Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 350 The Tuberculosis Gene

Chapter 350
Wayne is sitting on the couch at Pete's house,

Although the comfort is not as comfortable as the expensive sofa in Tony's house, it is still much better than sitting on the hard wooden bench on the street all afternoon.

"Have a glass of water."

May came over with two glasses, one of which was handed to Wayne.

After the call with Pete,

Mei invited Wayne into the house. Although the problem seemed to have been resolved now, as an ordinary woman, Mei still felt safer staying with Wayne.

Mei's perception of a man who can give her a sense of security is,

have a career,
Physically fit.

But everything today seems to have refreshed her understanding of the whole world,
At least,

Seeing the polite Wayne sitting on the sofa, Mei felt a sense of security from the bottom of her heart.

"Thank you."

Wayne picked up his water glass and took a sip.
the water is cold,
But in terms of his physical fitness, he actually didn't care about this temperature.

"What about the two people outside?"

May asked, sitting down.

She was referring to the man who had no sense of existence and the giant man who was knocked out by Wayne.

The former without Wayne's will,

So he still conscientiously stood at the gate outside the house, like a dedicated security guard.

And the latter,
Now he has fallen into a coma, like a dead pig lying on the street.

"Let's talk about it when Pete comes back. He should be more experienced in dealing with these things."

Wayne replied.

It's not because he's lazy that he doesn't deal with the two people outside.

but really don't know how to deal with it,

Although Wayne himself is not a bloodthirsty person, it seems that none of his opponents survived in the end.

Wayne really didn't have the slightest bit of experience in how to deal with opponents who hadn't died after the defeat.

"Is Pete really Spider-Man?"

May asked suddenly.

Although this is already a fait accompli, but until now, she is still a little dizzy.

own nephew,
The cute student who acts cute in front of her all day long,

Is it the same person as the athletic superhero on TV?

"Didn't he admit it just now?"

Wayne waved his hand.

In fact, there are almost no ordinary people in the people he has come into contact with before, so he has never seen people around him be surprised by his abilities.

Although it is the same earth,
But Wayne and May are living in two worlds.

"So what about you? You will also go out to help those oppressed people like Pete?"

May asked again,
Now she is like a person who is seeing the outside world for the first time, and she is extremely curious about all things about superpowers.

"I haven't."

Wayne paused,
And said:
"Actually speaking carefully,

It can be regarded as having done similar things, but I was on the side of mutants at the time, and I had a hostile relationship with humans. "

"I know this. The government and the mutants didn't seem to be very happy before, but it seems to be reconciled now?"

For this matter,

Both Mei and other ordinary people should be well aware that the persecution against mutants at that time was simply the biggest racial persecution since the beginning of the 21st century.

"and so,
Are you a mutant? "

Mei asked softly.


Wayne nods,

There is nothing to hide about his race.

Although there are still many mutants in the world who are afraid of their own identities, and even loathe them.


These troubles have never been reflected in Wayne,

From the beginning,
Wayne is very thankful that he is a mutant,

Even more fortunately,

The abilities he has seem to be very powerful.

"Then, is Pete also a mutant? I heard that the emergence of mutants is due to genes.

Do I have a chance to become a mutant too? "

"I do not know."

"All right,
Then how did you awaken the ability?

Is your ability super able to fight? "


Mei seems to be in a good mood,
He began to ask all kinds of weird questions constantly, and very clearly revealed that he also wanted to become a mutant.

This surprised Wayne,


Looking at Mei who kept talking,

He also finally understood where Pete's tuberculosis gene came from.


This gene is engraved in the bones of everyone in their family.

Just when Wayne was about to be driven crazy by May's question after question,
Suddenly there was a sound of a heavy object falling to the ground outside the house.


The non-existent guard outside the door let out an exclamation.

"who are you?"

Pete's voice came from outside.


The man is a little flustered,

The Spider-Man in front of him is obviously not something someone at his level can provoke,


Now he doesn't dare to tell Pete directly that he is the one who came to kidnap your aunt.

After all, his boss is lying on the ground in front of him now,

A cloud of milky white spider webs wrapped the boss's whole body, like food stored by spiders in their webs.

"I'm a person who turns from the dark to the bright."

Hold back for a while,

The man suddenly said something.


Pete froze.
Is this going to be a scene from a corny movie?
"Come in, Pete!"

Just when Pete was thinking wildly,
Mei came directly to the door,

When seeing Pete's "uniform", May opened her mouth in surprise.

But soon resumed her role as aunt,

"You must tell me everything honestly tonight!"

"Yes Yes Yes"

Pete nodded repeatedly,

Seeing that Mei only had a little bruise on her face, he was finally relieved.

With a light pull of the right hand,
Hei Boss, who was tightly wrapped in spider webs, was thrown in and dropped on the open space in front of the sofa.

"You don't want to take him back to silence him, do you?"

Pete's expression was a little tangled,
If the answer you get later is to take it back and silence it,

Should I not stop it, or should I not stop it?


Wayne rolled his eyes.
"Did you watch too many Hollywood movies,
still is,

You see me as a terrorist like him?
I'm not a bloodthirsty person.


One is standing outside, the other is lying down, how can there be a dead person? "

You are right. "

Pete shrugged.

Wayne's words can only coax Mei who doesn't know anything about his deeds,
I have specifically checked the information about Wayne,
Neither the White House nor those terrorist organizations have a friendly opinion of Wayne.

"Okay, I'm going back."

Wayne stood up,

After taking the slender spider silk from Pete, he dragged the man in black towards the outside of the house.

This is the first time Wayne has come into contact with Pete's spider silk,

It feels very smooth, a bit like satin, but obviously tougher.

Looking at the man in black who fell into a coma,
Wayne put him on the ground and dragged him forward indifferently,

While waving to Pete behind him

Pointing at the man and the giant man, said:

"Remember to deal with it."

(End of this chapter)

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