Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 369 Why is that person so fast?

Chapter 369 Why is that person so fast?

in the gray sky

Do not,
Now it should be called the Avenger, which is rapidly approaching its destination,
Sao Liang's plane activated the stealth function improved by Tony,
It floated onto a piece of ice like a suddenly surging wind mass.

"The iceberg in front should be the headquarters of Hydra."

Coulson held a hand-drawn map in his hand, and judged by comparing the scenery outside.

"Friday, scan."

Tony stood in the command room and knocked on the table in front of him.


After three seconds,
A scanned pattern appeared on the big screen in front of me.

Under the cover of the appearance of Daxue Mountain,

An iron wall made of high-strength alloy occupies almost the entire interior of the mountain.

The overall style is somewhat similar to the mutant shelter Wayne had seen before,


The iceberg in front of me and the structure inside,
Obviously, it is much more powerful than a makeshift base like a mutant shelter.

A brick house like a slum,
and another,
It is a well-designed battle fortress.

"External shield, Mister Stark."

"Are we going to force our way in?"

Coulson turned his head to look at Tony,

Surprisingly, there was no iconic smile on his face, but a trace of fighting spirit.

According to the previous arrogant momentum of Tony and others,
Coulson felt that the way Tony chose at this time should be as rough as his previous tactics,
One word,

Just do it.

Do not know why,

Coulson, who was accustomed to carrying out tasks according to precise plans and steps for a long time, suddenly felt his blood boil.

This feeling,

It's like returning to my most aggressive youth,

At that time,

His hair is very thick.

"Break in?"

Wayne glanced at the fighting-minded Coulson,
He raised his head to a camera and said:

"Can it be done?
It's not just about hacking the monitoring system,
It's the kind that wants you to make them completely blind and unable to do anything. "

"no problem,

Little things like this don't bother me. "

The little fat man's swelling voice suddenly sounded,
As the logistics team of the Avengers,
He was sitting in the villa very conscientiously eating potato chips while paying attention to the situation here,
Not only language expansion,

Even his fat cheeks swelled from his mouthful of chips.

Coulson's mouth twitched,
Silently will bow his head,

some youth,

Once away from you, it ceases to exist.

"This is your hacker?"

As an agent,
Coulson quickly calmed down his emotions, and asked with some surprise.

Although he is not good at networking,
But I also understand how difficult it is to paralyze all the systems of Hydra,

At least in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Do not,
It should be said that there is no hacker who can do this in the whole world.

"Can you really do it?"

Tony also asked back, with a strong sense of distrust.

Compared with others,

He is more aware of the rules and regulations here.

"Cough cough."

There was a cough from the little fat man,
Immediately afterwards, the sound became slightly quieter.

"I can do it,

But it should only last for a minute."


Wayne stood on the window sill and looked,
After anticipating the need for whereabouts, he nodded to Tony.

"it is good,

Everyone get ready. "

Tony finished speaking,

He took out a few parachutes from the cabinet next to him and handed them over to several people, with an excited smile on his face.

"Let's make a gorgeous debut."


Lower flight altitude. "

Wayne didn't catch the parachute,

Instead, they continued to stand by the window to judge the timing of their landing.

After several people equipped the parachute respectively,
Wayne yelled:

"It's now,
Fatty moves! "

"Action what?"

Coulson looked around in bewilderment,

After being forcibly fitted with a parachute, no one explained anything to him.

".The same question, what are we going to do here?"

Pete curiously groped for the parachute on his body, and asked weakly.

As a member of today's Countdown No. 2, he, like Coulson, has not received any notice.

"Have your people taken care of the Hydra system?
Should we do a direct air strike next? "

Coulson's mind still hasn't turned around.
According to SHIELD's routine,
After the opponent loses the ability to fight back, it will be over if he just explodes, so what is he doing with his parachute?
Do you still want him to jump down and fight them hand to hand?


Coulson suddenly cried out, his face pale.

"Are you going to jump off like this?

Is this what you call a plan without a plan? "

"You are so clever that you guessed our plan."

Wayne exclaimed exaggeratedly,
He grabbed Pete and Coulson to the cabin door.

"Little Fatty, are you alright?"


Count down for 1 minute. "

"Open the cabin."

With a swish, the hatch opened directly to the two sides, and a biting cold wind rushed in, blowing Coulson's already pale face until there was no trace of blood in it.


Without waiting for Coulson to react,

Wayne's arm jerked forward,

Coulson fell head-on towards the vast land below.

He ignored Coulson who fell,
Wayne turned his gaze to Pete beside him,
Now he is wearing his street uniform, and a red and blue loose sweater instantly makes him the most casual and eye-catching existence among the crowd.

"Spider-Man, it's your turn."


Pete's lips trembled a little,

In fact, he is not afraid of heights, otherwise he would not be wandering among the high-rise buildings in New York all day long.


Is this tm on the same level as those buildings?

He has never jumped a parachute in his life!
It's even the first time I've touched a parachute. Where is this thing?

"I have another question, how to open this thing?"

Pulling his parachute, Pete asked in a trembling whisper, the gusts of cold wind made it difficult for him to open his mouth.

"What did you say?"

Wayne yelled.

Pete's voice was too low, coupled with the constantly howling cold wind, he couldn't hear clearly.

"I say."

Pete opened his mouth again,
A gust of cold wind mixed with a few flakes of snow rushed into his mouth.

"Don't beep!"

Wayne frowned, the people behind were still waiting to jump.

With a push of the arm,
Pete immediately fell down like Coulson before.

"hurry up,

We are in a hurry. "

Wayne turned his head and said something to the people behind him,

Then he directly took Wanda's hand and jumped.

behind them,

Natasha and Hawkeye jumped down with expressionless faces. Skydiving at this height was simply child's play for them.

behind the crowd,

A burst of air suddenly sounded,

The gold and red battle armor came from behind and flew to the front position in an instant.

A few parachutes fluttered with the wind in the strong wind,

Just when they were about to be blown off the expected track by the howling cold wind,

A scarlet ray instantly enveloped several people,

In a way that violates aerodynamics, it plummets towards the Hydra headquarters below.


During the fall, Wayne's eyes twitched.
He stretched out his finger and pointed to the small black dot that was falling rapidly in front of him, put his mouth close to Wanda's ear and asked:

How did that person fall so fast? "

(End of this chapter)

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