Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 47 Liao's Joining

Chapter 47 Liao's Joining
Watching Storm skillfully summon a small tornado and lift the unconscious Colossus towards the infirmary.

Wayne laid down leisurely in the big human-shaped pit that Colossus just smashed, feeling the ergonomic natural armchair, Wayne narrowed his eyes in satisfaction.

And the other students who stopped to watch the excitement on the playground also started to practice again.

All of a sudden, the playground became noisy again, and all kinds of abilities bloomed in every corner of the playground again.

In a corner of the playground, a little boy who always carried a camera with him even recorded Wayne's battle just now, and was sharing it with the surrounding students who hadn't seen the whole process of the battle.

After a while, Fatty and Liao ran up to Wayne.

"You were so cool just now, Wayne."

Carefully hiding his mobile phone, Liao flattered Wayne, who squinted his eyes.

"That's what makes a person unrecognizable."

Wayne looked at the flattering Liao in front of him, swept his eyes, and keenly found the mobile phone in his hand, and was just about to discuss with him what happened just now.

"Have you ever killed someone before?"

Unexpectedly, Liao suddenly said something.

Slightly startled, Wayne nodded and asked, "Why do you ask this all of a sudden?"

"Well, I just felt something different from your battle just now."

Speaking, Liao pointed to other students on the playground.

"The abilities of these people seem gorgeous and colorful like setting off fireworks, but every time they watch them attack each other, it feels like playing a house."

After a pause, Liao recalled the scene of the battle between Wayne and Colossus just now. He seemed to be hesitant, and continued:

"When you fought Colossus just now, I felt the hairs all over my body stand on end. This is the way a man should fight! I heard that Colossus and his teachers have participated in several operations together, and they have seen blood. so."

"I told you before that there is no need to worry about Wayne's safety."

Before Liao finished speaking, the little fat man who was playing with his mobile phone suddenly interrupted.

The little fat man has a kind of blind confidence in Wayne's combat power at present. After all, he is the person who knows Wayne's ability best in the academy.

From the point of view of the little fat man, even if Wayne meets someone he can't beat, he can exhaust the enemy to death with his heaven-defying recovery ability.

"Participate in what action?"

At this time, Wayne's attention was attracted by Liao's words.

"Don't you know yet?"

Patting his forehead, Liao suddenly remembered that Wayne and Fatty didn't seem to know anything about the X-Men, so he explained:
"The teachers are all members of the X-Men, and sometimes some outstanding students will temporarily join the team and become X-Men reserve members."

"Whenever someone or an organization threatens the mutants or the school, the professor will send out the X-Men to chop off the claws that those people protruded!"

Speaking of this, there was an undisguised envy in Liao's wretched little eyes, as if joining the X-Men was a very honorable thing for him.

"Have you participated in any action? Er Fatty."

Wayne slowly sat up from the natural recliner, dragged his chin with his right hand, and looked thoughtfully at Liao who was full of passion.

"Uh, no, only the X-Men can participate in the operation. We ordinary students can only hide in the escape route when we are in danger."

The corner of Liao's mouth twitched instantly, and his thoughts were pulled back from fantasy to reality in an instant. The original passionate tone became a little depressed, and he replied.

His ability is really crippled, it is not very useful except for fast food and as a vacuum cleaner. I have also applied to Professor X several times, but the results were all rejected without exception, and since then I have never touched this aspect again. thought.

He could only hide his passion silently in his heart, watching the scene of Wayne defeating Colossus just now suddenly aroused a trace of passion hidden in his heart.

He couldn't help fantasizing in his heart that he had the ability like Wayne, successfully became a member of the X-Men, struggled at the forefront of the human race, and made contributions to the future of mutants.

However, the fantasy is plump and the reality is skinny. Liao lowered his head and didn't see the ground under his feet. A plump belly occupied his entire field of vision.

The little fat man patted Liao on the shoulder, and he could fully empathize with Liao's thoughts.

When Abbas died, he also hated his incompetence extremely, and kept blaming himself in his heart for why he could only hide in the basement like a useless idiot.

This may be a sympathy for each other. Looking at the frustrated Liao, the little fat man seemed to see himself a few months ago.

"Then why don't you join my team?"

Liao, who was trying to tighten his stomach, hoping to see the ground, suddenly heard Wayne say.

Subconsciously raised his head, there seemed to be a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"What team?"

"There are so many mutants, the X-Men alone is definitely not enough to solve all the problems, so I want to form a small team to undertake various difficult and miscellaneous diseases."

Speaking of his team, Wayne finally came to his senses, and his whole demeanor changed, like a salted fish turned over.

"Who else is on the team?"

"Me and Stephen, and a very good international mercenary, is also a mutant now."

Wade broke his conscience, Wayne seemed to feel that the attraction was not strong enough, thought for a while and continued:
"And Tony Stark, our technical advisor."

"do you have any requests?"

Hearing Tony Stark, Liao's expression changed slightly, and his tone became a little hasty.

Tony is really a golden signboard. Observing Liao's attitude silently, Wayne couldn't help thinking, what else could he do with Tony's tiger skin?


"Ahem, a little membership fee is required."

After recovering from his senses, Wayne, with the little fat man's surprised expression, shamelessly pointed out that Wade's membership dues system had not been implemented successfully.

"How much? I don't have any money now."

Hearing this, Liao suddenly panicked. After knowing that Tony Stark had joined the team, he couldn't wait to become a member of the team.

But since I came to the United States, I have no place to use my money, so I didn't ask my parents to transfer money to me.

"This small amount of money is not urgent, only 1000 is needed"

"After a while, I will contribute 1000 million US dollars as the team's activity funds."

Liao suddenly shouted loudly, after a fierce inner struggle, Liao decided to take out all the private money he had saved in the past ten years.

Originally, Wayne wanted to say $1000 to join the membership, but he was interrupted by Liao Hao before he finished speaking.

Thinking of the yachts and private jets he saw on Liao's ins, Wayne suddenly remembered the true identity of this little fat man from Zhejiang, China.

According to this method, wouldn't he be richer than Tony as long as he recruited thousands of players?

Immediately, Wayne subconsciously ignored the matter of Liao taking pictures of him before, no matter how satisfied this new team member was.

"You will be a member of our team from now on."

After yelling in his heart for a long time, Captain Wayne finally made a decision.

Afterwards, she lay back on the natural recliner with a satisfied face.

I told everyone a truth with my actual actions, even if a salted fish turns over, it is still a salted fish.

(End of this chapter)

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