Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 313 The Cunning Trader

Chapter 313 The Cunning Trader

"Hey, what does this taste like!"

Wayne and Tony had just stood still at the door of the factory building, when Tony stretched out his hand and pinched his nose.

At this moment, the rusty door in front was suddenly pushed open, and a strong black man with a big gold chain around his neck walked out swaggeringly under the support of his subordinates.

"Hahaha, Mr. Stark!"

The black man opened his hands enthusiastically, and gave Tony a bear hug directly.

"Hey, You"

Smelling the strong body odor of black people,
Tony took two steps back subconsciously, but when he was about to speak, the strong black man had already hugged him tightly.


Wayne silently covered the corner of his mouth that was about to twitch as he laughed.

The black man didn't seem to notice the strangeness on Tony's face at all, he still held Tony in his arms, and said happily:

"Welcome, Mr. Stark, you are my idol. If it weren't for your inspiration, I might not have entered the glorious path of buying and selling arms."


Tony didn't speak, he was afraid that if he opened his mouth, he would spit out the food he ate in the morning.

At this moment, he felt as if he had fallen into a cesspit that hadn't been cleaned for a long time.

The strong smell of sweat mixed with other strange smells irritated his nasal cavity crazily.

Just when Tony was about to explode,
Wayne, who was standing behind him, finally extended a helping hand and broke the black man's arm off Tony's body.


Black people seem to want to continue to have more contact with their idols by relying on their well-developed muscles,

However, with Wayne's slight force, the black man suddenly felt a sharp pain in his arm, and the pain that his bones were about to split made the black man give up resistance instantly.


As soon as the black person gave up,

Tony immediately took a few steps back, and it wasn't until he got behind Wayne that Tony gasped for air.

at this time,

Tony felt that the foul air around him seemed to be scented.


The black man hugged his arm, and his bones were still aching.

behind him,

His subordinates immediately raised the guns in their hands after seeing the abnormality on his boss's face.

Although Tony was nothing more than a mobile cash cow in their eyes,
But this does not mean that they will be afraid of the bodyguards behind Tony.

at least,

On this land,

They are well-deserved local snakes, the largest arms dealers within a hundred miles.

Facing a dozen black muzzles,
Wayne stood there calmly, even with a standard smile on his face, as if standing in front of him were a dozen children holding water guns.

"That's a nice smile."

at this time,

Relieved, Tony took a few steps and came to the front of Wayne. When he passed by Wayne, he looked at the logo on Wayne's face and smiled and couldn't help but praise him.

"Learned from Coulson."

Wayne replied with a small smile.

"What are you doing?"

Tony wasn't talking to Wayne,
Instead, he shouted loudly at the arms dealer in front of him.

Although Tony did not wear the armor at this time,
But Tony, who has dealt with the military since he was a child, is not something that can be frightened by a dozen militants.

"Your security is really strong."

half an hour,

The black man finally stood up with an embarrassed smile on his face.


The black waved his hand to signal his subordinates to put down their guns, and then came to Tony.

This time,
The black man didn't continue to move his hands and feet, but cupped his hands at Tony half a meter away.

"This way please, Mister Stark."

follow the black person,

Wayne and Tony entered the factory building that looked very dilapidated.

Although the outside of the factory building looks dilapidated, as if it might collapse at any time,


Inside the factory building, there is a hole in the sky,

The area is very large,

Except for a wide driveway in the middle, both sides of the factory building are densely packed with metal and steel frames.
The steel frame divides the entire workshop into three floors.
The first floor is full of large boxes that are one person tall. After Wayne activated his perspective ability, he immediately discovered that all kinds of weapons were neatly placed inside.

On the second floor are some chairs and benches, which are similar to the open offices in commercial buildings.
It's just that the people sitting inside don't look like good people at first glance, and the environment on the entire second floor is also dirty and messy.

led by blacks,
Wayne and Tony came to the third floor,

Compared with the first two floors, this floor is obviously much cleaner and tidy, and you can even see one or two pots of green plants for decoration in the corner.

After leading the two into a board room separated by metal, the black man sat down on a boss chair, then pointed to the sofa opposite him, and said:

"Please sit down, Mr. Stark. Our conditions here are a bit crude, please forgive me."


Tony sat down on the sofa.

Wayne stood beside Tony silently while observing the surrounding environment.

"Come, have a taste of the wine I specially prepared for you."

The black man took out a bottle of vodka from the cabinet behind him, took out a few glasses,
After pouring half a glass of wine into one of the glasses, he handed it to Tony graciously.

Tony took the drink and put it aside casually, and said straight to the point: "I heard you have Zhenjin here?"

"of course."

The black man smiled,
The flesh on his face squeezed his eyes to only a small slit.


The black man waved away the subordinates standing at the door, seemingly not worried that Tony would hurt him.

"Zhenjin is a good thing. I spent a lot of money to get this thing a few days ago. Although the quantity is not much, it is a sought-after item in the black market. Do you want Zhenjin?"

The black man poured himself a glass of wine and said after taking a sip.

Before Tony made an appointment with a black man,

Tony once said on the black market that he needed vibrating gold, so the black man asked knowingly at this time.

As for why Tony would do this,

On the one hand, it is to make Ultron pay attention and confuse the public.

On the other hand, it is hoped that more people with Zhenjin will contact him so that he can confirm Ultron's target.

"Bring out the goods. No matter how many things you have, I want them all. As for the price, you can open whatever you want."

Tony leaned on the sofa and crossed his legs and said.

The naked appearance of a big dog is in stark contrast to the black man opposite.

something like money,
In Tony's eyes, it's just a series of meaningless numbers, far less meaningful than dealing with Ultron or getting a piece of vibration gold.

"no no no"

The black man waved his hand, showing a mouthful of yellow teeth.

"I don't need money, Mr. Stark, I just need the weapons produced by your company.


Let's not rush to talk about this now.
There are two more people coming later, if you want Zhenjin, you can wait first. "


Tony was taken aback for a moment, and then said dissatisfiedly: "What do you mean? Did you call someone else?"

"Of course, you must know that we are negotiating a deal. This is our rule."

The black man didn't seem to notice Tony's dissatisfaction, and slammed the cup on the table with a "boom".


There were heavy footsteps outside, and the door of the board room was quickly opened.

A dozen people with guns stood at the door, and one of them poked his head in.

"It's okay, it's okay, don't disturb Mr. Stark."

The black man pretended to say to the person who suddenly appeared.


Looking at Tony with an appearance of being convinced of you, he said:
"Wait a little longer, Mr. Stark."

  Do you feel that my level has improved a little bit recently?
(End of this chapter)

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