Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 481 Gathering Again

Chapter 481 Gathering Again
"Toot. Toot."


A clear male voice came from the other end of the phone, finally cheering up Dr. Banner, who was already extremely decadent.

"Steve, I'm Bruce Banner."


The US team seemed a little surprised. This phone was a token he had entrusted to Tony after he had a falling out with Tony. He thought it was Tony who called this time. Speaking of which, Steve is now concerned about Tony’s Feelings are a bit complicated, with both guilt and embarrassment.

"Are you with Tony?"

"No, Tony and the others are no longer on Earth."

Captain America was taken aback by what Banner said, but Banner didn't give him a chance to ask questions, but continued:

"Now we need your help here. It is estimated that a group of aliens will invade the earth in a short time."

"In the end what happened?"

Captain America's attitude instantly became serious. Although he lived like a mouse hiding in the sewer during this period, it didn't mean he didn't care about the safety of the earth.

"There's an alien named Thanos who wants to get the Infinity Stones, and he's probably got two or three so far.

And now there is a jewel on the earth, he can't let go of this opportunity.

Tony and Wayne have gone to the universe to try to stop his plan, but the earth also needs to guard against the invasion of his men. Remember the previous Kirita invasion?

That's just a part of Thanos's forces, and this time he will attack with the whole army. "

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while,
It seems that he is digesting the huge information that Banner revealed in just a few words.

"So how much power does the earth still have that can be used?"

"Me, Natasha, and the little fat guy with Wayne, and a scroll that Wayne threw to me earlier."

Banner lowered his head and glanced at the quaint scroll that he randomly placed on the table,

Until now, he still hasn't figured out what the function of this reel, which seems to be like a Hollywood filming prop, is.

"It looks like we need more help."

Captain America rubbed his swollen temples, just hearing the comparison of strength between the two sides made people feel a little apprehensive,

Their lineup can't even catch up with the lineup of the previous New York battle, but the opposing force is obviously much more fierce than before.

"In addition to me, there are Falcons on my side. But I know a place where they have a technological level far beyond other countries and a sufficient number of soldiers."

"Will they help us?"

Banner hesitated and said:
"I mean, you're talking about some of the prehistoric aliens that you usually see in sci-fi movies."

"They are out-and-out earthlings, where are you? I'm coming to find you now."

Of course, the US team was talking about the Black Panther. Although Wayne directly abandoned him and his good friend Bucky in the ice and snow before, the kind-hearted King is not as cold-blooded as he showed.

Perhaps it was because his previous reckless behavior made him feel ashamed of Bucky. After he returned to Wakanda, he immediately sent a rescue force to Siberia to find the two who were left behind.

At last,
After some tossing, he successfully found the desperate US team and the dying Bucky, and told the US team how to enter Wakanda.

"I'm at the Avengers base now, but before you come to me, you'd better find Tony's butler, a robot called Jarvis, who is the target of Thanos."

"no problem."

Captain America readily agreed.

hang up the phone,

Banner turned his head and glanced at the little fat man who was lying in front of the computer and typing on the keyboard rapidly, and asked curiously:

"What are you doing? I remember your ability to directly control these things."

"Certainly preparing for the greatest moment of my life."

The little fat man replied without raising his head,
The face that was almost pasted on the computer screen had a distinctly different expression from the others.

not nervous

not panic,

not hesitating,

But excited!

Incomparably excited!
After more than ten years of soy sauce, he finally finished what he and Tony spent a lot of energy tinkering with before this disaster came.


The luckiest thing was that Tony was not on Earth at this time, which also meant that the control of this secret weapon fell to him!

Just think about that plan,

The little fat man felt that the blood in his whole body was boiling, and he couldn't help but want to scream up to the sky!

"Come on, come on, come on. Lovely alien legions, use your lives to compose a hymn for me. From now on, I will no longer just hide behind the scenes and act as a dispatcher's assistant.

Will carry the audience soon! "


Banner frowned.

He felt that the little fat man's current state seemed to be possessed by a demon, but at this time, due to Hulk's strike, Dr. Banner really didn't have much confidence when he spoke.

at this time,

A slender figure walked in from the outside, Natasha rubbed her hair, she hesitated to speak:
"Hulk really can't come out now?"


Banner lowered his head, facing this super agent who seemed a little ambiguous with him before, he didn't know what to say.

"Well, it seems that we are missing an important combat force here."

Natasha didn't say much, but sat on the sofa by herself, staring at the sky outside in a daze.


After pressing the last key,

The little fat man glanced at the words "Ready" that appeared on the screen with satisfaction,
Looked up,
Suddenly found the atmosphere a little depressed.

"By the way, how long will it be until Pete arrives?"

The little fat man felt that if he didn't open his mouth to break the silence, the embarrassing atmosphere would crush him to death in a short time.


The awkward duo seemed to have not heard the voice of the little fat man, and still maintained their previous posture.


The little fat man sighed helplessly,

He reached out and clicked on the control panel beside him, and dialed Pete's number directly.

"Hey, Pete, how long do you have?"

"Now, Stephen, I just asked the teacher for leave. I have asked for leave twelve times this month for the reason of being sick, and I feel that there is something wrong with the way our teacher looks at me."

".Are you sure your teacher has no brain problems?"

The little fat man was a little startled,
Even a player like him who has never been to school can see through this pretense at a glance. It's really difficult for the teacher who approves leave for Pete every time.

"All right."

Pete let out a long sigh of relief and said:

"I also successfully passed Aunt Mei's level, and I will be able to reach the base in about half an hour."

"Okay, don't wait for the time!"

After the little fat man hung up the phone, he looked up again,
The previously oppressive atmosphere seemed to have eased a lot at this time.

of course,

This is not a sign of reconciliation between the two groups.

It was because Banner, who couldn't stand Natasha's resentful gaze, fled here like a deserter.

The guy in his body was also affected by him so he didn't dare to come out. "

The little fat man suddenly felt that he had cracked the reason why the Hulk disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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