Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 367 Avenger Reserve, Pete

Chapter 367 Avenger Reserve, Pete
The flamboyant plane took off, drawing a beautiful arc in the sky,

The word Stark on the outside of the plane has already been replaced with a capital letter A.

in the cabin,
Everyone was doing their own things, and the whole atmosphere was very relaxed, without the depression before the mission.

Tony took out a bottle of whiskey from the wine cabinet, looked up at the others, trying to find a drinking buddy, but found that the others had no intention of drinking at all.


See no one responds to myself,

Tony simply took out a wine glass and put it on the bar, poured himself a glass of wine, and said to Natasha who was closest to him:
"S.H.I.E.L.D. will come and join us later.

Someone from S.H.I.E.L.D. should come over and talk to us about strategy or something. "

"Who will be sent here?"

Natasha lay sideways on the sofa, dragging her chin with one hand.

Although they have withdrawn from S.H.I.E.L.D., they still have a little affection for their old club.

They are agents after all,
Not an emotionless killer.


Tony waved his hand,
It doesn't matter who he sends,
The action this time was nothing more than a incidental training for revenge, and any strategic goals and the like were nonsense.

What he needs is to vent out the anger in his heart and vent his anger for himself.

As for the research materials on Hydra and the like,
Just as Wayne had thought earlier, Tony wasn't interested in the crap at all.

"Do we need to cooperate with S.H.I.E.L.D. in our subsequent operations?"

Natasha stood up from the sofa and poured herself a glass of wine. As a Russian, she still couldn't stand the temptation of alcohol, and her bones seemed to be engraved with the gene of alcoholism.

"Need not,
This time it is a chance for us to practice. After the collapse of S.H.I.E.L.D., many organizations have begun to move around. It is time for the Avengers to stand up and give some warnings to those stupid guys.

But our manpower is obviously not enough. "

Tony pouted helplessly,
"Recently, I will start looking for some qualified people to join us, and by the way, see if the kid Wayne said can really join us and become one of us."

Tony took a sip of his wine, squinted his eyes and turned to Pete next to Wayne.

Although he said he didn't trust Pete before, he still regarded Pete as a reserve member of the Avengers.

the other side,
Without knowing it, Pete sat on the edge of the sofa like a little daughter-in-law, clutching his schoolbag tightly in his hand, and whispered to Wayne next to him:
"Can I get them to sign later?"


Wayne rolled his eyes and said contemptuously, "Are you still going to take a photo?"

"is it okay?"

Pete showed a surprised expression,

The right hand subconsciously took out the schoolbag.

"I regret calling you here."

Wayne pressed Pete's hand,
I feel some pain in my brain.

Just when Wayne was about to teach the kid in front of him a lesson quietly, he suddenly felt the gaze from behind him.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly,
I immediately understood Tony's small movements.

"From now on, behave well and curb your previous unreliable habits."

Wayne suddenly looked at Pete seriously and said.

"Uh what are you talking about?"

Pete was a little confused.
He is still in a state of excitement now, feeling that he has reached the pinnacle of his life, which makes his brain a little dull.

"I love you."

Wayne didn't answer directly,

Instead, he winked at Pete. Since Tony wants to test Pete, he can't give Pete too many hints.

After pondering for a while,
Wayne raised his head and shouted to Steve not far away:
"Steve, please come here."

Steve, who was looking at the scenery, withdrew his gaze and walked over with his shield.

"what happened?"


This is your loyal little fan, so can you give your fans some benefits?

such as,

After the fight, I will teach him how to survive on the battlefield and some precautions when performing tasks. "


steve nods,
These things happen to be his favorite things to do. I remember that when he cooperated with Wayne for the first time, he told Wayne about his battlefield experience all the way.

Seeing that Steve agreed,

Wayne got up and left immediately, leaving his place to Steve.

He feels that Little Spider is like a child who hasn't grown up at this time, and there is indeed a long way to go before becoming a qualified superhero.

And Steve's rich experience can obviously help him.

I just don't know if he can accept the real and bloody battlefield later,

You must know that this action will kill people,
It is fundamentally different from the house-playing games he played on the street before.

"Hey, hello."

Steve patted Pete on the shoulder, looked at the flattered Pete, and couldn't help but smile and said, "Remember to follow me when you get there later."

"Okay okay."

Pete nodded quickly,


Suddenly he took out a notebook and a pen from his backpack,
Looking at Wayne who was slowly going away, he said quietly: "Captain, can you sign for me?"

"no problem."

Steve took the notebook,

While writing his name, he said:

"Let me tell you what you need to pay attention to later. I have experience in such things as going to the battlefield."


Wayne crossed the bar,
Walking to the side of Wanda who was buried in her book, she turned her face away. Looking at Wanda's arrogant expression, she couldn't help but sighed:
"When you arrive at Hydra's headquarters, follow Tony and don't rush in. I heard that Hydra is well prepared this time."

"Why didn't I follow you?"

Wanda looked up,
A trace of doubt flashed in the beautiful big eyes.

"I have my opponents."

Coulson told him specifically before,

They found a project called God-making Project in the relevant information of Hydra,
And this project has reached the final stage, maybe their invasion this time will encounter the so-called "God" of Hydra.

Although I don't know exactly what abilities I have,
But thinking of the various studies of the human body and the various fighters produced by Hydra before,

Coulson felt that it was best for Wayne to take charge of this "god" this time.

Wayne paused,
Continued: "So you pay attention to your own safety later, and leave the rest to me. This is what we agreed before."

Wayne's last sentence seemed a little weak,
This is indeed an agreement between the two of them.

the last quarrel,
In the end, it ended with Wayne's complete defeat.

Wayne, who couldn't hold back Wanda, finally agreed to bring Wanda along.
Although Wanda also promised to only look at the very edge,

But after the events of the previous few days, Wayne obviously understood that sometimes it is not reasonable to reason with girls.


Also, don't trust the promises they made to you.


Wanda nodded obediently,
As for what's on your mind,
It is unknown.

(End of this chapter)

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