Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 381 This Is War

Chapter 381 This Is War


Wanda used chaos magic to control a Hydra soldier, smashing it heavily against the wall,
Blood mixed with brains splattered,

But this disgusting scene caused no discomfort to anyone,

The entire area nearby was in a mess,



All kinds of bright and dark weapons filled the entire passage like a torrential rain.

In front of Wanda, Tony took the lead and stood at the forefront to resist the onslaught of Hydra.

With the armor on the outside as a protective cover, he seemed to use himself as a shield for the Avengers, allowing the bullets from the opposite side to crackle and shoot at his armor.

As a super rich man and a stockpiling party,
Although Tony is not so extravagant as to use full vibration gold as the shell of the armor, he also uses very expensive composite metal,
A few bullets fell on him, like fine raindrops falling on a stone slab with the wind. It really takes water grinding to penetrate his armor.

"There are enemies approaching from the right, Mister Stark."

The sound of Friday sounded in time,
Tony looked up, and a whole group of Hydra soldiers appeared on the corner directly to his right.

"He's here to die again."

Tony pouted,
raise your hand,

With a "swoosh",
A palm-sized missile flew out,

The soldiers of that team of Hydra had just emerged, and before they could raise the guns in their hands, they were directly stunned by a violent explosion.

They came in directly from the gap Wayne made,
The advantage is that you can go straight to Huanglong and avoid many detours.

But the disadvantages are also very obvious, that is, you need to face enemies that appear from more different directions.

after all,

After Wayne broke through one wall after another, while being convenient for himself, it also directly led to the original maze-like base suddenly becoming a large road that can be walked through at will.

Originally, if Tony and the others pushed horizontally all the way,
They only need to face the enemies coming from the front or behind, but now, they need to reserve part of their energy at any time to prevent soldiers pouring out of every gap.

The soldiers in front were quickly cleaned up by Tony and Wanda as soon as they appeared.

And at the back of the line,
Pete, Hawkeye, and Natasha stood in a row,
Compared with the combination of the previous two,

Although there is one more person in the back group, the efficiency is obviously much lower than that of the front group.

Hawkeye pulled out a special bow and arrow from the arrow basket on his back,
on a compound bow,

After taking less than a second to aim briefly, the two fingers clasped on the string were lightly released,

The metal bow and arrow hit an enemy who was shooting at them at a speed not weaker than a bullet.

The bow and arrow accurately blasted a soldier's head,
without the slightest gap,
Hawkeye seamlessly fired another bow and arrow, targeting a Hydra soldier who was about to shoot at him.

This time the bow and arrow shot to nothing.

"You're welcome."

Natasha was holding a pistol, and after saying something coldly, she began to look for the next threatening target.
As a super agent trained by the former Soviet Union, the bullets fired by Natasha seemed to have eyes. She fired six shots randomly and directly hit six enemies.

Move your hand,

Change magazines,
A series of smooth operations directly showed Pete's face next to him.

As a recruit on the battlefield,
Feeling the deafening gunshots and explosions next to you,

The hustle and bustle that belonged exclusively to the battlefield made Pete's heart beating non-stop.

Did not choose to jump up and use his speed or strength to kill the enemy,
Instead, they raised their hands and used long-range attacks.

Continuously shooting hot white sticky objects towards the soldiers pouring out,
Countless unlucky Hydra soldiers were directly stuck to the wall by spider webs before they could see what the thing flying towards them was.
Just when they were about to struggle, a bow and arrow or a bullet would follow and decisively end their lives.

After a short period of tempering, the three began to cooperate tightly,

Hawkeye is responsible for all-round strikes, as long as someone shows up, he will shoot him with a bow and arrow.

Natasha carefully observed the battlefield, and picked out some threatening soldiers for fixed-point strikes.

And Pete, who shoots white objects all over the map,
as an aid,

Provide control skills next to it.

In fact, logically speaking,
Generally, on such a flat road with no obstacles, no one will choose to fight you close. After all, the time you rush over is enough for your opponent to shoot a few bullets at you.

But there is an exception in this battlefield,
Steve, who was wearing a blue star-striped tights, did not choose to unite with the other three,

Instead, he rushed straight towards the opposite side with his beloved little shield on his back,
There are no obstacles in the way,
But he can carry obstacles himself,

The shield that can only cover the size of the chest was held by Steve and waved up and down,

All the attacks were blocked by him one by one,

After being injected with the super soldier potion, he ran like a running bison,

in the blink of an eye,
Steve rushed directly into a group of Hydra soldiers,

This feeling of running in the hail of bullets made him seem to have returned to that era that belonged to him.


Steve slapped a Hydra soldier who had just drawn out his dagger with his shield,
At the same time, he flicked his right foot backwards,
As soon as a soldier appeared behind him, he kicked him away.
After hitting two other soldiers one after another while flying backwards, the three rolled together under the effect of inertia.

It didn't take long,

The originally chaotic scene suddenly became quiet.

around a few people,
Dozens of Hydra warriors lay densely packed on the ground,
Except for a few lucky ones who passed out in a coma, most of them were dead.

sticky blood,

It quietly submerged the bullets all over the ground and the potholes left by the explosion.


Wait until the adrenaline wears off,

Pete realized the tragedy around him, his face turned pale, and the bloody scene in front of him refreshed his understanding of the world.

He has been wandering the streets, at best, he has only seen gang fights,
But within the New York metropolitan area,

Even the gang fights were controlled within an acceptable range, at most it would be amputation of an arm and a foot, even if it was a murder, there would not be such a large-scale massacre.

"Don't be afraid."

Steve did not know when he came behind Pete,
Gently stroking his back,

Taste of people who come here:

It is war. "

Pete stood silently,

no answer,

He wanted to take a deep breath to relieve the uneasiness in his heart, but as soon as he inhaled, a strong smell of blood entered his nostrils, making him almost spit it out.


At this time,

Tony at the front turned his head and said,

After experiencing events big and small,

He has already slowly learned to remain indifferent to the death in front of him,
after all,

As Steve said,
It is war.

 I feel that friends who are still chasing more are true love,

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(End of this chapter)

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