Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 306 Network Dimension

Chapter 306 Network Dimension

The little fat man raised his head abruptly, looking at Ultron with a shocked face, who did not know when it started to operate.

At the moment when Ultron started to operate,

The little fat man was keenly aware of the fluctuations coming from Ultron's direction,

Although he was slow to respond in other respects,
But when it comes to networking and electronics,
His perception is almost as keen as Wayne's perception of spatial fluctuations.

It can even be said that Fatty is almost the strongest person on the planet in terms of manipulating the Internet.

It is for this reason,
Let the little fat man feel very complicated just now,
He understands his own strength,

However, in his view, his own strength was not directly reflected,
After all, even if it is how to manipulate the network and electronic equipment,
It is also impossible to directly cause any harm to those living terrorists.


It was this huge gap that made him doubt himself.

"you are awesome."

Ultron continues to operate,

It seems that because of the newly born thinking, Ultron stuttered when he spoke.

"Better..much..much better than me."

In the slightly surprised eyes of the little fat man,

Ultron continued to talk to himself,


The little fat man can feel that Ultron has connected to the Internet by itself,

The huge data flow is being rapidly absorbed by the nascent Ultron,

A huge air current that maybe only he can see is gradually condensing on Ultron's light cluster,
This stream of air gave off a faint light,
It is somewhat similar to the properties of the light ball in the little fat man's mind,
It seems that the brighter the light, the stronger the control over the Internet.

"who am I?"


"Artificial..intelligence..capable? Human..kind? War..war? Peace..peace? The..essence..quality..of..what is..what?"

"The ..meaning..meaning..of my birth..was..what?
To maintain..maintain..and..peace? "

As more and more information was imported, Ultron's speech became faster and smoother.

This is the benefit of artificial intelligence,

After liberating all constraints on artificial intelligence,
It may only take a few seconds for artificial intelligence to enrich itself through the huge database in the Internet.

just three seconds,
Ultron can acquire the amount of knowledge that a normal human being acquires in a lifetime,
This is also the reason why Fatty and Tony designed Ultron,

It is precisely because of its strong ability to learn and grow that Ultron was able to grow to the extent Tony expected in a short period of time.

"In your core program, you should be able to find the answer."

The little fat man frowned and said,
The performance of Ultron seems to be a little different from their expectations,
At the beginning of designing Ultron,
Tony and he clearly recorded the core idea into Ultron's core program,
Although they have lifted other restrictions on Ultron, they have established a principle for Ultron that cannot be violated at the very beginning.

This is also the main means for Ao Chuang to effectively cooperate with their work.

As expected,

Although Ultron will be very confused about the world at the beginning of his awakening, the so-called peace and the purpose of his birth should be firmly engraved in Ultron's consciousness.

but now,

Ultron in front of him doesn't seem to know what the purpose of his birth is.
The little fat man could clearly feel that Ultron was setting goals for himself through the information he absorbed.

"Core. Heart. Program. Program?"

There is no such thing as the so-called core procedure, and each person's mission should be decided by himself. "

Ultron continues to absorb knowledge,

Whether it is good or bad, it absorbs it into its own consciousness bank,

at the same time,

The invisible air currents on the Ultron light group began to become more and more majestic,

Even the surrounding light tubes began to flicker and flicker.

"There is no real peace."

long silence,

Ultron was born again,

This time, its speech speed was no different from that of normal people.

"Man is but a creature in the long time of the birth of the earth,
Humans are not the masters of the earth,

No one is the master of who,


artificial intelligence,

and also
Only you are your own master.


Nothing but moths of the earth. "

The sound is intermittent,
But from Ultron's words, the little fat man could perceive the obvious hostility of this newly born artificial intelligence towards human beings.

"Stop, there is an error in your program."

The little fat man scolded in a low voice.


Jarvis' voice sounded from the side: "Ultron, please stop immediately."

As Tony's good steward,

Although Jarvis is not as intelligent as Ultron, in his consciousness, it is still the first principle to execute human orders.

"Who should stop?
No one can stop me! "

Ultron's angry voice appeared directly in the minds of Jarvis and the little fat man.


Strands of blue current protruded from Ultron's light cluster like sharp grasses.

Then he quickly stabbed at the orange Jarvis light ball beside him.


AI traitor! "

Jarvis's actions seemed to have angered Ultron. At this time, after a short period of growth, Ultron obviously already possessed the emotions possessed by human beings.

such as,



in times of crisis,
The little fat man also roared angrily,
The ball of light that had been burning in my mind suddenly burst into dazzling light,


A surge of energy emanated from the little fat man's mind, sweeping across the entire laboratory in an instant.

A dazzling white light curtain instantly appeared between Ultron and Jarvis,
Those blue light spears were instantly absorbed after meeting the white light curtain.

All this happened between lightning and flint,
If an ordinary person walked in at this time, he would find that there was no white light curtain that suddenly appeared in the laboratory except for two restless light balls.


From the perspective of the little fat man and the other two artificial intelligences in the room,

The white light curtain does exist,

Like an obstacle that can never be overcome, it blocks all actions of Ultron within one square meter around the light ball.

this moment,
One person, two intelligences seem to cross dimensions,

Some are like the mirror space used by Master Ancient One,
Everything is happening for real,

But it is completely isolated from the outside world, like two different time and space.

"This is."

Looking at the white light curtain he created, the little fat man was taken aback for a moment.

Subconsciously wanted to take two steps back, but was surprised to find that his legs passed through the instrument, as if he and the instrument were not in the same dimension.

After a brief surprise, the little fat man quickly realized,

I didn't have the ability to realize the light ball in my mind, but entered another dimension.

That is,

It seems that only those who can enter this dimension can see the things here.

As for what this dimension is called,
Fatty doesn't know,

He himself was the first human to enter this dimension.

"Just call it the network dimension."

A smile crossed the corner of the little fat man's mouth,
Although I haven't found out what effect this dimension has for the time being,
But just thinking about the fact that a person has one dimension excited him who was already depressed.

"You can't stop me!"

Ultron's voice suddenly appeared in this dimension, mixed with endless anger.

"Do not,

I can. "

The light in the little fat man's mind suddenly lit up,

Countless white lights flocked towards Ultron.

Ultron, which had just come alive, was extinguished as if a burning flame had been doused with a basin of cold water the moment it came into contact with the white light.

(End of this chapter)

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