Chapter 53
Feeling the warmth from his stomach carefully, Liao almost cried out of excitement.

The supernatural ability that could only be used as a vacuum cleaner for a long time finally played a role in this operation, and the flames that filled the sky were solved by him so easily.

At this moment, Liao's heart was incomparably swollen.

"Where's John? I think I can hit ten now!"

Feeling the astonished eyes of everyone, Liao burst out with pride.


Suddenly, Adonis appeared from the shadows again, glanced contemptuously at the inflated Liao, and silently said:

"Why don't you stop him!"

Looking at the raging fire burning in the woods not far away, Liao was a little impatient.

After finally discovering his role, he was trying his best to prepare for a show. How did this damn John escape.

It doesn't matter if you run away, but you even set fire while running.

"I'm afraid of the heat."

Adonis replied as a matter of course.

He is not this fat foodie who can even eat fire.

Although he complained, Liao's performance really blinded everyone's eyes.

Even Wayne couldn't imagine that Liao was able to swallow all the flames in one go. The suction this time was several times stronger than the last time he ate paper.

"You're really amazing, Er Fatty."

Wayne suddenly walked to Liao's side and praised Liao's performance in a rare way.

"If you hadn't been discovered by John in advance, I could have solved him alone."

If Liao also had a tail, it would have been raised to the sky by now.

"Then you eat all these flames."

Wayne did not refute, but pointed to the fire scene that had spread tens of meters in front of them.

".Are you serious?"

Liao's face turned pale.

"If these are not dealt with, it is estimated that the fire will spread to the school."

The little fat man opened the phone map in good time. Their current location is actually not far from the school. John has been circling around after escaping from the school.

Seeing everyone's serious expressions, the corners of Liao's mouth twitched, and then he walked towards the sea of ​​flames in front of him with a face full of death.

Opening his mouth, controlling the different dimensions in his stomach, Liao was like a greedy snake, devouring flames everywhere.

More than ten minutes later, as the last flame entered Liao's mouth, Liao Muran disconnected his stomach from the other dimension, and wobbled like a puppet without a soul to the back of the chatting crowd .

Sensing the movement behind him, Wayne, who was sitting under the tree, looked up.

I saw that Liao didn't close his mouth at this time, his skin was red all over, and white smoke kept coming out of his head, his whole body was like a steamed prawn.

"Why don't you shut up?"

The little fat man suddenly asked.

Seeing Liao's eyes staring blankly ahead, unconsciously stretching out his hands and trying to close his mouth, Wayne tried his best to hold back his smile, quickly changed the subject, and asked the little fat man:
"Where did John go?"

"If it was running in a straight line, it happened to be New York."

"Then we're going to New York."

Wayne decided immediately that the dense trees nearby were all flammable. Even if he caught up with John again in this place, John would use the method of burning the forest to stop them. It was better to go directly to New York and wait for the rabbit.

Once again, one in each hand, grabbed the little fat man and Liao who had turned into steamed shrimp, and accelerated towards New York.

The movement here must have attracted the attention of the school, and Colossus should have woken up after so long, so Professor X must have known about their running out without permission.

So they not only need to catch John next, but also need to carefully avoid the school's arrest of them.

Wayne drove at full speed along the way, and the rough road and dim light could not hinder Wayne's running speed.

Although the team was operated by five people this time, the speed of the team actually depended entirely on Wayne alone.

Fatty and Liao were all held by Wayne as goods, Meowji turned into a fat orange cat and grabbed Wayne's shoulders firmly, while the elusive Adonis was directly hiding behind Wayne. in the shadow.

Therefore, although they did not have transportation, the team arrived in New York in just two hours.

"John should still be grazing in the woods now, why do you still look like this?"

After the little fat man holding the street lamp vomited, he suddenly smiled and said to his friend Liao beside him.


Liao spit out the last bit of stomach water, first nodded in agreement, and then rolled his eyes at the little fat man.

Although Liao has successfully closed his mouth, his tongue is still a little numb, and he can't speak clearly.

Although the system of your mouth, stomach, and esophagus is invincible, try to grow your mouth and stand by the fire for more than ten minutes.

But thinking of John playing alone in the woods with a group of snakes, Liao couldn't help but feel happy.

I want you to set fire to the tree!

"We're going to find Tony now."

Seeing the two fat men slowing down, Wayne suggested.

Since he wanted to avoid the pursuit of Professor X, it was of course safest to hide in Tony's house.

You must know that when Wayne and Tony lived together at the beginning, Professor X would rather entrust S.H.I.E.L.D. to contact Wayne than send mutants in order to avoid suspicion.

The prudent Professor X will not miss any tiny flaws, allowing those with a heart to seize the opportunity to destroy the fragile balance between humans and mutants that he has finally established.

Although Wayne understands the difficulty of Professor X, he also respects everything he has done for mutants.

But through observation during this period of time, Wayne felt that Professor X was a little too cautious, always looking forward and backward before making a decision, and this kind of person would inevitably be tied up when making a decision.

In contrast, Wayne still prefers Tony's way of saying that some things need to be done before thinking.

It sounds reasonable, but when you think about it carefully, it is actually reckless.

After a while, Wayne and the others arrived at the gate of Tony's villa.

With the presence of the little fat man, Liao, Miaoji, and Adonis did not trigger the defense system of the villa.

"I'll bring you to know Tony, don't lose the people in our team."

Looking at the excited Liao, Wayne warned in advance.

If Liao had acted so unpromisingly in front of Tony, Tony would have to keep taunting his team.

With Liao's repeated assurances, Wayne and the others finally walked into Tony's villa.

"Hi, Pepper."

Little Pepper, who was holding a tablet in the lobby and immersed himself in company affairs, was startled by the sudden sound and raised his head hastily.

After seeing that the person who came was Wayne, he patted his chest with lingering fear:

"Scared me to death, Wayne, why did you come back?"

For the last attack, Pepper still has lingering fears. Although Tony proudly boasted to him of the various defense systems in the villa today, as an ordinary person, a slight disturbance can still scare her.

"Execute the mission, where is Tony?"

Quietly concealing the real situation of his return, Wayne shouted towards the hall:

"Big shit, come out and pick up the guests."

(End of this chapter)

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