Chapter 28
After twisting Gina's neck, Wayne didn't do anything else, but stood still and closed his eyes. Wayne couldn't help recalling the experience of being tortured in the laboratory.

That painful experience was like a watershed in his life, and he who escaped from there was no longer the ordinary boy who grew up in the orphanage.

In less than two months, not only the physical changes, but also Wayne's mentality and worldview. The boy who never killed a fish can now kill a person without expression s life.

But Wayne didn't regret it, because he knew that the people he killed were not harmless white lotuses, and the blood on the hands of every person he killed would be no less than his.

On this chaotic battlefield, Wayne seemed to have sunk into another space. He was the only one in this peaceful space, and his thoughts slowly diverged.

Wayne suddenly remembered that there were two sentences in the book about the ancient eastern philosophy that he read yesterday, one is to repay evil with virtue, and the other is to do what you want and what you want, and do to others first.

When faced with Gina's torment before, Wayne wanted to die countless times, but his strong recovery ability made him unable to commit suicide. Now he even gave what he always wanted to the torturer People, isn't this repaying hatred with virtue?

As expected, he is still very good. With his eyes closed, Wayne suddenly became a little intoxicated with his good character.


A gunshot interrupted the temporary peace on Wayne's side. Earlier, because Wayne and Gina had been fighting hand-to-hand, in order to avoid accidental injury, the soldiers had not fired in this direction.

Now a soldier saw that Gina was dead, and their target was standing there with his eyes closed, so he shot Wayne without hesitation.

Looking at the bullets that were squeezed out of his chest and fell to the ground, Wayne's face turned dark, and he finally got a wave of self-indulgence. He didn't know which bastard who didn't have eyes shot him. Don't they know that they are not afraid of bullets?

Wayne raised his head and looked to the left, and saw that the soldier was holding a gun and was about to run away. However, Wayne, whose good mood was ruined, would not just let him escape like this, and chased him in this direction.

As a young man with good moral character, Wayne intends to continue to uphold the good character of repaying grievances with virtue. Since he can only continue to live in this terrible world because of his self-healing factor, he has no choice but to do good deeds and send these people away. to meet their god.

On the other side, Francis was about to rescue Gina, but the moment Francis, who was entangled by Wade, saw Gina's death, he immediately backed away and got out of the range of Wade's attack.

Although the other party killed his most capable assistant, the most important thing is always his own life.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Francis directly abandoned the remaining soldiers who were still struggling under Tony's fierce offensive, and ran towards the armored vehicle they came in without looking back.

And after Wade dealt with several soldiers who escaped to cover Francis, Francis had already driven the car towards the city.

"Wayne, I'm going to chase Francis first, he ran towards the city."

In a hurry, Wade could only yell in Wayne's direction, and then chased in the direction Francis left.

Ten minutes later, with the joint efforts of Wayne and Tony, the remaining soldiers were finally killed, and the three little fat guys who were trapped in the basement were successfully rescued.

It took a few more minutes for everyone to finally find Abbas in the already battered villa.

Abbas was found in the kitchen. When Wayne and the others found him, they saw Abbas covered in blood lying in a pool of blood, not breathing.

And not far from him, there was a soldier with a kitchen knife stuck in his body.

Looking at the little fat man squatting next to Abbas's body, Wayne just wanted to say something to comfort him, but he didn't know how to speak. After thinking for a long time, he finally said:
"He was very brave and fought to the last moment to protect everyone."

Abbas did protect everyone again. In the battle just now, they didn't find out when the soldier touched the villa.

If Abbas hadn't stood up bravely at that time, maybe Tony would have been attacked before he put on his armor, or maybe the three of the fat guys would have been hurt before they hid in the basement.

Tony next to him saw Wayne's embarrassment, and quickly whispered to Pepper next to him:

"Let's go after Francis, please comfort Stephen."

Seeing that Pepper nodded, he pulled Wayne on the other side out of the villa,
"Let Pepper and the others persuade us, our battle is not over yet."

It was Wayne who realized that he seemed to have heard Wade yelling just now, but Wayne was busy avenging his grievances at that time, so he didn't listen carefully.

Looking at the expression on Wayne's face, Tony's originally heavy face became a little helpless:
"Francis ran in the direction of the city, and Wade chased him ahead of time."

"Okay, then let's go quickly, I'm going to repay my grievance with virtue again."

Wayne made a takeoff motion to Tony, motioning for Tony to take him off.

Ignoring Wayne's strange words, in order to ensure the speed, Tony took Wayne's arm with one hand, opened the thruster under his feet, and flew towards the sky.

This flying method of holding one hand can only be used by people with abnormal bodies like Wayne. If it is an ordinary person's arm, it will not be able to withstand the huge pulling force during flight.

"Will you fall again this time?"

Seeing that the underground building was getting smaller and smaller, Wayne asked with some concern, but before he could finish speaking, Tony's sudden acceleration made Wayne lose the opportunity to continue talking.

"Find out the location of the target we're tracking, Jarvis." Tony said as he flew towards the city.

"Okay, Mr. Stark. The target is moving to Stark Industries."

"Oh?" Tony was a little surprised, and then his mind began to work rapidly.

After the armor was manufactured, Tony had wiped out many militants with weapons produced by Stark Industries in the Middle East during this period, but he himself did not know when these transactions were completed.

This proved that someone in the company was operating in the dark behind his back. What made him even more uncomfortable was that in the battle just now, he discovered the weapons used by the enemy, and many of them were also designed by him in the early days.

Originally, he just wanted to help Wayne get revenge, but now it seems that some people in his company may have some secret deals with that organization that he doesn't know about.

Thinking of this, Tony no longer cared about Wayne's riding experience, and directly increased the power to the maximum. Now he can't wait to see who the ghost in his company is.

 By the way, do any of you want to be a supporting role in a novel?

  You can think of your name and ability and tell me

  The original name of this novel is The Money Squad, so I will form a squad!

  You guys will probably start appearing in chapter 40 or so.

(End of this chapter)

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