Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 498 Returning to the original dream

Chapter 498 Returning to the original dream
downtown new york,
After two and a half years of revisions to the Stark Tower, the letters STARK have finally been re-erected at the highest point in New York.

Compared to before,
At this time, the Stark Tower is obviously going to look more gorgeous, and all kinds of high technology are piled up by Tony as if he doesn't want money.


This building, which seems to have traveled through a science fiction film, is not the most eye-catching building on this street.

At this time, more people's eyes were focused on a newly opened welcoming store opposite the Stark Tower.

In the high-rise commercial street where every inch of land is expensive, as long as people with no problem in their minds will choose to build high-rise buildings after buying the land.


This hot pot restaurant insisted on occupying the same area as the office building next to it, but it only had two floors.

At the beginning, everyone around was guessing that there might be some big money here,


The announcement of today's answer surprised the group of people. After buying and enclosing this piece of land, this man, who was suspected to be extremely rich, actually opened a hot pot restaurant here!

One family,
Authentic Sichuan hot pot restaurant!
at this time,

There are many people watching outside the hot pot restaurant,

And among these crowds of onlookers, even Tony Stark himself was included.

The Iron Man, who had gradually faded out of everyone's sight after getting married, was standing next to a man who looked a little thin.

"I said... I already paid a lot of money to help you buy this place, can we not hang that picture on the wall?"

Tony asked with a shy face.

If not there,

It's really hard to imagine that Tony, who has always been self-centered, would put on this expression.

"I told you, it's impossible."

Wayne shook his head unceremoniously,
Even if the other party is his investor, but after saving half of the universe and surviving by chance, he has the confidence.

In his opinion, nearly half of the creatures in the entire universe owe him that!

"Tell me, if I start this with you, what if Sol or Steve come to me?
Should I take it or not?
If I take it, I will lose the core competitiveness of this hot pot restaurant.

If you don't take it, they must be thinking about me secretly. "

Shrugging helplessly,

Wayne showed a pale and pitiful expression, sighed and said:

"You know I'm incapable now, Wanda can rub me at will, how dare I offend these violent maniacs, what if they accidentally smashed my shop when they save the world?"

"I'll cover it for you!"

Tony gritted his teeth, looked at the shameless Wayne in front of him, and said every word.

"No no no, always shutting down will affect my business."

Wayne waved his hand.

The resolute attitude made Tony a little helpless, after all, he couldn't forcefully rush over to remove those photos.

dare he say,
If he does, Wayne promises to have an entire Instagram dedicated to him.

After killing Thanos,
Tony once went back and turned on his computer according to Wayne's "last words",

All kinds of weird photos inside made him almost drop his jaw in shock.


Just when Tony wanted to continue to work hard in order to preserve his image,
Wayne has already walked out, facing the person walking in front.


With you helping me stand,

I feel that the business of my hot pot restaurant will definitely be very prosperous! "

Wayne said to the Avengers in front of him with a smile on his face.

Plus Banner, Thor and others who have quit the Avengers.


It was the opening guest he invited over.

"Looks like you're recovering well."

Steve gave Wayne a hug directly. Today, he didn't put on the blue and white uniform, but put on a straight suit.

"It's hard to imagine that you would open a hot pot restaurant."

Natasha glanced at the storefront behind Wayne, still a little unbelievable until now.

The superhero who saved the universe chose to open a hot pot restaurant after retiring.
This is completely inconsistent with Wayne's image in her mind. In her opinion, it would be more harmonious if Wayne chooses to be an otaku who hangs around eating and waiting to die all day.

"This is not an ordinary hot pot restaurant."

There was a smile on the corner of Wayne's mouth,
After experiencing life and death, this kind of ordinary life seems to be more intoxicating.


This is a hot pot restaurant with pictures on the walls. "

Tony walked over with a bitter face, squinting at Wayne.

"Why don't you just open a photo studio?"

"Stop talking, I'll take you inside to have a look."

Wayne ignored Tony at all,

Instead, he led a group of Avengers directly to the shop behind him.

"Stephen, you and Wanda get ready."

Wayne called into the store.


The little fat man came out from behind the bar counter,

Twirling his fat buttocks, he began to prepare some items that would be needed later.

at the checkout position,
Wanda is studying various details of the hot pot restaurant. After receiving training from the Stark Group, she has successfully become a qualified hot pot restaurant cashier!

"come and see,

But my first dream! "

Wayne greeted everyone enthusiastically and walked in.

Pointing to a wall of the hot pot restaurant,

There are dozens of photos with completely inconsistent colors and styles hanging on it,
If there is any similarity between these photos, it can only be said that their themes are exactly the same.

a whole wall,
Almost equivalent to a crude superhero embarrassment memoir!

The first photo is a selfie of Tony flying over New York in the Mark II armor while Wayne laughs astride him.

In the second photo, the American team was surrounded by a group of children, and Wayne carefully recorded the expression of lovelessness.

The third photo is where Wayne took Saul and Jane kissing in front of the ruins

Wayne filmed not their kiss, but the moment Sol turned his head after they were interrupted, his distorted expression made him look like a mentally retarded.

The fourth one,
It's a picture of Wayne dragging the little fat man to use his ability to fall out of the surveillance,
The Hulk was lying on the ground in a daze, and Wayne had one foot on the Hulk's chest.

The background was a sandy beach, and Wade covered his lower body in horror, but the underwear with the hellokitty pattern was still exposed.

the sixth,
The Panther is riding the Winter Soldier, and the two look like they're grappling.

Pete was floating in the air, looking at the missile not far away in horror, with the expression on his face like a little girl about to be demolished.

Ninth sheet.
No.20 eight pieces.
Just as a group of people waited to carefully look at the photo wall with weird faces, there was suddenly a loud roar of engines outside the store.

It's just that all the superheroes seemed to be completely attracted by Wayne's stunning photos, and none of them noticed the commotion outside.

Fortunately, Tony, who had watched it several times before, quickly woke up, turned his head and glanced at Wayne, and made a mouth shape to Wayne:
"Want me to go?"

Wayne shook his head, motioned for Tony to continue showing people around, then turned around and walked out.

A dozen or so black Chevrolets were parked on the street as a whole,
Will got out of the car in casual clothes with a sound, but the affinity created by the casual clothes was instantly destroyed by the several burly men behind him.

"I'm in a legal business."

Wayne spread his hands,

His shop is going through formal procedures, and the fee that should be paid is not less than a penny.

Also after opening the shop,
Only then did Wayne deeply understand a famous saying.

In the U.S,
There are two things that can never be avoided, death and taxes.

Even a superhero who saved the universe can't do tax evasion!

"I know, I even know the sacrifices you made for this world."

Will looked sideways,
He didn't realize that his style made more onlookers on both sides.

"So in order to show my admiration for you, I think it is necessary for me to remind you."

Will's face suddenly became a little serious,

"There are still some guys who are lucky enough to think that there may be remnants of supernatural powers in your body,
I've picked up some rumors that they might be out on you lately.

I think you should find a hidden place to hide now instead of appearing openly in their sight. "

"You mean,

Do I need to avoid them? "

A sneer appeared on the corner of Wayne's mouth.

"I'm here for your own good!"

Will frowned.

Anger also rushed to his head immediately.

"Do you think that your current body can clean them up as easily as before?

They certainly can't imagine how tough their attitude is! "


Will raised his hand,
Without warning, he hammered Wayne's chest hard.

He wanted Wayne to understand the current situation. After losing his ability, Wayne couldn't even beat him, an old man who was over half a century old.


next moment,
Will felt like his fist had hit an iron wall, and a shock several times stronger than his was directly transmitted to his fist, making him feel his bones tremble.

"You can ask them to come and try, maybe they can't even imagine what a surprise I will give them here."

Wayne was still smiling.

In the depths of its eyes,

There is a dense emerald green light that is almost blackened!

the whole book,

Finish! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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