Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 321 The plan is proceeding normally

Chapter 321 The plan is proceeding normally


Explosions sounded one after another from far to near, and the source of the explosion seemed to be slowly approaching the auction hall.

At last,
With a loud bang,
Several huge pieces of gravel with a diameter of several meters were smashed directly from the thick ceiling, and a large amount of dust that seemed to be able to cover the whole world was also scattered along the way.

A castle built like a bunker,

In this way, a big hole was openly opened by an unknown person.

In the auditorium below the auction platform,

The red-faced people at the auction began to commotion,


At this time,

This group of luxuriously dressed people seems to be no different from the bottom beggars at this time,

Driven by the most primitive survival instinct, he shouted and ran blindly.

The ashes scattered from the ceiling enveloped the entire venue, and a few boulders just blocked all escape routes.

For a time,

The auction house, which had been going smoothly, turned into a cage.


A mechanical sound resounded in the dust,


John Depp standing on the auction stage saw a pair of scarlet eyes lit up in the dust,

And stared straight at him,
It's like a wild beast hiding in the dark looking at its imminent prey.

Squeeze the restlessness in your heart,

John Depp did not choose to flee like the crowd below,
Instead, he quickly took out a special pistol from his arms,
The black gun body has a matte texture, and the caliber of the muzzle is obviously larger than that of common pistols.


without hesitation,
There was a flash of madness in John Depp's eyes, and he pulled the trigger on the scarlet eyes in the dust.

Being able to become famous in the huge auction world depends not only on relationships and contacts, but on the ruthlessness hidden in the bones.

The experience of being a pirate leader on the high seas in the early days made him understand that if you want your enemy to stop messing with you, you need to cut off his head decisively when he reaches out his hand.


The dust gradually falls,

John Depp clearly saw that the bullet he fired seemed to hit a metal deck, and the sparks that burst out were particularly bright in the grayness.

"You... do business like this?"

Ultron's body poked out from the dust,
The lower body damaged by Wayne has already been repaired, and even reinforced to a certain extent.

The originally burly metal body became bigger and bigger, like a muscular giant looking down on John Depp on the stage.

"This is how you came to the auction?"

Shock flashed in John Depp's eyes. The robot in front of him instantly reminded him of Iron Man in New York.


John glanced at the chaotic audience.


It seems that I have not found my goal.
John Depp pretended to be relaxed and looked at the big hole that was forcibly blasted above his head,
through the big hole,

He could see more than a dozen mechanical soldiers floating in the sky outside.


Interesting human beings. "

Seeing that the humans in front of him didn't seem to be afraid of him, Ultron tilted his head and smiled,

Ultron pointed to the mobile phone in Depp's hand, and said: "Look at the numbers on it, human beings, the money I gave you is enough for you to rebuild one like this"

Ultron paused,
Looking around at the ruined and disfigured auction hall, he said, "Build such a smoky place."

John Depp subconsciously glanced at the phone screen in his hand, and the corner of his mouth twitched violently.

The previous figures have changed again,

At this time, the amount in his account has become 100 billion.

"not enough?"

Ultron folded his arms,

I kept scratching my chin with my hand,

Immediately, the red light in his eyes flashed, and he said, "How about adding another 100 billion to you?
I'm in a hurry,

price is not an issue,

What you call wealth means nothing to me but numbers. "

As soon as Ultron's voice fell,
John Depp suddenly found that the balance on his account had increased by 100 billion again.

The successive changes made his head dizzy,

Looking at the robot in front of me,

John Depp asked suspiciously; "Aren't you planning to rob?"


The hand holding the gun tightened suddenly, and he was ready to fight to the death.


Let go of your unwarranted suspicions, human beings,
I said I was in a hurry, now that the money has been transferred to your account, how about giving me the things now? "

Ultron stretched out his hand towards John Depp,


Order the mechanical soldiers guarding the outside to continue to pay attention to the surrounding airspace,
In order to be able to pursue speed,

In order to be able to get rid of Tony and others who followed him like a follower,

He didn't even have time to create more mechanical soldiers and flew over directly.

right now,

Before his final plan was completed,
He needs to make a time difference with Tony and the others.


After hesitating for a few seconds, and after roughly judging the strength gap between the two sides in his heart, John Depp nodded decisively, handed the scepter in his hand to the robot in front of him, and said, "Now, can I go? "

"Do not,

you can't go. "

Ultron clenched his scepter tightly and said viciously.

The expression on John Depp's face changed suddenly,
The right hand conjured up the special pistol again like a magic trick.

"Hahaha, don't be nervous."

Looking at John Depp who suddenly changed color,
Ultron laughed exaggeratedly twice, as if he was very satisfied with his performance.

"It's me who should go, this is your chassis, I don't want to stay here and wait for the next few nasty guys to come."

Didn't care about John Depp's reaction,
Ultron picked up the scepter with one hand, and directly touched the gem at the top of the scepter with the other hand,


"click" sound,
Ultron directly broke off the gem.

"Leave this for you as a souvenir, interesting human being."

Ultron threw the gemless scepter to John Depp,


With a "bass", it flew out of the big hole in the ceiling.

Before leaving,
Ao Chuang glanced at a small black spot that gradually appeared in the southwest, and a very human-like smile appeared on the mechanical face.

"Sure enough, you're still here,

After all, I still couldn't stop my plan. "

the other side,
on the Stark plane,
Wayne looked at the little black dots that had fled ahead, and said, "Ultron must have succeeded, right?"


There was a tricky smile on Tony's face,

reach out
Click on the console in front of you,
The front display screen directly turned into Tony's mobile phone projection screen,
After clicking on the information,
Tony opened the latest message, which contained only one photo,
The photo is the scene where John Depp handed the scepter to Ultron,
The person who sent this message was Hogan.

at the same time,

at the back door in the castle below,

A group of people who managed to escape with great difficulty began to leave the town one after another under the cover of their own bodyguards.

among them,

A burly fat man watched the mechanical soldiers receding away, and silently wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

 Tomorrow is a very meaningful day.
(End of this chapter)

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