Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 356 You listen to my voice

Chapter 356 You Hear My Echo
Wayne, who "sent away" the two girls, continued to walk towards the office,

For what I just did,
Not a trace of grudge,

after all,

He did not kill,
It's just that they were exiled to an unknown space.

Similar to the unlucky guy who stepped on a landmine and blew himself up,

Anyway, the ending of these people has nothing to do with me.


He is indeed very sincere in fulfilling his statement that he is not bloodthirsty.

I looked at my clean hands,
Wayne sighed, although the scene created by using the space ability is very cool and compelling.

But in terms of practical experience,
It's still not on the same level as the thrill of fisting to the flesh.

The reason not to kill,
It's not because he suddenly changed his mind, but because Wanda formally protested to him last night.

As a girl trying to get closer to a normal life,
Wanda didn't want to go home every night after seeing Wayne give her a hug,
What I got was the smell of blood in my nose,

Being in Hydra's base for a long time has made the girl instinctively repel the smell of blood.

As a good boyfriend who understands his girlfriend,
Wayne immediately assured,

In the future, I will never let a drop of blood stain my body, otherwise I will accompany her to listen to the Stark Group meeting all day.

Shaking his head helplessly,

After lamenting the hardships of life,

Wayne took a few steps forward,

Looked up,
Suddenly, I found a small black spot in an inconspicuous corner, which was a circle larger than the bug I found in the girl's ear before.
But the overall shape is almost the same, except for a small lens.

If other people see it, they may subconsciously regard this black spot as a stain,

But it obviously couldn't fool Wayne, who had just discovered a bug of the same type himself.



Surprised to see me here. "

Wayne walked under the monitor,

He took off his baseball cap and black sunglasses, revealing his original appearance.

The voice just fell,

A burst of hurried and orderly footsteps echoed in the building, and the other party didn't seem to want to hide their actions.

It seems that they want to rush to the first floor to destroy this heretic who dared to provoke Hydra.

The top floor of the Slack Building,
As the leader of the contact point, Rem was indulging in his own fantasies with narrowed eyes,
Without even looking at Wayne's big face that had already appeared on the tablet beside him,
This enemy, which is called extremely dangerous inside Hydra, is approaching him step by step.

And in the office next door to Rem,

The fat man who was in charge of monitoring the entire building did not indulge in his fantasy, but just lay on the office chair and snored.

performance of two people,

It seems to represent the current embarrassing state within Hydra and the trend of polarization,
After the cataclysm of the organization, the remaining employees have been divided into two categories.

One is middle and high-level cadres like Rem, who are full of fantasies about being able to become gods,
The other category is Fatty, who has lost confidence in this surviving organization and simply abandons himself.

Follow the direction of the sound,
Wayne didn't take the elevator directly upstairs,
Instead, he opened the fire door next to the office and entered the emergency exit.

Once in the channel,

Wayne suddenly turned around and walked back,
With a slight movement of his fingers, one desk after another rose into the air, and then they were neatly stacked at the door where Wayne just came in.

After the gates are filled with tables and chairs,

The rest of the tables were stacked toward the other windows that could accommodate adults.

half an hour,

Looking at the confined space like a secret room, Wayne smiled with satisfaction.

"I can't let you escape this time."

After making preparations,
Wayne was finally satisfied and started walking up the stairs.

"Da da da"

Footsteps began to echo,
Wayne's steady steps were a stark contrast to those slowly approaching above.

The two sounds are approaching rapidly,

These soldiers did not know the condition of the two chiefs upstairs,

The main reason why Hydra has not been completely defeated so far is that they have a large number of brainwashed soldiers.

In the heads of these soldiers,
Hydra's goal is God's will,
They have no mind of their own,

Unlike those trained agents and cadres,

They are just the cheapest consumables in the eyes of the Hydra executives.


Wayne went up to the third floor,

He could already feel the frequent panting of the people above his head, and they seemed to be preparing to ambush him.

The fierce battle in the small building,
It's on the verge,
Just as Wayne was about to continue upstairs, the phone rang.

"Ding Ding Ding"

Wayne's pace suddenly slowed down,
He could feel that the soldiers upstairs were breathing harder the moment the phone rang.


The moment he saw the name of the caller on the phone, Wayne connected the call.

"Have you gone to find Hydra?"

Wanda is very angry now,
She heard this news when Tony was chatting with Piper just now.

It's not to prevent Wayne from finding Hydra to settle accounts,
It's just a little angry that Wayne didn't notify himself before doing this.


Wayne suddenly realized that he seemed to have overlooked some details.

"why did not you tell me."

Wanda asked angrily.

"I just came to see, it's at the beach."

Wayne's tone was a little false,

After finally finding the news about Hydra, he was too excited all of a sudden, which caused some details to go wrong.

"Are you going to come back covered in blood again?"

Wanda's tone softened.
Although he knew Wayne's ability, he still felt a little worried.

"No way."

Wayne promised quickly.

at the same time,

The soldiers above moved,

After the initial tension,

The soldiers suddenly realized that what they just remembered was not the sound of a new type of weapon.

But the intruder below actually called someone at this time.

This blatant contempt,

Even these soldiers with poor brains can feel it.

Without the slightest hesitation,
Under the leadership of the captain,
The group of soldiers rushed down angrily.

"Why are you so noisy over there?"

"Someone is coming,

do not worry,
I'm just here to take a look, I won't do anything with people. "

Wayne reassured.



The first soldier who rushed to Wayne decisively pulled the trigger.

This gunshot sounded like the fuse of a string of firecrackers being ignited.
Immediately afterwards, crackling gunshots rang out one after another.


The fairly quiet corridor turned into a battlefield where bullets flew everywhere.

"I heard gunshots!"

over the phone,

Wanda frowned.

"You heard wrong."

Wayne's pupils suddenly burst into blue light,
The space energy swept across the entire corridor like roaring waves,

In a flash,

All the soldiers, including the bullets they just fired, were stagnated in the air.

"I'm safe here,
I'm at the seaside
Listen carefully,

I can hear my echo.. echo.. sound.."

Wayne wiped his sweat secretly, and hurriedly explained

"There is no echo in the sea, only in the mountains!"

Wanda rolled her eyes and said impatiently.

"Don't even try to touch me this week!"

"." Wayne.

(End of this chapter)

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