Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 39 Death is like the wind

Chapter 39 Death is like the wind
After hearing what Professor X said, Wayne was a little touched.

In fact, Coulson told Wayne before that most of the awakened mutants will start to loathe and fear their abilities due to their own mentality or the influence of external factors at the beginning of their awakening, and then begin to reject themselves.

Besides providing shelter to mutants, Professor X's main purpose is to tell these lost mutants that your abilities are not a punishment from heaven, but a precious gift.

He is not as weak as the outside rumors say, he will only blindly seek perfection, he just wants to use this method to fundamentally change the views of most ordinary people and mutants on this race.

Generally, those who are well-known are divided into two types. The first type is not as famous as meeting, and the second type is not as famous as meeting.

When he first saw that the famous Professor X was just a little old man in a wheelchair, Wayne thought he was the first type.

But now, Wayne felt that this kind little old man really deserved his reputation.

After finishing speaking, Professor X continued to take Wayne and Little Fatty around the campus. Normally, Professor X would leave this kind of thing to other teachers.

But for Wayne, Professor X attaches great importance to him. From the first time he saw Wayne, he discovered that this child is special.

Carrying the luggage, Wayne slowly followed the wheelchair in front of him and wandered around the campus, carefully experiencing the culture and life of this school.

Mutant children can be seen playing and running around everywhere, from Xiaodou Ding, who is five or six years old, to young people who are about the same height as Wayne, living in this school very harmoniously.

There are even many mutants with obvious changes in appearance who can wander around the campus leisurely, discussing various interesting things with their friends.

This kind of picture is impossible to appear in the outside world, especially for those mutants with mutated appearance, once they are discovered by ordinary people, they will become the target of local ordinary people.

After strolling around for half an hour, seeing a little boy with horns not far away happily playing football with his little friend on the playground, Professor X stopped moving forward, and asked Wayne and the little fat man next to him:
"How do you feel here?"

"I fell in love with it here."

The little fat man was the first to say that within half an hour, the little fat man saw a real home that belonged to mutants.

"What about you?"

Professor X smiled and looked at Wayne again.

"It's incredible."

Looking at the unfit old man in front of him, Wayne suddenly had a very majestic figure at this moment, creating a utopia for many mutants by himself.

Professor X was also very satisfied with Wayne's answer. The purpose of bringing Wayne to experience this school was to let Wayne recognize it, which would allow Wayne to integrate into the mutant group more quickly.

Next, Professor X took Wayne and Fatty to their room in person.

This is a very luxuriously decorated room with a large area and two beds, but it doesn't look crowded. It has all the furniture and electrical appliances. It is not inferior to the room Wayne lived in Tony's house in terms of layout. .

Lying on the bed, Wayne chatted with the little fat man without saying a word, while recalling what he saw today.

Unknowingly, fatigue swept over Wayne's nerves. Ever since he fell asleep on the plane, Wayne felt that his body seemed to have undergone some changes, but feeling more full of power in his body, Wayne felt that this This change should be in a good direction.

Listening to the little fat man constantly explaining the various unfair treatment faced by mutants from the outside world and how desperate some mutants are after awakening, Wayne fell into a deep sleep.

In the dream, Wayne saw a perfect world, a world where mutants and ordinary people live in harmony.

Early the next morning, a woman with beautiful red hair appeared in Wayne and Fatty's room.

After arranging the lessons for the little fat man, the woman brought the little fat man to Professor X's office.

Pushing open the thick door, besides Professor X who was sitting on the stool, there were several other people standing beside the desk.

Seeing Wayne and the woman come in, Professor X smiled and greeted Wayne:
"Good morning, Wayne, the person who brought you in is Qin, a teacher of the college."

Then he motioned for others to introduce themselves.

A dark-skinned woman with white hair said first: "Hi, Wayne, my name is Ororo, you can call me Storm."

A cool looking man with sunglasses next to him continued, "Scott, Cyclops."

Then, the most attractive person in the room, the person with blue skin and thick body hair finally said: "My name is Hank, hello, you can call me Beast."

After listening to the self-introductions of several people, Wayne was silent for a moment, and said, "My name is Wayne, you can call me"

After thinking for a long time, Wayne still couldn't come up with a famous name, and he was a little embarrassed.

"Okay, Wayne, I came to you today to talk to you."

Professor X, who had been paying attention to Wayne, couldn't help laughing when he saw Wayne scratching his head.

"Ahem, what do you want to talk about?"

Coughing twice to cover up his embarrassment, Wayne became serious instantly, as if it was someone else who scratched his head just now.

"I did some research on your experience. Since your awakening, you have experienced a few things, and it seems to be always accompanied by killing and death. Why do you think this is?"

Professor X pondered for a moment, then spoke.

From the moment many mutants wake up, their lives will undergo earth-shaking changes, and they will go to another unusual path, which is certain.

This stage is the stage where mutants are most likely to reject their mutant identity.

This is because mutants at this stage have less control over abilities

, prone to accidents, hurting people around or other innocent people.

After Wayne awakened consciously, he experienced several battles in succession, all of which were accompanied by death. Professor X was a little worried that Wayne would have a bad opinion of the identity of a mutant because of this.

Hearing Professor X's words, Wayne couldn't help recalling his experience after awakening. First, he was tortured by abnormal scientists for more than a month, then he fought with a group of mercenaries, and finally he fought with a mysterious organization. is accompanied by death.

But Wayne didn't find that his mentality had been affected. On the contrary, he liked his ability very much.

After carefully thinking about a book he had read called "Valoran Sassy Tales", Wayne raised his head, looked into Professor X's eyes and said solemnly:

"Death is like the wind, always with me."

 This period of school is not long, it is considered a transition.

  Can be a little boring.

(End of this chapter)

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