Chapter 35
Time inadvertently passed a month.

During this month, Wayne has to spare 5 hours a day to practice with Wade. Two people who also have the ability to recover do not have to worry about hurting each other when they practice, so whether it is Wayne Or Wade is merciless in the shot.

For the rest of the time, Wayne was completely immersed in the world of books. According to Wayne's newly learned words, there are two types of practice.

As an excellent captain, he not only needs to exercise his physical body, but also constantly maintain his spiritual cultivation. In this era, dual cultivation is the kingly way.

Although he himself couldn't figure out what the oriental soul was talking about, it didn't prevent him from wandering in the sea of ​​books.

In the first half month of sparring, Wade relied on his years of experience and skills to beat Wayne, especially from the fifth day onwards, Vanessa, who was a bit bored, would come to observe the two of them every day. training.

This made Wade feel as if he had beaten chicken blood during the sparring, and he tried his best to beat Wayne back steadily.

But starting from day No. 15, Wade gradually struggled to face Wayne. He had to admit that Wayne was indeed somewhat talented in fighting.

It was also from that day that Wade, who felt a little bad, banned Vanessa from coming to watch the game every day, under the pretense that she was about to start secret training.

On the 20th day, Wayne was able to draw with Wade, and no matter what moves Wade used, Wayne could parry them one by one.

This also caused Wade to carry out some rectifications on the teaching mode, and began to add the teaching of knife alignment.

This change made Wade regain the feeling of abusing food at the beginning. Not only did Wayne holding a knife not become more threatening, but he made himself a little restrained. Facing Wade's superb knife skills, Wayne I can only go out with clothes on every day and come back naked.


On the beach by the sea, after a 10-minute game, the two knives that reflected the dazzling light came to a temporary stalemate.

"Hey, you don't want to go back in your pants today."

Wayne gritted his teeth and looked at Wade in front of him, the well-developed muscles on the arms holding the handle of the knife bulged high.

Ever since he started using weapons, Wayne sneaked into his room naked and disheveled every time after training.

Although Wade always said that it was because the sword had no eyes, Wayne just felt that this guy must have done it on purpose, otherwise, whoever is against Lian will always greet you in three ways.

"Bare butt boy, you think too much!"

On the opposite side, Wade's face was a little red, and he replied panting heavily.

Wayne's strength is really far beyond him. Although Wayne will deliberately control his strength during training to achieve the purpose of training, it still makes Wade a little difficult to resist.

As soon as the words fell, Wade slanted the blade, and at the same time unloaded, he slashed towards Wayne's left leg in the direction the blade passed.

However, Wayne had been on guard for a long time. He jumped up, dodged the attack, and took advantage of the opportunity to slash at Wayne who was below him with a knife in both hands.

This time Wade didn't dare to take it hard, Wayne's strength was stronger than him, and he was still condescending, so Wade could only roll to the left in a hurry.


There was a sound of clothes being torn.

Although Wade dodged in a hurry, he dodged Wayne's head-on knife in time, but his pants were just within the range of Wayne's attack when he dodged.

Wayne, who had been waiting for this moment for several days, of course would not let go of this opportunity, and cut off decisively, revealing Wade's pink hello kitty underwear.

Getting up from the ground, Wade quickly dropped the knife in his hand, covered his butt with his hands, and subconsciously turned his head to look in the direction of the villa.

Sure enough, a mirror reflection flashed from the window of his room.

Since Wade fooled Vanessa to stop watching the game, Wayne, who realized Wade's true purpose, certainly would not let him succeed.

So Wayne asked Tony in private for the most advanced military telescope at present, and gave it to Vanessa, so that Vanessa could capture every moment of Wade more clearly—such as the current one.

"Okay, you are temporarily out of the teacher."

Wade ran back in despair, he was going to explain to Vanessa that this was completely an accident, the powerful Mr. Deadpool would not lose to a brat like Wayne.


Walking over to pick up the knife Wade dropped, Wayne couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

During this period of time, five hours of high-intensity training every day has made Wayne completely grown into a qualified fighter.

Don't look at Wayne who has only trained for a month and only trains for 5 hours a day to think that he can only learn a little bit.

Wade knew from the very beginning that it was impossible for him to spend a few years to slowly grow Wayne, so according to the particularity of the two people's bodies, Wade wisely chose to use life-and-death struggle to quickly grow Wayne stand up.

In other words, Wayne has experienced more than 100 life-and-death struggles in the past month. Although they will not really die, they will still feel pain.

When the opponent stabs your heart with a knife, even if you know that you may not die, the sensory and psychological impact this process brings to them is the same as that of ordinary people.

This is one of the reasons why Wade doesn't let Vanessa watch. His fight with Wayne is sometimes too bloody.

Seeing Wade running away, Wayne couldn't help thinking of himself a month ago, on the first day of training with Wayne, fighting in a single way like a baby.

However, a month later, he was able to defeat Wade head-on while suppressing his own strength and speed to the level of ordinary people. This kind of progress is not uncommon.

"Why is life lonely like snow?"

After standing still and posing for a while, Wayne sighed, and then walked briskly towards the villa.

Back in the villa, Wayne was a little surprised to see Tony and the little fat man lying leisurely on the sofa drinking coffee and chatting.

Because I successfully defeated Wade today, the training ended early, and during this period of time, Tony and Fatty would stay in the laboratory below and tinker with things that Wayne couldn't understand.

"Don't you need to mess around today?"

Wayne asked curiously.Since Wayne couldn't understand what Tony and the little fat man were doing, he directly defined their work as messing around.

"The defense system has been set up. If those people came here last time, I guarantee that they would have been smashed into scum before they came within 100 meters of the villa."

Tony, who was leaning on the sofa, rolled his eyes, and then said braggingly.

 It seems to have become a first-level author!

  Bosses can give rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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