Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 426 Is it great to have dimensions?

Chapter 426 Is it great to have dimensions?




Wayne kept jumping on strangely shaped spheres one after another,

It's like a flexible ape is shuttling through the dense woods.

Every time it hits the ground,
will make a huge hole in the nearby ground,

But then,

Wayne will also rush towards the direction Dormammu left at a faster speed.


Getting closer and closer.

Wayne seemed to be able to smell a little smell from the darkness,



Just like the air in hell has a magical power that can bewitch people's hearts,
The efficacy of dark energy in this regard is as good as hell.

When these energies approached Wayne,
It will be instantly transformed into the purest air by the source of life circulating around Wayne.

In the endless darkness,

A huge figure is looming,

It seems that all the dark abilities are cooperating with him in his actions.

He is the king of all dark energies.

"Do you want to leave so easily?"

Wayne's eyes released a murderous look undisguised,
A peaceful breath of life surrounds me,

Combined with the strong murderous aura,
It made Wayne's whole temperament somewhat contradictory.


The mountain-like figure slowly turned around,
Dormammu looked at Wayne who was chasing him in surprise,


The matter between me and you is over.


Do you want to follow in my footsteps? "

There was a hint of greed in Dormammu's words,
The strong breath of life on Wayne's body almost condensed into substance,

Such people,
Absorbing one is far more convenient and simpler than absorbing the entire earth that takes effort.

"bring it on.
The dark dimension will always open its doors for you wise creatures,

you can be a part of me,

We can live forever in this dimension that transcends all time and space.

With your qualifications,
Can become the most powerful existence besides me in the entire dimension. "

like a trafficker,
At this time, Dormammu began to use various words to try to deceive Wayne.

Do not underestimate this temptation,

prior to,

He used this method to successfully brainwash Casillas,

In some people's eyes,

Not dead,

beyond time,

trumps all other conditions.

"Is it amazing to have a dimension?"

Wayne landed on a sphere in front of Dormammu,

The huge force generated during the fall directly caused the entire sphere to collapse.

But at this time,

Neither of them cared about these small details.

"This is a whole dimension!"

Dormammu said with some pride.

"Much vaster than a planet,
You might not know what a dimension actually means."


I also know a person who has a dimension, is it amazing to have a dimension? "

Wayne interrupted Dormammu.


Dormammu once again showed a hint of surprise,
Probing way:
"who is it?"

After reaching their level of life,

After all, he is familiar with several other opponents of similar strength in the universe,
Even if they haven't met each other or fought against each other, they have heard some rumors from other places.

Although the life energy contained in Wayne's body is very attractive,


If killing Wayne would really add a powerful opponent to him,

Dormammu still needs to think carefully for a while.

after all,

even he

It is not invincible in the universe.

"My little brother."

Wayne said without changing his expression.

This sentence,
Not bragging,

In a sense,

When I was in the orphanage, Wayne was covering the little fat man most of the days.

"You are playing with the great Dormammu! Human beings, it seems that your power has made you lose yourself. Now, let me tell you what true power is."

Dormam yelled angrily.

Although he admits that Wayne seems to have the right to speak to him on an equal footing,
This is also the reason why he didn't directly attack Strange like he did in the beginning,


That doesn't mean he has a good temper.

in contrast,

In this environment,

Even a person with a good temper, after experiencing endless years, his temper and mind will be distorted to be violent and vicious.

With Dormammu's roar,
A streak of dark energy quickly condensed,


Dormammu opened his big mouth again,
A thick black beam shot out from his mouth.

Watching the incoming attack,
Wayne is not flustered,

Instead, he calmly raised his hand,

The emerald green life energy quickly circulated in his hands, and finally condensed into the shape of a shield.

Wayne before,
In the absence of means to use the source of life,
But after this metamorphosis, Wayne already has an extra ability to manipulate particles.

The energy essence of the source of life has become clearer in his eyes,

like a beautiful woman,
He had already stripped off his clothes, lying on the bed with a look of letting you pick and choose.

It seems that as Wayne's mind changes,
The source of life can directly respond accordingly.

As long as Wayne straightens up,

The source of life will turn over automatically, and there seems to be no communication between the two.
co-exists in one body for a long time,

They have already had an extraordinary tacit understanding.


The black beam slammed into the shield in Wayne's hand,
The huge impact caused the sphere under Wayne's feet to scream,
It collapsed instantly.

The shield condensed from the source of life is like an indestructible vibrating gold, firmly blocking the beam of light ejected by Dormammu from the door.


Wayne flashed directly above Dormammu's head.

Although his body is only about the size of one of Dormammu's eyes.


He showed no signs of fear,
A trace of violence flashed in his eyes,
Wayne raised his fist in mid-air,

The emerald green source of life instantly surrounded his fist.

"Is it great to have dimensions?"

While Wayne was speaking, he punched Dormammu hard in the face.


As if a comet hit the earth,

The contact between the fist and the face directly created a shock wave like a twelfth-level typhoon.

In an instant, everything around me was swept away,
One after another, the spheres were blowing all over the place.

And as a direct target of attack,
Dormammu was directly stunned by Wayne's brain,
The huge body directly lost its balance and fell towards the bottom.

Strange carefully shuttled through the dark energy,
While dodging the rapidly moving spheres all around, he was looking for Wayne's trace.


His face suddenly changed,
"Hiss, what the hell is this!"

not far away,
A violent gust of wind swept towards him,

It's not the most important thing,
The most important thing is that in this gale,

Carrying countless giant spheres,

And he,

It seems that it has become the target of these things inexplicably.

(End of this chapter)

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