Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 339 Heading to the Warehouse

Chapter 339 Heading to the Warehouse
"Cough cough."

Wayne cleared his parched throat,

After stabilizing his mind, he said:
"Peter Parker, the little guy we saw at the amusement park last time, was raped while playing a superhero game, and is now waiting for rescue."


Wanda covered her mouth and laughed,
He didn't have any scruples about the quilt falling down the trend, instead he stood up straight and said:


Do you think you are already an old man with white beard? "


Wayne froze,
He suddenly realized that he didn't seem to be much older than Pete, it was just that he had experienced too many things, and he always subconsciously ignored his age.

"By the way, how did I get into the room yesterday?"

"What do you say?"

Wanda raised her eyebrows,

With a provocative look on his face, he said, "Shall we drink some more today to remind you?"

Wayne's face turned pale,
In my mind, I made up for the fear of being dominated by Wanda yesterday, and said quickly:
"No, no, I still have something to do today, and there are people waiting for me to rescue."

"Do you want me to go with you?"

Wanda yawned and asked.

"Need not."

Wayne stood up directly from the bed,
He casually put on the clothes and pants that were placed beside him, then covered Wanda with the quilt, and kissed her on the forehead.

"Sleep well, I'll probably be back when you wake up again."


Wayne left the room,
He walked gently to the parking lot in the basement without disturbing the others who were still sleeping soundly.

"Good morning, Wayne."

Just got downstairs,

Wayne saw Jarvis on the treadmill.

"Good morning, are you... exercising?"

The corner of Wayne's mouth twitched, and he asked suspiciously.

"I'm experiencing life as a human being, and after waking up at seven in the morning, I've done yoga and run, and I'm going to watch some morning news later."

Jarvis's voice was filled with positive emotions. Both he and Ultron valued and cherished the matter of having a body.

"Then you go ahead, I'll go out first."

Wayne waved his hand, turned around and continued walking towards the parking lot.

If it wasn't for the fact that there was a child waiting for him to save outside,
He is also prepared to popularize the difference between living and surviving with Jarvis Cop,

In his opinion,

Life is too short,

An active and healthy lifestyle is difficult for most people,
For example, eat less greasy food and eat more vegetables.

For example, go to bed early and get up early, drink plenty of water.

For example, read more books and newspapers, and play less games and computers.

and many more
to be frank,
If he really wanted to live in this way of life, Wayne even felt that he might as well go to a temple as an ascetic,


It's better to be more casual,
Wayne believes that doing more of what he wants to do in a limited time and avoiding the interference of other people's opinions and opinions is the correct way of life.


Wayne picked a blue Bentley from among the many luxury cars at random, stepped on the accelerator,
The roar of the engine "hum" lifted Wayne's spirit a lot.

Open mobile navigation,

Wayne headed to where Pete had told him.

en route,

Wayne saw a roadside fast food restaurant, which stood out in large yellow letters.

After a moment of hesitation,
Wayne turned the steering wheel and came to the car ordering port.

"Two cheeseburgers, thanks."

2 minutes later,

A chubby clerk handed Wayne a paper bag containing two warm burgers.

take one of them apart,
Wayne drove on while eating a burger.

Not long after,

Relying on his superb driving skills, Wayne came to a wilderness,
The road is a bit rough,

There are potholes everywhere, which makes Wayne a little thankful that he didn't drive a sports car over today.

"It should be here."

Wayne closed the door, holding the burger and looking at the dilapidated warehouse not far away.

It was somewhat similar to the warehouses I saw in Detroit before. The walls were stained with rust and looked abandoned for a long time.

at this time,

There are several young men in leather jackets around the door of this warehouse,
They held some tools in their hands and seemed to be welding something to the warehouse door.

See Wayne coming over,
One of the young men with tattoos on his face turned around and yelled at Wayne, "Kid, get out of here."

"What are you welding?"

Wayne ignored the words of the other party,
Curiously looking at the actions of several people.

They seemed to be reinforcing the barn door, two thugs were carrying a thick metal slat while another was welding it.

"This is not where you came from, get out before my patience runs out!"

Saw Wayne walk in,

A trace of fear flashed in the gangster's eyes,
It wasn't because they recognized Wayne's identity, but because they had seen Wayne's car from a distance before.

As a thoughtful and determined punk, he understands that in this city,

Money means everything,
A rich second generation who looks seventeen or eighteen years old is not something they low-level gangsters can afford.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be patient and put on a show here, and he would have just fucked the guy a long time ago.

"Who asked you to strengthen this door?"

Wayne didn't do it directly, but took a few steps forward again.

These gangsters are obviously not the kind of terrorists they encountered last time,
At first glance, it looks like a hooligan who takes money to do things,

For these people living at the bottom of society, Wayne has no intention of embarrassing them for the time being,

It must be because Joseph, who was sent away by himself not long ago, was also one of them.

"Don't force me to do it!"

The little bastard is in a hurry,

Although he didn't want to offend these rich second generations, the terrorists on the other side were obviously not something they could offend.

to be honest,
These little gangsters who hang out at the bottom are actually members at the bottom of the food chain.

As Joseph said before, many things are actually beyond their control.

"I'll give you ten thousand dollars, how about you stop now and leave?"

Wayne took out a stack of banknotes from his pocket,
In fact, he didn't think about bringing money when he went out. He just found these in Tony's car.

There was a hint of greed in the little bastard's eyes,
Ten thousand dollars is nothing to Wayne, but it is a huge sum of money to them.

Just when the gangsters hesitated,
Wayne walked to the posted door of the warehouse,
Stuffing [-] U.S. dollars into the arms of a gangster, he freed his hand and punched the iron gate that had just been reinforced.

With a "buzz",
The iron bar that had just been welded on instantly collapsed and bounced to the ground a few meters away.

A deep dent appeared on the lock of the iron door,

Wayne gave a slight push,
The iron door that had trapped Pete for more than ten hours was easily opened.


The gangsters subconsciously took a breath,

The arm holding the banknote trembled a little.

"Why don't you take the money back?"

The little punk with tattoos on his face said tremblingly.


Wayne waved his hand casually and walked into the warehouse.

(End of this chapter)

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