Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 422 Genius Needs Time...Gems

Chapter 422 Genius Takes Time. Gems
Why is the supreme mage me?

I'm just a rookie who just joined and I can't even beat Iker Casillas.

this post,

Should it be handed over to Modu or Wang? "

Strange didn't have the feeling of being hit by a big prize at this time,
at this time,

Instead, he felt like he had fallen into a pit.

"Can Wang and Modu beat Casillas?"

Gu Yi asked with a smile.


The corner of Strange's mouth twitched,

They really couldn't beat Casillas, otherwise they wouldn't have made so many moths.

"What the supreme mage needs is not power, all power can be acquired by the day after tomorrow.

For the supreme mage,

More important is here. "

Gu Yi pointed to his heart, the smile on his face softened,


You've already made up your mind, haven't you? "


Strange subconsciously wanted to justify.

"Your hands are no longer shaking, you have now achieved your original intention.

right now,

You can opt out and go back to your previous world where you are still the revered and famous doctor and you are still in control of your life.


Do you still want to go back? "

"Is this really good?"

Strange threw up his hands violently,
When his hands were placed in front of him again after a few months,

But he found that he was not as excited as he expected,
previously valued,


everything you are attached to,
It seems that at this time, it seems that it is not as important as dealing with the catastrophe in front of us.

"I can't beat him."

After a while,
Strange lowered his hands in frustration.

He can't even beat Casillas,
Not to mention singled out Dormammu.

Although I was a little stuffed by Gu Yi's chicken soup just now, chicken soup doesn't work in the adult world.

He will also pour chicken soup,

But he can't go to Dormammu now and talk to him about how to simmer chicken soup.

"You can do it."

Gu Yi smiled mysteriously,
Looking at the pendant on Strange's chest, he said:

"I have seen you defeating Dormammu in countless futures,
I believe you can do it. "

"You are joking?

I beat Dormammu?

Did I beat him with chicken soup? "

Strange, who was overly emotional, directly spoke out what was in his heart.

Gu Yi nodded with a smile on his face.


Strange was speechless,


"Why don't you try?"

"The Time Gem can save you!"

At this time,

Wayne interrupted suddenly.

Right now,

Only then did he think of the wonderful uses of the Time Stone,
You only need to turn the time back to before the battle between Gu Yi and Domamu to save Gu Yi.

"It can save me, but it won't save the world if this precious opportunity is used on me.

I have lived countless ages,

to be frank,
I do feel tired,
not only my body,
Even my soul is exhausted to the extreme. "

"You want us not to save you?"

Wayne lowered his head and asked.

"So quietly let me go,

how nice

After fighting against the laws of nature for so long, let it win once.

It's no fun to always win more. "


Gu Yi coughed up a mouthful of blood again,

The magic that had been shrouding the vicinity also collapsed in an instant.

"he came."

Gu glanced at the void,

at the same time,

Endless dark energy suddenly gathered not far away, and a huge and distorted face appeared in front of the three of them.

ancient one,

You can't hold it anymore after all. "

The mouth of the big dark face is gaping,

One after another sound waves rushed towards the three of them.

"Have you ever thought that one day you will fail because of your students?


The price of this failure is your life! "

"What do you say?

I've seen far more futures than you can imagine,
Everything is moving in the best way right now. "

Gu Yi forced himself up,
At this time, in Wayne's perception,

Gu Yi's breath of life has almost dried up.

"Including your death?"

The big dark face continued.

"of course."

Gu Yi forced a weird smile,
Not as indifferent as she was before,

Instead, it looks like the greedy smiles of gamblers with red eyes at the gambling table.

"The bet is only my life, but it can win a bright future for the earth. I think this is a very good deal."


Just go on fooling yourself,
right now,

you three,

None can escape,
Before I devour the earth,
You are my appetizer! "

The big dark face suddenly roared.

The surrounding dark magic instantly condensed towards this side,

A momentum that seemed to be able to destroy the world suddenly rose.

"Let's stop him first!"

Wayne stared,
Just about to turn around,
But the arm was pulled by Gu Yi.

"Leave it to him." Gu glanced at Strange, and then said to Wayne, "I have one thing to ask you."


I go alone? "

Strange's eyes widened.
Pointing to his nose in disbelief,

"You don't want Karma Taj's new supreme mage to sacrifice on the first day of being accepted?"

"of course not."

Gu Yi smiled,
"You have the time stone, you have a high degree of compatibility with him, make good use of it, plus the chicken soup you said before.

go ahead

you can win. "


See what the ancients said so swearing,

Strange suddenly felt a wave of shake in his heart,
after all,

There is no need for Gu Yi to trick himself before the temporary, right?
"Can he really do it?"

Wayne also asked suspiciously at this time.

Although he also thinks that Strange is very talented,

Talent alone is not enough.

All geniuses take time to develop.


Wayne glanced at the Time Stone on Strange's chest.

"Shall I... let me try?"

Strange touched the pendant on his chest, looked left and right subconsciously, and found that there were no figures of Wang and Modu, a green light suddenly lit up on his hand.


Ancient one.


I went. "

Strange took a deep breath,

turn around,
The red cloak automatically floated at this time,

Send him to the big dark face not far away.

"Are you here to die?"

Dormammu said with a big grin.

"Cough cough...
I'm here to negotiate with you.

I think you, as the master of the dark dimension, don't need to limit your goals to the earth, or even the galaxy.

How vast is the universe,

I think,
Light years away,

You should be able to find something more delicious than the earth, more suitable to your appetite, more”

Strange hadn't finished speaking,
Countless spikes several meters in diameter suddenly condensed in the void,
With a burst of sound,
Directly turned Strange into a hedgehog.

(End of this chapter)

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