Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 37 Farewell

Chapter 37 Farewell

As Tony's voice fell, there was a deafening exclamation in the hall that had just been silent for a moment.

The media reporters below were all excited and their eyes were red. Tony's answer made them feel that this month's waiting was not in vain.

Some senior journalists even boldly predict that the popularity of this topic will surpass this year's presidential election.

"Mr. Stark, how can I prove that you are Iron Man?"

After the excitement, a female reporter who was closer to Tony asked suspiciously.

"Mr. Stark, that is your latest weapon? Didn't you announce that the Stark Group will no longer produce weapons?"

Next to the female reporter, another black male reporter was more concerned about this issue.

"Mr. Stark, it is said that there is another boy fighting with you in the captured video, can you tell us his identity?"

In the back position, a reporter calmed down other reporters who wanted to ask questions with his naturally loud voice.

After Tony admitted his identity as Iron Man, people became more curious about the identity of the other boy in the photo.

"Uh, there is indeed a boy who fought with me, but his identity is temporarily unknown."

Facing various questions, Tony pinched his nose and answered the reporter's question with a loud voice.

10 minute later.

Wayne, Fatty, Pepper, and Tony, who had just finished dealing with the reporters, walked out of the Stark Group gate together, just in time to see Agent Coulson standing at the door.

"You really didn't follow the script."

Coulson smiled awkwardly.Before Wayne and the others came, Coulson had already contacted Piper in advance, and the note that Pepper handed to Tony was provided by Coulson.

But judging from the current situation, Coulson and his team have obviously done another futile effort.

"Wayne, have you considered what I told you last time?"

Seeing that the matter on Tony's side was irreversible, Coulson turned his attention to Wayne again.

"Well, I'm going to look for clues about that organization in a while, so."

"We understand your situation. Professor X and S.H.I.E.L.D. are currently paying close attention to the news of that organization. After you meet Professor X, he will definitely tell you more information."

Before Wayne refused, Coulson blocked Wayne's reason.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. has conducted a detailed investigation of Wayne's encounter, and the existence of that mysterious organization is also recorded in S.H.I.E.L.D.However, due to limited information, it is only known that the organization's goal is to study mutants, and no other useful clues have been found.

After S.H.I.E.L.D. told this to Professor X, who had a good cooperative relationship with them, it aroused the great attention of Professor X. Later, even Magneto knew about it.

This is also the only time in the past ten years that the bipolar mutants have reached an agreement on concepts. They need to give some people some warnings. After all, this matter involves mutant children, and the protection of children is the responsibility of every race. nature.

The actions of this organization have touched the bottom line of Professor X and Magneto, and made the group of mutants who have been divided over the years have a common goal again.

"Let's take him a week later."

Seeing this, Wayne didn't say anything more. For the long-known mutant leader, Wayne also had a heart, but he needed to bring the little fat man, after all, the little fat man was also a member of the mutants.

"no problem."

After getting an affirmative answer from Wayne, Coulson once again showed a standard smile on his face.

Although there were some flaws in Tony's matter this time, the problem on Wayne's side was fortunately resolved. Recently, Professor X has been urging him more and more intensely.

A week later.

Wayne, Tony, Fatty, Wade, Pepper and others were all standing in an open space not far from the villa, as if they were waiting for something to arrive.

"Are you really not going?"

Wayne looked at Wade next to him and asked.

After all, in Wayne's opinion, Wade should also be regarded as a member of the mutants, so after returning from the Stark Group last time, Wayne asked Wade's opinion, but was rejected by Wade on the spot.

"Which would you choose to meet a bad old man or go on vacation with a beautiful woman?"

I saw Wade put his arms around Vanessa next to him, and smiled at Wayne that a man could understand.

"A flower stuck in cow dung."

Tony next to him frowned, and looked at Wade with some disgust. During this time, Wade was strictly guarding against Tony, and he resolutely refused to give Tony and Vanessa a chance to contact.

This made Tony, who had no idea in the first place, feel a little helpless. Now that he is going to be a superhero, he doesn't have so much time to spend and drink.

"Drip drip."

Suddenly, the little fat man and the watch on Tony's hand sounded an alarm at the same time.

After more than ten seconds, the little fat man looked at the watch in his hand and said to the watch, "Anti-invisibility."

As soon as the voice fell, light waves of a special frequency were simultaneously emitted from various nearby hidden corners to scan the surrounding sky, and a fighter jet with a black eagle logo suddenly appeared in the sky that was empty just now.

"Hahaha, this little trick can't be hidden from us."

Seeing everyone's surprised expressions, the little fat man felt a little proud.

During this period of time, Tony and Fatty put in countless efforts in the defense system. This anti-invisibility device was proposed by Fatty, and Tony did not refuse.

According to what Tony said, since he decided to do it, he must do his best, so as long as he can think of things, no matter whether he uses them or not in the future, he must install them.

"Waiting for a long time, are you building a fortress?"

After the plane landed, Coulson walked down first, and after a polite conversation with everyone, he asked half-jokingly.

Originally, he planned to wait for the plane to land, but he suddenly appeared to give Wayne a surprise, and at the same time demonstrate the technology and strength of S.H.I.E.L.D.

But he didn't expect to be discovered by the other party as soon as he got close to the 100-meter range around the villa, and interfered with the plane's cloaking device, which made Coulson, who wanted to show off, a little embarrassed.

However, Coulson didn't know that Tony and Fatty had already discovered their existence when they were 500 meters away from the villa.

"Okay, I should go."

After a short greeting, Wayne finally picked up his suitcase and walked towards the plane with the little fat man.

"Hey, Wayne. Remember to find me when you get back."

Wayne, who was halfway there, heard Tony's shout, turned around and Tony smiled, and made an OK gesture.

"Well, how should I put it, I have a feeling of sending my son to college."

Watching Wayne get on the plane and slowly go away, Tony, who stood silent for a few minutes, suddenly said to Pepper with some emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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