Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 415 I have an idea

Chapter 415 I have an idea

"Ahem, cough, there is something wrong with this cloak."

Getting up from the ground in embarrassment,
Strange tried to hide his embarrassment with a cough.

Seeing that Wayne was still looking at him mentally handicapped, Strange pulled the cloak on his body and whispered:

"Hey, move, move quickly."

"." The cloak remained motionless, as if it had turned back into a dead thing again.


Strange looked up,
Some dare not look directly at Wayne.

As an excellent genius doctor, Strange's self-esteem is much stronger than that of ordinary people, but the series of performances just now made him feel like a mentally handicapped person.

"Where did this cloak come from?"

Wayne asked suddenly, his tone a little cold, after all, what happened to the two of them was not pleasant.

"Found in the temple."

Seeing that Wayne didn't mean to laugh at himself, Strange immediately turned his gaze to the battlefield ahead.


He saw Casillas rushing straight in their direction.

"This lunatic!" Strange cursed secretly, grabbed Wayne's arm and was about to run outside.

under a pull,
Strange felt as if he was pulling a wall, Wayne stood still, and he staggered, almost falling to the ground again.

"Let's go, this man has already killed two mages guarding the temple, we are no match for him!"

Strange roared eagerly.


Wayne turned his head away.
Looking at Strange with a playful face,

Curiously asked:
"Mage Gu Yi asked you to come here just to let you perform an escape?

and also,

You run and run, why drag a high school student along? "

"damn it!"

Strange's face became bitter all of a sudden,


"This morning, Gu Yi deliberately asked me to target you, and I don't understand the specific reason.

I still don't understand why Gu Yihui wanted me to participate in this incident. I am just a doctor. "


Wayne was taken aback suddenly,
He looked suspiciously at Strange who seemed to be grilled on a fire.

Gu Yi deliberately wanted him to target him?

For Strange's words,

Wayne has no doubts, after all, there is no need for others to lie to him.

Moreover, Strange's behavior of involving himself when he was escaping also temporarily changed his impression of Strange. Although he was a little timid, he still had a good heart.

As for Gu Yi's intention to target him, Wayne hadn't figured it out after thinking hard for two hours before, even if he knew some of the causes and effects, it still didn't help him at all.

"He's coming!"

cried Strange.

During the conversation between the two, Casillas had already passed through the melee in front,

Wang and Modu, who were fighting with other believers, ignored it at all, as if they had recognized Strange.

"If you don't leave, it will be too late. You owe me a favor."

Seeing that Wayne still didn't respond,
Strange stood in front of Wayne helplessly.

Having never seen Wayne's ability, he subconsciously regarded Wayne as an ordinary person,

Although I am afraid to die in my heart,

But he stood up at the critical moment.

"It's just a little mage, so there's nothing to be afraid of."

standing behind Strange,

Wayne said suddenly.


Strange turned his head and glanced at Wayne. He had been too nervous before, which made him ignore that Wayne was brought here by Gu.

Could it be that the high school student in front of him has a unique skill?

"Feel sorry."

Strange bowed his head and said something sincerely, and stepped directly behind Wayne, urging:

"Come on, kill him, and save the world!"


Wayne stared blankly at Strange,

In addition to Sol,

He finally saw another person who was so real that he didn't hide at all.

The only difference is,

one is cowardly,
One is silly.

"He's coming, get rid of him quickly, Wang and Modu won't last long."

Strange continued to press.

"I'm thinking"

Wayne spoke suddenly.

"Thinking about what?"

"I'm thinking,

What is the purpose of Gu Yi asking you to come?

Do you have a talent hidden inside you that you didn't even realize? "

Wayne took another serious look at Strange and said:
"I suddenly had an idea."


Strange suddenly trembled all over,
nor answer Wayne's words,

Straight away, he wanted to stay away from Wayne.

Wayne's movements are obviously countless times faster than his,
He directly grabbed Strange's arm, without giving him any time to react, and threw him towards Casillas in front.

"Come on, Strange!"


The red cloak finally moved again,
Pulling Strange and flying upwards, after dodging Casillas' attack, he was placed on the ground on the other side.


Strange gasped heavily,

Today's experience is really too exciting for a doctor.

Before today,
He has only seen these scenes in movies, and he never expected that he just wanted to heal his hand, but he needed to fight with his life.

When Strange was in a daze,
Casillas had already rushed over, and the transparent weapon in his hand was like the scythe of death, cutting towards Strange.

"Keep running!"


Critical juncture,
Strange once again summoned a shield to resist Casillas' attack.

After a series of tossing,
His complexion is obviously much better than before, and he seems to have slowly gotten used to the rhythm of the battle.

This time,
Surprisingly he ran without turning around,

With an empty hand, he waved towards Casillas violently, and a gorgeous long whip appeared instantly, wrapping around Casillas' waist.

"Hey...I got you."

The corner of Strange's mouth showed a curve, and he pulled back suddenly, trying to throw Casillas against the wall.


feel the constriction of the waist,
Casillas was not flustered,
He casually summoned a sharp blade and chopped it on the long whip, cutting off the long whip like a strand of hair.


One shot down,
Strange staggered,
Then turned to look at Wayne, and shouted loudly:

"Come and help me,

Now is not the time to experiment,
They have already destroyed two temples, if the Hong Kong temple is also destroyed,

The whole earth will be swallowed by darkness! "

"Isn't there a temple here?"

Looking at Strange who was forced to fumble, Wayne showed a devilish smile.

Don't panic,

He's not panicking at all now,

Although I have figured out that Strange yelled at him in the morning because of Gu Yi's instructions,
But this didn't affect him admiring the other party's embarrassed appearance from the side.


Strange was kicked against the wall by Casillas,
Wayne suddenly showed a painful look,

murmured in his mouth:
"It hurts just looking at it."

(End of this chapter)

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