Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 462 I want you to insert me

Chapter 462 I want you to insert me

Wayne froze for a moment,
Immediately tried hard to pull his hand out, but this time his strength just passed through, as if it was offset by something.

at this time,

King Wanli turned around with a grin on his face, and punched Wayne directly in the face.


Fist in the heart,

Wayne flew backwards, like a shot put over a distance of tens of meters in an instant, and hit the outermost wall heavily.

There was a sharp pain in the chest, and the damaged organs caused a trace of blood to slowly flow from the corner of the mouth. Wayne stood up from the deformed wall and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand.

How long has it been since he was hit directly by someone?


Is it a bad old man who has never heard of it before?

"call out."

Without unnecessary actions and words,
Wayne had already appeared behind King Wanli, a green light flashed in his eyes,
All the movements turned into afterimages in an instant, hitting King Wanli fiercely.

"Do the old trick again?" The corner of Wanli Wang's mouth once again revealed a touch of disdain: "You didn't hit the first time, and you want to try the second time?"

The five fingers of King Wanli bent slightly, and a powerful gravitational force instantly filled all the surrounding space.

When he wanted to push hard, he found that his fingers seemed to be frozen by something, and he couldn't move.

"What did you just say?"

this superpower,
Are you alone?
Wayne forcibly broke through the surrounding gravitational barriers, and with an uppercut he hammered King Wanli into the ceiling, leaving only half of his body dangling outside, like a swaying tuft of seaweed.

The strange feeling around him also returned to normal.

"This guy can control gravity?"

Wade came running from his previous position,

He is also the action ability that King Wanli regained after being hit by Wayne.

"What the hell, those people actually told me that the target is an ordinary old man!"

Wade wanted to scold the street at this time,
Fortunately, I ran into Wayne this time. If I really went all the way to sneak here by myself and found that I couldn't beat him, it would be called fucking.

"Be careful!" Wayne reminded suddenly.

His voice just fell,

Unprepared, Wade was directly sent flying by a gravitational wave.


King Wanli has now been freed from the ceiling,

A powerful gravitational field surrounded him, causing him to float directly in mid-air, giving him a sense of sight as if a god had descended into the world.

"Who are you?"

King Wanli frowned, he had already begun to face up to Wayne's strength.

Although the two had already started fighting for two rounds, he didn't even know the other party's identity and purpose.

Can we work together to escape from here? "

Wanliwang regards Wayne and Wade as criminals who are also trapped in it,

Especially the prison uniform on Wade's body, as if clearly showing his identity.

"When dealing with spoils, after all, I like to pack them on the spot and then take them away, rather than trying to pack them up after I go out. Otherwise, if you run away, who am I going to get the money from?"

Wade skillfully climbed up from the ground and shouted,
The injury on his body has recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. Get down, get up, get down, get up, he seems to be used to this kind of reincarnation and repetition.


Are you here to catch me? "

King Wanli glanced at the two people below, and laughed angrily: "And it's for the ridiculous bounty?"

"Where does all this nonsense come from?"

Wayne twisted his neck.
Eyes narrowed,
Skip the tedious probing of each other's words, and once again rushed towards King Wanli.

The emerald green covered Wayne's body in an instant, increasing his speed and strength again.
like a green lightning bolt,

Wayne came to Wanliwang in the blink of an eye, leaped high, and bumped into Wanliwang in the air.

King Wanli put away his smile,

With a backhand,

A gravitational wave roared towards Wayne, but the emerald green light that had just touched Wayne's body was immediately dissolved.


Wayne ran into the King of Power head-on,

For a time,

Wan Li Wang seemed to feel as if he was being driven by a plane at full speed and full speed. The huge force made him feel a little dazed for a while, and before he could react, he had already hit the solid body below him.


A big hole was blasted out of the hard special floor, and a lot of debris splashed around.


Wade asked,

He suddenly felt that it was redundant to stand here now. The opponent's ability obviously restrained a melee fighter like him, which made him feel helpless.

Although it would not be a burden to Wayne,

After all, he has the ability to recover and can ignore the opponent's attack.


Obviously this time I am the rightful master,
It turned out to be like this, which made the famous Deadpool a little unhappy.

Grab the samurai sword in your hand,

Wade judged the location where Wan Li Wang fell, and directly threw the weapon in his hand in that direction.

Even if you can't get the head,

The gangster assists can at least prove that he has participated in this game.


Wayne shook his head.

"Although the people we met may not necessarily have strong strength,


They always have one thing in common, that is, they are very durable. "

It seems to confirm Wayne's words,
The samurai sword that Wade just threw stopped suddenly when it was halfway through the flight, and then turned a direction strangely in the air, and rushed back with a "swish".

Wade jerked to the right,
However, the samurai sword that brushed past his hair turned around again behind him, as if it had spotted him, and rushed towards him again.

"Think of me as a soft persimmon?"

Wade cursed secretly,
Quickly raised the other hand holding the saber, and slashed at the samurai sword that seemed to not stop until it hit him.

When dealing with this kind of person who can control gravity, it seems that all long-range attacks have lost their effectiveness,

the only thing he can do,

It is to tightly hold the weapon in your hand to prevent it from being affected by gravity.


The sound of metal clashing was harsh,

Wade no longer has the energy to worry about such things at this time.

The moment the two weapons came into contact, the saber in his hand didn't hold on for even half a second, and it snapped off immediately.


The trend of the samurai sword continued unabated, and it was directly inserted into Wade's chest.


Wade spat out a mouthful of blood,

It was as if there was too much blood in his body that he didn't need money.

silent for a while,

Wade turned around slowly,
The two pupils seemed to be a bottomless abyss.

"I am angry!"

Wayne squinted at Wade's appearance, and said lightly:

"Well, then you go."

I want you to pretend,
You you on the line.


The corner of Wade's mouth twitched,
Glancing at Wayne, he said:

"I think it's more efficient for us to play together."

"Stop pretending?"

"Fuck him!"

Wade ignored Wayne's teasing,
Instead, he pulled out the samurai sword from his chest and shouted loudly.


Wade felt that Wayne grabbed his wrist,
A flower in front of my eyes,
The two came to the back of King Wanli in an instant.

After several teleportation experiences,
Wade reacted quickly this time,
His eyes instantly focused on a place behind Wan Li Wang, a violent smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth, and at the same time, the samurai sword in his hand was stabbed forward.

"I want you to fuck me!"

(End of this chapter)

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