Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 494 War, 1 trigger

Chapter 494 Great War, Imminent

"A new life form born from gemstones is amazing, but it's also a pity."

After Thanos entered the interior of Wakanda like no one, he immediately saw Jarvis who was waiting in full battle.

at the same time,

Jarvis naturally also discovered the purple sweet potato essence that suddenly appeared in front of him.

Thanos seems to want to feel the magic of life, but Jarvis is not in the mood to chat with his enemies right now.

After working with the gems in his body for a long time, Jarvis also gradually figured out how to use the gems.

such as,


A yellow ray shot out from the jewel on Jarvis's forehead, and directly used the strongest attack method currently available as a response to the enemy who wanted to take his life.

as a living being,

Jarvis naturally has a desire to survive.


A red light curtain appeared in front of Thanos, resisting Jarvis's attack like an absolute defense.

"Unfortunately, you blocked my way."

Thanos' pupils shrank, and there seemed to be a trace of regret in his words, and then his gloved fist clenched violently.


The invisible force bound Jarvis like an invisible giant hand, and even the body made of vibrating gold trembled and whimpered under the tremendous force.

Looking at the last lesson of Infinity Gems that was close at hand, Thanos showed a relieved expression on his face, and slowly walked towards Jarvis, as if a believer was about to complete his mission,

With a hint of piety.


Thanos squeezed Jarvis' neck,
The other hand reached towards the mind stone on his forehead.


At this time, the hard vibrating gold collapsed instantly like soft soil, just at the moment when Thanos reached out to take off the soul gem.


A colorful streamer shot straight at Thanos from the edge of the sky.


Thanos frowned,

He held the soul gem in his hand.


It was that familiar gesture again.
make a fist,

The red light curtain that blocked Jarvis's attack before was beamed in front of Thanos again.


The Rainbow Bridge collided with the red light curtain,
There is no violent collision, and they ablate each other as if they directly cancel each other out.


Thor's roar suddenly sounded in the Rainbow Bridge,

After Thanos killed his younger brother and clansman, there was no room for buffer between the two.

An ax containing infinite thunder power was thrown out of Sol's hand,


Pointing at Thanos.

"It seems that the previous failures have not given you a long memory."


The last gem was set into his glove by Thanos,
The sudden increase in strength made him tremble involuntarily, but when the pleasure of the increase in strength dissipated, anger followed.


Obviously let them go,
In order to save this universe, I have obviously endured countless pressures,

But these people who don't understand the true salvation always appear in front of him like disturbing mosquitoes.

The new world is not for you. "

Thanos stretched out his fist to meet Thor's throwing axe, a killing intent flickered in his eyes.


The ax thrown by Thor was punched by Thanos and flew away.

After collecting all six Infinity Stones,
Thanos felt as if he had become the master of the universe!

"Come feel the will of the universe."

Thanos stood still,

Looking at Sol who was rushing towards him in front of him, he simply clenched his fists.


Numerous plant roots suddenly sprang up from the ground, entangled towards Sol like tentacles.


A gleam of thunder flashed deep in Sol's eyes,
Bright lightning burst out from the ax and the battle armor on his body at the same time, instantly burning the surrounding branches to ashes.


When he just solved all the obstacles around him,
A golden fist has come to his head.


The blessing of the power gem gives Thanos almost infinite power,

A force that was too powerful to resist directly punched Thor into the depths of the ground.

"Poor, weak, helpless."

Thanos bowed his head,
Looking at the deep cave that was punched out by him, a trace of disdain floated on the corner of his mouth.

"It seems that the miracle you were expecting did not seem to happen."

Thanos raised his head and looked around,
The messy picture seems to make the earth a replica of Titan.


A trace of loneliness suddenly appeared in Thanos' pupils, and after overcoming all obstacles, he finally revealed a trace of humanity.


These weak emotions were quickly dispelled by Thanos forcibly.

"These are simply the sacrifices that are required to embrace prosperity."

Thanos murmured,
as if explaining his behavior.
It also seemed to be forcibly cheering for himself.

"it's time."

take a deep breath,

Thanos slowly raised his right hand.

Even if he had dreamed about the present scene countless times before,

But when he was about to make his final move,

There will inevitably be a trace of hesitation and entanglement in my heart.

at this time,

A blue light flashed behind Thanos,


Xingjue's voice suddenly made this silent battlefield noisy again.

"Go to hell, bastard!"

The thrusters behind Star Lord are running at full capacity,
The muzzle of the gun seemed to be venting his inner anger and pain, but when all the bullets hit Thanos, they seemed to hit a projection and shuttled directly past.

"He's already assembled."

Strange's gaze focused on Thanos' right hand for the first time.

"That has to be fought."

Wayne squinted his eyes, the tragedy of the earth made his inner anger more vigorous,

Now, he just wants to rub the purple sweet potato essence under his eyes!
"Now, it's our home field."

Tony quietly pressed a button hidden at his waist. Before the nano armor was damaged, there was no chance to repair it, but now it is different.

They chose to take the initiative to attack just to prevent the earth from becoming the main battlefield.

to this end,

They even voluntarily sacrificed part of their home court advantage, but now it seems that God has given themselves a second chance.


Suddenly, dense noises appeared in the sky,

Countless pieces of the latest steel armor flew towards this side like a steel legion.

As a self-centered narcissist,
How could it be possible for Tony to leave the real chance of showing off to the little fat man?

When the little fat man was working hard on those elimination gadgets, Tony had already secretly built a super army!

Wayne kicked his feet hard,

A large area of ​​land was directly shattered by his power, and he himself rushed towards Thanos like a missile.

at the same time,

Dense magic circles also appeared behind Strange, chanting complicated spells quickly.


Countless steel battle armor stopped in the sky,

A series of shock waves are rapidly accumulating energy.


At the touch of a hair.

(End of this chapter)

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