Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 55 Saber Toothed Tiger and Mystique

Chapter 55 Saber Toothed Tiger and Mystique

After the blue wave passed, the thin boy's body began to shrink again.

Soon, the boy turned into a female mutant with blue skin all over her body. She was the old acquaintance of Professor X and Magneto—Mystique.

I didn't know where to take out a mobile phone, and after dialing the number, Mystique said to the person on the phone:
"Charles has left school."

Without waiting for the other party to respond, she hung up the phone, and the female mutant turned around and walked out of the school.

John continued walking in the forest in a state of embarrassment. The forest environment at night was more difficult than during the day.

Although he could rely on the flames to light his way ahead, in this vast forest, the flames could also attract countless mosquitoes.


Once again, he slapped the big mosquito that landed on his face to death, and John viciously crushed the mosquito's body into pieces.

The sweaty John was weakly holding on to a big tree beside him, and was about to take a breather for a rest, when suddenly, a big hand appeared from behind, tightly covering John's mouth and nose.

John, who was suddenly attacked, was startled, and subconsciously reached out to take out the lighter hidden in his pocket.

As soon as he moved his hand, he felt his arm being pinched by the person behind him. The heavy force made John want to scream, but the other hand tightly sealed his mouth.

"Be quiet, boy."

A wild voice came from behind John.

Feeling the other party's relaxation, John nodded tactfully, indicating that he would be obedient.

The next moment, John was violently thrown onto the dirt in front of him, not caring that his face was covered with dirty wet mud, John turned his head quickly.

He saw a majestic figure facing him, and through the bright moonlight, John could see the tiger-like claws on the hands of the comer.

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, John almost thought he was going to die at that moment.

Hastily holding the lighter in his hand, as if the lighter gave him a sense of security, John said to the person opposite:

"who are you?"

"Sabertooth Tiger, Magneto asked me to pick you up, follow me closely."

Looking at the guarded John, the saber-toothed tiger chuckled disdainfully. After explaining that he had come, he turned around and walked in another direction, as if he didn't want to communicate too much with this weak fellow in front of him.

The name made John's pupils shrink slightly.

This name, which is as famous as Professor X, is of course very familiar to John.

Unlike the weak Professor X, every mutant knows that Magneto represents the hawk of the mutant race and is a staunch seeker of power.

I hope to rely on power to allow mutants to appear on the world stage in an upright manner.

After weighing quickly in his heart, John stood up from the mud on the ground, dragging his tired body to follow the figure in front of him.

Compared with Professor X, John actually recognizes Magneto's philosophy more in his heart, not to mention that in his current situation, no other mutant organization will take him in except Magneto.

The night passed quickly, and the next morning Wayne felt a pair of fat palms pulling him around while he was still asleep.

"Wayne, I found John this morning, in Manhattan."

The little fat man who had already been fully dressed frantically shook Wayne who was still dreaming.

In yesterday's operation, Miaoji and Liao both used their abilities to help the team, but due to the limited geographical environment, he could only be a little brother who waved the flag behind.

Now that he has finally arrived in a metropolis with the Internet, he has come to his home court, and he has long wanted to give it a go.

"When did this happen?"

Wayne, who originally wanted to continue micing for a while, was immediately refreshed when he heard John's name, and sat up from the bed by himself.

"Half an hour ago, I went to call them!"

Seeing that Wayne had gotten up, the little fat man ran towards the next room non-stop.

With one move, Wayne jumped up from the bed. Although Wayne is usually very salty, but when it comes to the critical moment, this salty fish can still turn over.

After washing up, Wayne heard a familiar scream from the next door as soon as he went out, and then a half-closed door opposite the living room was suddenly knocked open.

A fat orange figure leaped out from the inside like lightning. After coming out, it glanced at Wayne who had just left the house, and ran straight towards Wayne, hid behind Wayne's legs, and faced the door Fang Fang bared his teeth and made a "hissing" sound.

Immediately afterwards, the little fat man ran out with a face full of embarrassment, glanced at it, and stammered to explain to the orange cat hiding behind Wayne:
"I just wanted to wake you up, I didn't see anything."

Seeing Wayne's smirk, the little fat man couldn't help but feel even more embarrassed.

He really didn't see anything. He was here to wake Meowji up, but the door opened as soon as he pushed it open, and then there was a scream. Before he could react, a fat cat stepped on him. The face jumped out.

"All right, let's go."

Seeing that Liao and Adonis were also ready, Wayne gently scratched the orange cat's neck, then picked up the fat cat and walked downstairs.

Originally wanted to say hello to Pepper, but after searching around but failed to find Pepper, Wayne went to Tony's garage openly, borrowed a Bentley and drove towards Manhattan.

As the wealthiest administrative district in New York, countless well-known enterprises gather in this less than 60 square kilometers of land, and a luxury car and supercar drive by the roadside from time to time.

So the arrival of Bentley did not attract too many people's attention.

Getting off the car, Wayne and the others gathered at a round table in a Starbucks.

"Where is John now?"

Wayne sat down in the middle and asked a lot of office workers of all kinds in the store.

"Near New York University, shall we go there now?"

Seeing that John was wearing a peaked cap on the phone, walking timidly on the street, the little fat man proudly glanced at Liao next to him.

Although Liao, who ate a lot of fire last night, made himself very embarrassed, before going to bed, he deliberately went to the little fat man's room to show off his abilities fiercely.

Liao didn't know where to get a lighter, and while using the lighter to light the fire, he inhaled the flames into his mouth, and from time to time he looked intoxicated.

That expression looked like he was taking drugs, and the depressed fat man next to him wanted to report to the police that someone was doing something illegal here.

Seeing the little fat man's face getting darker and darker, Liao played more and more vigorously, ran to the bathroom by himself, turned on all the faucets, opened his mouth, and performed a performance of sucking water himself.

The little fat man was dumbfounded. I don’t know if Liao saw it. Anyway, the little fat man noticed that when Liao’s mouth started to generate suction, the water sucked in was not only the water that came out of the faucet, but also some water that was originally in the toilet. .

The little fat man's expression was very exciting when he saw this scene. Are people nowadays so cruel to themselves in order to show off?
Drink all the toilet water!
Seeing the little fat man's expression about to lose control, Liao nodded in satisfaction, and swaggered back to his room. The contented expression seemed to wash away all the fatigue of the day.

After showing off, go back to the room and sleep.

As for why not go to other people's rooms to show off, Liao actually thought about it too.

But before coming here, Liao himself analyzed a wave and found that if he went to Wayne to show off, he would definitely be beaten!
I can absorb fire and water, but I don't suck fists!

As for Miaoji, a girl is not suitable.

As for Adonis, Liao had actually been there a long time ago, but no matter what Liao smoked or said, Adonis looked at Liao indifferently.

That expressionless face is like the expressions of those little fresh meats in my own country when they are filming.

It doesn't matter whether you are filming a crying scene, a kissing scene or a fight scene, no matter whether he eats fire, water or paper.

Adonis kept an absolute calm on his face, without saying a word, quietly watching you pretending to be aggressive.

(End of this chapter)

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