Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 353 It Was Actually a Landmine

Chapter 353 It Was Actually a Landmine

"Need help?"

weapons and money,
Wayne understands,

But what the hell is this necessary help?

"Cough cough.
Just to help us solve some troubles that we can't handle,

Like official stuff and nosy people like Spider-Man. "


Wayne nodded knowingly,
It seems that although Hydra is completely hidden,

But in the dark,

In fact, it didn't really stop. Instead, it changed its own business.

Relying on the contacts and resources accumulated over the years, it began to act as a protective umbrella for other evil organizations.

"last question."

The interrogation, which cannot be called an interrogation, was brief,
After understanding the general situation, Wayne directly asked the question he wanted to know the last and most.

"Where is the Hydra?


Where is the person you contacted? "

Facing Wayne's calm eyes,
The man in black was silent for a moment,

Although he had already decided to sell Hydra before, at this last moment, he was somewhat afraid in his heart.

after all,

That's Hydra,

An organization that pulled down the aloof S.H.I.E.L.D. with its own strength.

For these armed violent organizations, Hydra is a well-deserved emperor in their line of work.

"Say it or not, you think about it."

Wayne sat down on the spot,
Put your fingers on the ground and lightly light it.

"You still have ten seconds to think it through."

"...Can you promise me a request?"

The man in black stared at Wayne with determination in his eyes.

"Okay, you answered my question, and I'll let you go."

Wayne replied directly without even asking about the man in black's request.

".All right."

The man in black has a wonderful expression on his face.
It was as if he had already done a wonderful fight in his heart.

"I don't know where the Hydra you speak of is hiding,
For them,

We are just a tool for them to make money, and they may not even know how many organizations like us they have under their hands.

But I do know of a point of contact for them in New York. "


Wayne's eyes lit up,
Originally, he thought that he could only dig out one contact person, but he didn't expect the man in black to give him a big gift package directly.

"They were masquerading as a purse company and I had a business card with their address in my pocket."

The man in black finished speaking,
The whole person collapsed like a deflated balloon,

After taking a few deep breaths, he looked at Wayne impatiently and said, "Now, you can let me go."

"Okay, okay, what's the problem?"

Wayne said with a half-smile.


Reaching out and grabbing the spider cocoon,

Then the fingers pulled back violently.

"Hiss" sound,
After being pulled in an exaggerated arc by Wayne, the spider silk finally couldn't bear the huge pulling force and snapped into two pieces.

Pull several times in a row,

The thick spider cocoon was finally completely torn in half by Wayne, and the man in black who was trapped inside rolled out.


The man in black faces the ground,
The bruised face was in direct contact with the hard floor again.

It may be due to the long-term binding that temporarily froze his hands and feet,

Although the man in black let out low growls,

But he didn't make any response and just lay face to the ground like this.

"Are you reluctant to leave?"

Wayne urged.

The blood of the man in black had already dripped onto the floor along his clothes. Needless to say, these blood stains would definitely trouble me to clean up later.

Looking at the man in black who was still lying on the ground pretending to be dead,

In order to avoid further increase in his workload, Wayne had to give him a little bit of friendly help.

bent down,
Wayne grabbed the back collar of the man in black with one hand and lifted it up.


The man in black screamed again,
Wayne's actions were rude,

Directly adding to his own injuries, he could even hear his own bones groaning under Wayne's rough drag.

"You can go by yourself."

at the door,

Wayne threw the man in black like a trash.


The man in black gritted his teeth and got up from the ground.

move very slowly,

The simple movement of getting up is even more difficult than that of the 90-year-old daddy.

It took almost 3 minutes,
The man in black barely got up from the ground, shaking his body covered in scars,

Step by step,
He staggered towards one direction.

Tony's villa is actually far away from the urban area.
Although this will make the surroundings of the villa look very desolate, but the benefits are also obvious,

In this kind of place,
There are almost no other passers-by near the villa,
This also allowed Tony to safely and boldly install a variety of powerful defensive weapons outside his villa.

The man in black didn't completely follow the path planned on the ground,
In order to ensure that I can leave as soon as possible,

He walks in a straight line,

After crossing a half-meter tall grass,
The man in black suddenly felt as if he had stepped on something.

Instantly recalled Wayne's half-smile before,

An ominous premonition floated in the heart of the man in black,
Blindly lowered his head,

Looking at the surrounding lawn, there is nothing wrong with it.

A "beep beep" sound suddenly appeared in the ear of the man in black, and it became faster and faster.

Next second,
"Boom!" A loud noise.

Within a two-meter radius centered on the man in black, all the lawns were scorched black,
In the middle, where the man in black was standing before, has been blasted into a deep pit.


There was no trace of the man in black.

Under the special mine developed by Tony,
The man in black didn't even keep the last bit of wreckage, and directly skipped the step of sending it to the crematorium, and turned it into ashes all over the sky.

"Tsk tsk tsk turned out to be a landmine."

not far away,
Wayne shook his head and looked at the scene of the explosion just now,
The terrain here is relatively high,

It happened to be able to see all the routes the man in black left.

Wayne waited here after letting go of the man in black,

I want to see how the man in black will go to hell in the end.

All kinds of fancy ways of dying have been fantasized in Wayne's mind,
Unexpectedly, in the end, it would be the simplest and most down-to-earth weapon that killed the man in black.

He promised that the man in black would let him go,


He didn't tell the man in black that since the villa was invaded once,
Tony seemed to be in a tizzy and planted all the mechanisms that humans could think of around the villa.

If you don't walk along the sidewalk,
Even if it is Logan, it will inevitably hurt his muscles and bones, let alone an ordinary person?

For the tragic death of the man in black,

Although Wayne witnessed it with his own eyes, there was no disturbance in his heart.

Just a scumbag,

also died,

Wayne even felt that the air around him seemed to be fresher.

Think of this,
His own actions seem to be able to play a function similar to that of an air purifier.

wave your hand,
Wayne returned to the villa,
Honestly clean up the bloody scene created by the man in black just now.


Shaking off the water stains on his hands, he walked towards the laboratory while looking at the address on the business card in his hand.

 Thank you Bing Ning Yuerong for another reward today! ! !
  By the way,

  Do you think it is better to finish this book with as many words as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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