francis, who couldn't find Wayne, could only call more soldiers and start to block the entire orphanage. When he came, Francis had already dispatched enough people from the organization to block the entire orphanage.

So Francis is not in a hurry, as long as Wayne is still hiding in the orphanage, he can always be found.

At this time, Wayne had already sneaked into a classroom. Wayne, who had been running around in the orphanage just now, also noticed a significant increase in the number of soldiers. As long as he wanted to run out, he would definitely be found. So for the time being, I can only run to the teaching building to hide.

Wayne, who was halfway there, stopped suddenly, slowly slowed down his breathing, and hid his figure in a dark corner. With his extraordinary hearing, Wayne had already heard a group of soldiers entering the classroom Loud sound.

After the soldiers entered the teaching building, they began to search floor by floor. One soldier was assigned to search the second floor of the teaching building. As an excellent retired soldier, he had performed many missions and was secretly searching for possible Enemies in hiding are no strangers to him.

Holding the gun firmly in both hands, arching his body slightly, he puts it down gently with every step, without making a sound, like a cat hiding in the dark, chasing the prey hiding in the corner, watching In the darker space ahead, the soldier turned on the flashlight he carried with him.

"Deng" turned on the flashlight for a moment, the soldier only saw an afterimage rushing towards him, and then lost consciousness.

This figure was Wayne hiding in the dark. Wayne had already discovered the direction of the soldier, and after the soldier came within his attack range, he launched an attack without hesitation. After the movement, Wayne directly attacked the soldier's neck.

The other hand held the soldier's body to prevent the soldier's body from falling to the ground and making a sound.

Ten minutes later, all the soldiers who hadn't gained anything gathered downstairs in the teaching building. The captain said with a walkie-talkie: "The teaching building didn't find the target."

Then, under the leadership of the captain, the group of soldiers walked to the next search location.

"David, go search the first floor first."

Soon, in front of another building, the captain stopped and shouted to the team.

However, after 10 seconds passed, there were still no soldiers in the line.

Seeing that no one answered, the captain walked up to a soldier who was looking left and right angrily,
"David! Didn't you hear me talking to you? What are you looking at? Answer me!"

At this time, the soldier suddenly reacted and took off the helmet on his head, revealing a young face.

"Do you have to be the first to call my name!"

The soldier, that is, Wayne, was a little depressed at this moment.

After killing the soldier just now, Wayne changed into a soldier's clothes on a whim, thinking that he could use his identity as a soldier to fish in troubled waters later.

After all, this is how spy movies are played. Just when Wayne imagined that he was possessed by 007 and was about to do a big fight, he heard the captain at the front give orders to a hapless guy named David.

But after a while, no one came out. Wayne, who was hiding in the team at this time, was also a little curious.

Among this group of well-trained soldiers, there was actually such a personality. He couldn't help but look around, and then Wayne found that the captain was coming towards him.

In an instant, Wayne knew that his journey as an agent was over before it even started. He never thought that his luck was so good, as if as long as he returned to the orphanage, the toilet god would be with him.

After finally playing the dress-up play once, the first one was clicked out.

Now that he had been spotted, Wayne simply took off his helmet.

While the captain was still in a daze, Wayne took the lead, grabbed the captain, used the captain as a humanoid weapon, swung it up and threw it at the soldiers beside him.

After knocking down the two soldiers on the left, the other soldiers finally reacted and all raised their guns.

"Boom, boom, boom"

In the orphanage, which had been quiet for a while, there was another burst of gunfire.

Not daring to entangle with the names of the soldiers too much, after Wayne knocked down a few soldiers, he looked around to confirm his position, and then found a direction closest to the wall and started to escape.

After such a long delay, I believe that the little fat man is out of danger.

Anyway, it has been discovered, so we can only use the fastest speed to break through.

(End of this chapter)

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