Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 384 The Interrupted Self-Destruction

Chapter 384 The Interrupted Self-Destruction
The surrounding temperature is high,
The height seems to melt the ceiling and the ground,
Also about to melt,
And Wayne, who was being held tightly in Boone's arms.

"Let's die together, let's die together, let's die together!"

It seemed that something went wrong in Boone's mind, and the leader of Hydra, who was originally deep in the city, was chanting this sentence in a daze.

feel my own melting skin,
and bones about to melt,

This feeling is like jumping into a volcano that is about to erupt.

Wayne sighed.

After trying to break free several times to no avail, he simply gave up the unnecessary struggle.

Anyway, I have tasted the taste of a nuclear bomb explosion once, and it is not bad today.

There is the source of life in the body to support yourself,
Wayne reckoned that although Boone's self-destruct would be more violent than Joseph's, it would not cause him to lose his life.


The ground under my feet vibrated with a "boom", as if an earthquake had occurred in this area,

Caught off guard, the vibration of the ground made Boone and Wayne stagger at the same time.

"This is."

Wayne's face lifted,

He looked towards the place where the source of the earthquake came from.

Most of the skin on the face has been burned terribly,

It looked like a dead body that was pulled out of the scene of the fire.


Wayne tilted his head.

After the initial pain has passed,

It may be that the pain nerves in his brain have melted,

Anyway, at this time, he didn't feel uncomfortable at all, it was just that he couldn't move his body.

Even have the mind to think about some other things.

"It really is!"

Although he couldn't move his body, Wayne's perception ability could directly spread to that area, and he felt the breath of chaos magic coming from there.

The eyelids without eyelids rolled around, and the painting style was a bit like a scene in a zombie movie. Wayne opened his mouth.

"I was so involved in the fight that I forgot that they were here."


Wayne realized a serious problem that he had subconsciously ignored just now,
According to his past experience,
And from the experience of the last nuclear explosion,
If Boone blew himself up here, even if the explosion was not as powerful as a nuclear bomb, none of the people in the entire base would survive.
Even if they were lucky enough to escape the shock wave of the explosion,

I can't escape the coming avalanche,

In this icy land,
Such a big movement is enough to trigger a natural disaster.

Tony, Wanda and others outside have no protection from the source of life.
As soon as it explodes,

Guaranteed to report to hell if you don't pull it.

I figured everything out in an instant,
Taking advantage of the gap between the two staggering together,

The emerald green light represented by the source of life instantly diffused outside Wayne's body,
By the displacement brought about by the shock just now,
Wayne jerked his arms out,
The sudden burst of power slowed down the reaction of Boon behind him,
Wayne came straight out of Boone's arms.


Wayne squatted slightly,
body to the side,
The elbow hit Boon's head fiercely.

Now that you've got a problem with your brain, let's just make it bigger.


Boone took two steps back when he was hit by Wayne,
The rising high temperature on his body also stagnated suddenly, and the process of energy accumulation seemed to be somewhat affected.

The subtle changes in the surrounding temperature were quickly noticed by Wayne,

With the blessing of the source of life in the body,

Although his current appearance looks a bit miserable, his actual fighting ability has not declined at all.

The ability to perceive the outside world is as accurate and sharp as ever.

"It appears that this process can be prevented."

Wayne's eyes lit up suddenly,
Before, I just resisted with the mentality of giving it a try, but I didn't expect to be guessed right by him.

He remembered that the few soldiers who had been injected with the Extremis virus that he had come into contact with before could not be stopped when they exploded.
Like Lollipop Devil Brothers,
For example, Joseph who was thrown into another time and space by him,
They usually use self-destruction as the final curtain call performance before the temporary or before the defeat.


The orangutan I met last time at Hydra's New York point of contact,

At the last moment of death, he just wanted to use the virus to speed up his self-healing speed,

There is no self-explosion performance like the previous batches.

Now it seems,

This should be because the Extremis virus, after continuous research and repair by Hydra scientists,
make the whole process controllable,
Although this improvement can improve the combat effectiveness and controllability of soldiers,
It can be regarded as making up for the biggest flaw of Extremis Virus,
But correspondingly,
The improvement of controllability also caused them to directly lose the final trump card,

It seems that the new generation of Extremis injectors,
If you want to self-destruct like before, you need to slowly accumulate energy in your body.

The thoughts in my mind are changing rapidly,

Wayne's hands didn't stop,

A sliding step came directly in front of Boone,
Ignoring the terrifying temperature constantly emanating from Boone's body, he grabbed his wrist with one hand.

turn around,

Waist force,

A standard yoke throw sent Boone to the other wall.


The metal wall sank inward in an instant,

A large human-shaped pit firmly stuck Boone in it.

After a violent struggle,

The surrounding walls have long lost a complete area, and there are potholes everywhere.

Boon opened his eyes.
A series of violent attacks left him stunned.

A blue light flashed before his eyes,
Wayne appeared in front of Boone again,
At this time, the temperature on Boone's body seemed to be much lower than before.

Attacks can interrupt their process of accumulating energy,
Wayne's idea seems to have been validated.


Falling down like raindrops,

Boone, who was stuck on the wall, could only watch Wayne's attacks keep pouring on him like a lady who took off her clothes helplessly.

Every heavy punch landed on Boone's body could make his whole body twitch violently,
Don't doubt Wayne's strength,

As a player who can stand up to the Hulk, if Boone's skeleton is not made of vibrating gold, he would have been hammered into a puddle by Wayne.

Every violent convulsion,

All of them can reduce the temperature emitted by Boone's body a lot.

The whole process is like a blacksmith working tirelessly to strike iron.
It's just that the blacksmith strikes iron to make excellent iron,
And Wayne strikes the iron,
It's just to calm down the human-shaped stove in front of him.

After a storm of beatings,
Boone's skin finally reappeared the texture of human skin.

blew up,

Finally, it was caught in the cradle.

(End of this chapter)

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