Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 410 Strange

Chapter 410 Strange
The surrounding light suddenly dimmed,
Wayne and Gu Yi walked into the dark path in front of the library,
The ordinary path looks a bit mysterious under the backdrop of the magic lamps on the wall.

Not long after entering the trail,

Didn't even see the library folks,

Wayne had already heard Wang's exasperated shouts coming from inside.

"How can you disrupt the timeline at will like this! Do you know how dangerous it is for you to do this?


is a forbidden ability.

Any slight mistake can cause unimaginable and painful costs.

Do you want to enter a time loop from which you cannot escape, or do you want to simply erase any trace of your existence from time? "

As soon as the king's roar fell,

Another strange voice sounded,

With a trace of perfunctory, said:
I'm just trying,
These warnings are not written in front of the spell, who wrote this book?I think he should take full responsibility for this incident. "


Gu Yi pushed open the wooden door of the library,

The arguing in the library instantly quieted down.

Wayne walked in after Gu Yi.

Under the dim light,
Wang Zheng stared at the figure opposite him with a fierce look on his face.

Wayne's eyes froze.

The focus was on the figure in front of Wang.

It should be that special person in Gu Yikou.

short beard,

The neat short hair has turned gray,
It looks no different from ordinary middle-aged uncles,
The only feature Wayne could find was the long, narrow face like a horse.

"Master Gu Yi."

Seeing Gu Yi come in,

Wang suddenly restrained his expression and greeted respectfully.


Looking back,
When he saw Wayne who had tortured him to the point of collapse, the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably,

The appearance of Wayne once again awakened the shadow in his heart.

"Long time no see, Wang."

Wayne smiled and greeted the fat man not far away.

the scene in front of me,
It seemed to take him back to a few months ago,

Until now,

He still remembered that he got along well with Wang back then, but the fat man seemed a little shy.

Hearing Wayne's enthusiastic call, Wang turned his head to the side with a straight face, avoiding Wayne's eyes.


Wayne shrugged.

Take a few steps forward,

He greeted the man in front of him whom he met for the first time.

"Hi, my name is Wayne."


Strange turned around,
He nodded his chin at Wayne as a greeting.


Asked with some doubts:
"Aren't you a mage?"

Karma Taj's mages all wear uniform robes, and Wayne's casual attire shows that the robes here are out of place.

"No, this is a guest."

Gu Yi said something lightly.

most of the time,
She always has a breezy expression,

It seemed that nothing could stir up a ripple in her heart.


Strange pouted,

When he heard the word guest, the expression on his face suddenly changed.

Not noticing the change of expression on Strange's face,

Wayne shifted his gaze to the quaint book on the table.

The cover of this book is distinctly different from others,

And on the opening page,

It can be seen that there is a trace of a piece of paper being torn off.

The controversy I heard before seemed to be caused by this book.

"This is the page stolen by Casillas?"

Wayne stepped forward,
glanced twice,

The dense symbols and incomprehensible letters on it made his brain hurt a little.

"Yes, Casillas wants to summon Dormammu to Earth.

First of all, three temples need to be destroyed. These three temples are in New York, London, and Hong Kong.

These three temples are protective shields made by the previous supreme mage,
The temple protects the earth,

The mage protects the temple. "

Gu Yi didn't avoid Wang and Stephen at all when he spoke, it seemed that they knew these things long before Wayne.

"Where is the New York Temple?"

Wayne chose the closest location without hesitation,

Compared to London and Hong Kong,

New York is more like his home field, after all, many fights have been fought on this land.

"New York, 177A Brick Street."

Gu Yi squinted his eyes and reported an address, then pointed to Wang and Strange, and said, "They will go with you."


Wayne turned his head to look at Gu Yi, and asked with some doubts.

He didn't think he needed two helpers to deal with a little mage,

Even if the little mage still has many mage apprentices behind him, it's just a waste of time.

"Because he will be of great help to you."

Gu Yi said without thinking,
It didn't say who "he" was, or how it would help.

This erratic tone,

If Wayne hadn't known about Gu Yi's ability,
They will subconsciously classify her as a magic stick or something.

Wayne just wanted to say no.
Strange on the other side suddenly yelled, with an arrogant smile on his long and narrow horse face,

A bit ostentatious,

Like a third-rate actor in a bad show.

"I don't think I need to follow a high school student on a mission, are you kidding me?"

"High school student?"

Wayne froze for a moment,
He repeated it silently in a low voice.

Then he turned his head to look at Strange, who continued to perform hard, with a hint of amusement in his green eyes.

"At first, I was a little curious about what is special about you, but now I suddenly found one.

With your poor acting skills, you are like a new monkey in the circus.

Dear Mage Strange,
I was suddenly curious,
Are you a mage, or a clown? "

The corner of Wayne's mouth curled up,
He bickered with Tony and Wade for a long time,
In response to any challenge from the mouth,

They are not timid at all.

Although I don't understand why Strange's attitude changed so much before and after,

But if you have to fight back,
Still have to fight back.


I am a doctor. "

Strange narrowed his eyes,

He didn't care about Wayne's sarcasm at all.

Unlike other traditional mages,

Wayne had seen two mages look like medieval knights before,
For a mere title dispute, a red-faced and thick-necked person,

The Strange in front of him was obviously different from them.

"No matter what your status is, I don't want to take your burden to carry out the mission."

Wayne rolled his eyes.
Originally, he didn't have any special feelings for Strange.

But this way,
There was some resistance to it in my heart.


This seemingly important occupation,
It seems that after he awakened his ability, he was completely insulated from himself.

(End of this chapter)

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