Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 79 Pegasus Meteor Fist

Chapter 79 Pegasus Meteor Fist

The movement of pulling up the tree immediately attracted the attention of others.

The little fat man has just completed a new round of mobilization, and is standing in a safe place, using his mobile phone to search the Internet for how to mobilize students' emotions with speech skills.

Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the little fat man subconsciously followed the sound, and saw Wayne hugging a big tree more than ten meters high with both hands.

The huge contrast in size between the big tree and Wayne made this scene look like an ant greedily holding dozens of times its own food and trying to drag it back to its ant nest.

At this time, after the Wayne lifted the big tree, it rushed straight to the ball of lightning not far from him.

"Boom, boom, boom."

Because he was holding a big tree, Wayne's steps were not as light as before, and each step made a muffled sound on the ground.

If Wayne before was like a ghost in the night, wandering in the night, constantly harvesting the lives of the enemies.

So at this time, Wayne was like a wild boar going mad, using the big tree as his fangs, and ramming straight at his prey.

Hiding in the defensive net made of electric light, Henry was thinking about why Wayne hadn't moved during this time, when he heard the sound and suddenly turned around.

Through the gap of electric light, Henry only saw a huge black creature rushing towards him.

Before he could dodge in time, Henry shot out all the lightning around him in a hurry.

There was a flash of lightning and thunder. These lightnings were conceived by Henry's accumulation for a long time. At this time, they were all released at once, and the dazzling light immediately illuminated the entire battlefield.

Before the big tree came to bring Henry, it was already smashed into ashes by overwhelming lightning, but Wayne was no longer in the ashes.


Henry's pupils shrank sharply, and he thought to himself.

Just as he was about to release lightning again, suddenly a black shadow appeared behind Henry at some unknown time.

Just a flash of lightning appeared between his fingers, and Henry only felt a huge force coming from behind him. In the next second, he hit the wall straight like a kicked football.

The moment Henry sent out lightning, Wayne directly threw the big tree out. Taking advantage of this gap, Wayne accelerated again and ran directly behind Henry.

Without the protection of lightning, Henry was like those ordinary soldiers in front of Wayne.

Seeing Henry lying on the ground groping around with his hands, trying to get up from the ground, Wayne's figure paused slightly, and rushed towards Henry again.

Just as Wayne rushed to Henry and wanted to punch him again, Henry suddenly threw out a needle from his hand in the dark.


Wayne's heart tightened, and he kicked to the ground quickly, using the reaction force to stop his footsteps.

The needle flew past Wayne's hair narrowly and narrowly.

"You still can't rush too fast."

Looking at Henry, who had successfully stood up and was glowing with lightning again, Wayne thought silently.

Wayne almost got caught just now.

Because Wayne's own speed was too fast, the needle seemed to be as fast as lightning in comparison.

In fact, even after Henry's organizational transformation, in addition to possessing lightning abilities, his physical fitness and other aspects have also been improved in an all-round way.

However, after Wayne's blow just now, he also suffered a lot of internal injuries, and he was unable to throw a threatening attack at all.


The blue electric light kept screaming in the air.

Looking at the hedgehog-like contestant in front of him, Wayne couldn't help but feel a little headache.

Ignoring the enemy in front of him, Wayne suddenly rushed back, ready to deal with those soldiers first.

However, just as Wayne moved his front foot, a bolt of lightning suddenly flew over from behind, blocking Wayne's way forward.

"You'd better stay and play with me."

A rough male voice came from the electric light.

Turning around again, Wayne gave up his plan to support his teammates. No matter how fast he was, he couldn't be faster than lightning.

The electric hedgehog in front of him made Wayne feel a little sick.

Wayne himself also knew that lightning could not cause harm to him. He had already experienced the electric shock suit countless times when he was caught by Francis for the first time.

Although the electricity of the electric hedgehog in front of him is stronger than that of the electric shock suit at that time, Wayne himself is no longer the same person as before.

However, as long as Wayne was hit by lightning once and slowed down, what awaited him was endless lightning and that strange syringe.

So for a while, the scene suddenly stalemate.

Wayne looked at the lightning hedgehog in front of him without saying a word, frantically thinking about a way to break the deadlock in his mind, and Henry was so happy.

Anyway, his purpose was to hold Wayne back.

Hiding in the defensive net intertwined with electric light, Henry looked at the frontal battlefield through the electric light.

Logan was still fighting bloody battles among the crowd. If it was normal, Logan might be able to kill so many soldiers by himself in a short time.

However, the soldiers Henry brought this time were not ordinary soldiers. He understood the importance of this mission, so the soldiers he brought were all elites from various units.

In this kind of open field, there are no obstacles to avoid. No matter how strong Logan is, he cannot withstand the continuous output of more than a dozen soldiers.

As the fighting time continued, although the number of soldiers was reduced by nearly half, Logan suffered more and more wounds, and his movements became slower and slower.

And Adonis, who came here together, needs to emerge from the shadow state when he uses his ability, and in this case, as long as he shows up, he will face dozens of bullets.

So after such a long time, Adonis has been wandering around the battlefield, except for finding the flaws of two soldiers halfway, controlling the shadow to kill them, and not making any achievements.

The student counterattack team temporarily organized by others can only protect themselves.

Although many students have already participated in the counterattack, only those students with long-range attack ability can make some counterattacks sporadically.

And more students are like face-changing contestants, and their spirit is with everyone.

Henry was secretly observing the situation on the battlefield, and Wayne naturally noticed the situation over there.

As time goes by, if the soldiers use that kind of syringe again, the advantage of the battle situation will inevitably fall to these soldiers again.

"It can't be delayed any longer."

Wayne looked at the lightning hedgehog in front of him and thought.

Just when Henry thought he had successfully delayed Wayne, Wayne on the opposite side suddenly moved.

Without wasting any more time pulling up any big trees, Wayne rushed straight towards Henry.

Withdrawing his gaze, Henry grinned grinningly at the black shadow rushing fast in the darkness, stretched out his hand, and several lightning bolts went straight towards the black shadow.

However, just when the lightning was about to hit Wayne, Wayne suddenly turned around and ran to the right.

Henry hit the air with one blow and hurriedly looked to the right.

However, Wayne's footsteps did not stop, but instead began to spin around Henry.

In order to ensure that he would not be attacked by Wayne, Henry could only spin with Wayne like a spinning top.

Not long after, Henry suddenly felt a little dizzy in his head.

Wayne just ran in circles, of course nothing happened, but Henry kept turning in circles.

Although the physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary people, it’s fine if you do a few laps. You can try dozens of laps and a hundred laps.

After Henry turned around a few more times, he suddenly stopped, but the objects in all directions were still shifting to the right.

Shaking his head, Henry suddenly saw Wayne rushing from his left out of the corner of his eye.

"Do you think you can defeat me like this? Naive."

The lightning all around broke out again, but it seemed that Henry's eyes were a little crooked, and the lightning didn't fly directly towards Wayne this time.

Instead, it leans a little to the right.


Seeing Wayne forcefully continue to rush towards him against a part of the lightning, Henry suddenly panicked.

He hurriedly reached out to take out the syringe he was carrying, but the dizziness still surrounded him.

Stretching down with his hand, he didn't touch the needle accurately.

Just when he was about to continue touching, Wayne had already come in front of him.

Looking at Henry who was panicking in front of him, Wayne smiled.

Stretching out his fist, Wayne shouted loudly:
"Pegasus Meteor Fist!"

(End of this chapter)

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