Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 420 Strange's Choice

Chapter 420 Strange's Choice

"Why don't you go?"

Wayne glanced suspiciously at Strange beside him.

at this time,

Only Wayne and Strange remained in place.

As for the mages,

It's like they've lost their ability to think.
As long as there is a leader, the other little lambs will subconsciously follow the leader and rush forward.

After the king and Casillas fought hand to hand,
The people behind them also quickly formed into a group,
The sound of magic colliding and the roaring of mages made the already chaotic streets even more chaotic.

"I haven't lost my mind yet." Strange shook his head, with clarity in his eyes. "I've read the description of Domamu in the book, and we people are not worthy of being his opponent."

"Hey, don't classify me with you without authorization. Even if you want to go to high school at your age, no one will accept you."

Although Wayne also understands Dormammu's strength,
But he still won't admit that he is not even qualified to be the opponent of the opponent.

It's the same thing whether you fight or not.
But whether you dare to fight, whether you can fight, is another matter.

"Actually... I regret it now."

Strange lowered his head and his voice was a little low.

"Regret at that time, or regret appearing here, or regret being a mage, or regret being a doctor?"

Wayne glanced at Strange and asked.

"Oh, I don't regret what you said." Strange chuckled lightly,
After noticing the change in Wayne's eyes, he coughed dryly, and continued:
"It's a bit regretful that I hated you at the time, after all, I didn't expect you to be so good at fighting."

This sentence,
It's true,

As long as you are a sane person, you don't want to offend someone who can kill you in an instant.

"I have some regrets that I didn't stop them with you at that time."

Strange sniffled,

Is there any special emotion in this chaotic street.

"Actually... I didn't become a doctor to save people, I just did it for myself, for money, and for fame."

"When I came to Karma Taj, I didn't know it would be like this. I just wanted to heal my hand injury."

Strange raised his hands to his chest,

slender fingers,
Shaking slightly like an old man in his seventies and eighties.

"I don't want to get involved in this dispute at all, what magic, what saves the world, what Supreme Mage.

These things don't belong to me at all. I'm just a doctor. I should save people, but I shouldn't save people in this situation.

Especially after witnessing Casillas kill the mage with his own hands,
I'm scared,

This is not the society I have been exposed to for decades,

The world of mages seems magical, but the rules in it have been stuck in the last century, at the moment of their birth.

There is no law in their eyes, they don't even need a reason to kill a life, and they don't even blink when they kill! "

The emotional agitation made the ten fingers lying across the chest tremble more violently.

"But why do you regret it?"

Wayne listened quietly,


asked quietly.

He has experienced this kind of mentality change before, even more than once.

With each increase in strength,

Every time the situation changes,

It will cause his mentality to change to varying degrees.

Maybe when changing,
you will be miserable
you will be very excited,
Your various emotions will collide violently,

Everything you have experienced before and everything that is happening in front of you will conflict with each other.


When you pass this hurdle,
You will usher in a whole new world, a new self.

"Look at this street." Strange raised his head, glanced at the chaotic street,

in an obscure corner,

There were corpses lying one after another, maybe they were still doing their own thing just a second ago.

But the next second,
Doom befalls them, and they cannot avoid it,


Some people don't even know how they died.

"All of this may just be because of some small thoughts on my part at the time.

I want to escape, I want to go back to my own world again.


These people never went back. "

Strange suddenly raised his head,
There seemed to be a hint of understanding in his eyes.

"Now I seem to be able to understand a sentence that Gu told me back then,

she says,

She used to be just like me,
But when she witnessed the tragedies in the world, when she realized what impact the power in her body could have on the world,

She chose to give up her life,
Give up your former identity,
Live in this land in another way. "

"She's great."

Wayne said.


he understands

He also has

But he never seems to be able to associate his life and goals with maintaining peace like Tony and Pete.


This did not prevent him from admiring these people in the slightest.

He has known many people worthy of his admiration,
at this time,

He had a hunch,
It seemed as if he knew one more superhero-like character.

"I've made a decision."

half an hour,

Strange suddenly stared at Wayne solemnly and said.

"We want to prevent this tragedy and prevent Dormammu from coming!"

"This is of course, otherwise the whole earth will be over."

Wayne nodded.

"What should we do now, you have more experience than I do.

How about I try to use the time stone to restore the temple and restore everything to its original state? "

"Stop talking, the time gem in your hands is like a glass bead bought at a street stall for 20 yuan, now" Wayne looked at the mages who were huddled together over there, and then at the expanding purple black energy. "We should find Gu Yi first."

"She's not in Karma Taj. When we went back to move the rescuers, I went to her room to see."

Strange frowned.

Gu Yi has disappeared for a whole day, no one knows where she is, and with her ability, if she wants to hide, no one will be able to find her.

"She won't hide, she is the supreme mage. If she would hide under such circumstances, why did she embark on this path many years ago?
It must be near here, even in the most dangerous place. "


Wayne suddenly raised his head,
Sweeping his eyes towards the purple-black energy group in the distance,
One after another, colored spheres like brain neurons are floating in the purple-black energy,

It seems to be the dark dimension of Dormammu,

As for what these spheres are, Wayne doesn't know, maybe they are planets that were once swallowed by Dormammu, or maybe they are cells in Dormammu's body.


These are not the key,
The key is.

Wayne pointed to a small black dot in the purple-black energy cluster, and said:

"Does that little black spot look like Gu Yi?"

".What are you referring to?"

Strange squinted and looked in the direction Wayne pointed,

As an ordinary person,

He can only see the pitch black, how can there be any small black spots?

"Fly me there!"

Wayne grabbed Strange's arm,

Said to the cloak on his shoulders.

(End of this chapter)

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