Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 323 Fancy Appearance

Chapter 323 Fancy Appearance

After Tony left,

Wayne sat in the driver's seat alone in a daze.

eyes wandering aimlessly in the cockpit,

Sometimes I look at Ultron far away in the sky, and sometimes I lower my head and clasp my fingers boredly.

The Ultron in the front and the mechanical soldiers behind were just black dots, not much bigger than ants, when Tony and Fatty opened them.

But Wayne is different,

He could even see the tiny bumps on the mechanical soldiers that hadn't been smoothed due to the rush.

At first Wayne could still concentrate on watching,

But after a long time,
Wayne's eyes drifted away again,

The dense buttons in front of him flashed rhythmically, like stars in the dark night sky, and like countless Pandora's boxes with hidden secrets, tempting Wayne to press them.

I don’t know when

Wayne gradually discovered that he seemed to be a person with obsessive-compulsive disorder,

As long as you see these attractive little buttons,

It's like seeing those walls that are waiting to be demolished. If you don't go up to demolish them, if you don't go up and press them, you will feel uncomfortable all over your body.


Wayne raised his hand.

Then it stopped in the air, seemingly thinking about which button to press.

half an hour,

Wayne moved his hand.
Just as he was about to press down,
The sixth sense in the depths of the soul suddenly became frantically agitated, like an alarm bell ringing non-stop.

Wayne raised his head sharply.

He looked blankly at the complicated buttons in front of him,
As a high-tech aircraft designed by Tony himself,

In this standard cockpit, there are only densely packed buttons that Wayne can't understand what they do, and there is no such common joystick.

Without any choice.

Wayne can only seek the help of artificial intelligence,
With a little anxiety in his voice, he shouted:

"Jarvis, hide!"

"Hide what?"

Jarvis quickly answered Wayne's call,
But on its radar,
No abnormality or imminent danger was found,

As an AI, without enough information, you can't respond accordingly.

"Hide what?"

Wayne froze for a moment and murmured.

In fact, he himself didn't know what the sixth sense warning was for.

Wayne looked up.

The sky darkened at some point,


in the dim light,
Wayne suddenly saw a red flame appearing in the air very strangely,
In this low temperature of almost minus 50 degrees Celsius, this flame does not seem to have the slightest tendency to go out.

Instead, it rose against the wind,


The speed is getting faster and faster, rushing towards the plane.

at the same time,

Wayne found that Ultron, who had been walking slowly in front of him, left the mechanical soldiers behind him at the moment the flame appeared, and directly increased his flying speed.

And those mechanical soldiers who were left behind instantly turned around and rushed towards the plane.

"Drip drip drip drip"

At this time,

The plane's siren sounded.

Jarvis's voice sounded throughout the entire plane: "Alarm, high temperature attack detected on the way."

The two who were sleeping soundly were awakened by the harsh siren.
Although he didn't know what kind of attack they encountered, Tony still stared at his sleepy eyes and shouted: "Quickly dodge!"

"Planning an escape route."

can't escape,

Can't dodge. "

"damn it!"

Tony struggled to get up and staggered to the cockpit.

"what happened?"

"We are ambushed!"

Wayne replied sullenly,

"Ultron left the toys he made and ran away."

"How is this going?"

Tony pointed to the fluttering flames outside,
These flames seem to be alive,
Following the plane's dodging direction, it constantly adjusted its own direction of travel,
It made it impossible for Jarvis to calculate the correct route to avoid the flames.

"do not know."

Wayne frowned,

Then he closed his eyes,

The mental power and spatial ability instantly extended outward, passed through the endless clouds and came to the endless glacier below.

Not long after,

Wayne suddenly found a human figure in the glacier below, moving at a very abnormal speed on the ground, and it seemed a little familiar.

See Wayne opened his eyes again,
Tony asked anxiously, "What's going on?"

Seeing that the plan had an accident at the last moment,

Tony couldn't help panicking,
This matter is related to the safety of all human beings, and it is as important as the previous alien invasion incident.
If one is not handled well,
Although it is not likely to have such serious consequences as the destruction of all mankind,
But without a doubt,
The earth is about to suffer another huge blow.

Regarding Ultron's ability to make trouble,
Neither Tony nor Wayne had any doubts.

The flame is near,

The grilles on the glass windows of the plane have long since melted, and the surrounding air has begun to distort due to the high temperature.

"There is a person below, and this flame should be written by that person."

Wayne said,

Looking at the anxious looking Tony and the little fat man who just woke up, he said:
"Ao Chuang should have contacted some organizations or individuals that we don't know during this time,
Now if I go down and kill this person, I should be able to disperse the flames.

As for Ultron,

I leave it to you. "


Tony nodded.

In an emergency,
He is not an emotional person.

"How do you get down?"

Tony looked out,

Although they are not flying very high now, they are still much farther than Wayne's teleportation distance.

"I have a way, you keep chasing."


Wayne patted the little fat man on the shoulder, and gave him an encouraging look.

With a "shoo", he disappeared into the plane.

next moment,
Wayne appeared directly in the cold wind of minus [-] degrees Celsius,
The gust of wind whistled in his ears, and hit him frantically with biting cold.

The sudden change of temperature around made Wayne a little uncomfortable,


Just after being exposed to the extreme cold,
The source of life in the body stood up again,
Countless warm currents continuously swam through Wayne's body, dispelling all the cold in an instant.

As for the howling wind,
With Wayne's face already comparable to steel at this time, this level of wind can't hurt him.

Seeing myself falling faster and faster,
Wayne's eyes once again flashed a blue light,
Wayne disappeared again,

Wayne kept adjusting the direction of his next appearance,

After a few flashes,
Finally, it fell to the ground with a "bang".

The moment it touches the ground,
The huge impact directly shattered the thick ice layer around Wayne.


Wayne's right foot suddenly slipped,
In the great noise,

Wayne heard a crisp "click" clearly,
Very simply,
It's a bit like the feeling of a pig's bone breaking when a bone cutter cuts a bone.

Accompanied by severe pain in the right foot,

Wayne immediately understood that his fancy way of entering the stage broke the bone in his right foot.

  it's my birthday
  In a blink of an eye, I wrote novels from 24 to 25 years old.

  Thank you for your company for half a year.

(End of this chapter)

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