Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 82 9 Snakes

Chapter 82 Hydra

The sky gradually brightened, and the sun rose from the east, revealing a golden light to dispel the night.

However, the academy has lost the vigor of the past. Although the corpses have been cleaned up, the blood and bullets left on the ground still remind people of what happened here.

Reina and some older students are still busy around, and they need to count up some loss and death lists before the professor returns.

Jason had already walked out of his medical room, carrying around a large toolbox to treat injured students like a field doctor.

Wayne and Logan were still sitting on the edge of a nearby flower bed, and Logan's feet were already littered with cigarette butts.

At this moment, a black plane gradually grew larger from the sky, and the huge roar attracted many students to watch.

Under everyone's gaze, the plane did not return to the apron behind the school, but landed directly on the open space near the stage.


As soon as the plane landed on the hatch, it slowly descended. Professor X, who was paralyzed in the lower limbs, pushed his wheelchair and rushed out of the plane first, followed by other X-Men, Magneto and others.

Seeing the professor and the others returning, Reina temporarily put down the things in her hands and went up to them.

After getting off the plane, the professor quickly looked around at the bloodstains on the ground, with a sad face.

"How's the damage?"

"27 students died, 41 employees died, and the number of injuries is still being counted."

Reina reached out and brushed the hair that had become a weed.

The professor's return made her finally breathe a sigh of relief. The experience last night made this young woman who usually only works as a teacher a little breathless.

"We're being used."

Magneto also came up at this time, with anger in his voice.

Listening to the number of casualties counted by Leina, this grumpy old man seemed like a volcano about to be ignited, suppressing the endless lava in his body.

They had just invaded Stryker's base with their front feet, and they were notified by Reina on their back feet.

In an instant, the excitement of destroying the base fell to the bottom in an instant, and a group of people returned to the academy non-stop.

At this time Wayne and Logan also came over.

"Go and help first."

Professor X waved to the X-Men behind him.

In the past, they were responsible for various matters of the school, and with their participation, various departments can operate better.

"You guys did a great job last night."

Professor X looked at Wayne and Logan.

On the way back, he learned part of the battle situation through Reina, and he was very grateful that he let Wayne go back to school on the spot.

After all, Wayne played a vital role in yesterday's battle.

"This should be their head."

Logan threw Henry, who was still unconscious, in front of the professor.

Looking at Henry who had been beaten into a bad shape, the professor's eyes showed a murderous look.

The tyrannical mental power surged out instantly.

Henry, who was in a coma, suddenly let out a scream, and opened his eyes suddenly.

Looking at the two old men in front of him, before Henry could say anything, he saw the bald old man's eyes suddenly change, and then he only felt a sudden sharp pain in his mind, and then he lost consciousness.

"My name is Henry. I belong to Hydra and am in charge of combat. The purpose of my visit this time is to capture Wayne and other mutants. For the great goal of Hydra, we need more mutants for research."

In front of Professor X, Henry couldn't hold on for even a second, as if he had become an unconscious puppet, revealing everything he knew.

After a while, after Boone explained everything clearly, his head suddenly tilted and he lost his breath.


Professor X and Magneto frowned at the same time.

It seems that this organization makes them a little afraid.

"What organization is Hydra?"

Wayne asked.

He hadn't heard of this name before, and he didn't understand why this organization could make the powerful mutant bipolar fearful.

"A very old, very powerful organization, we thought they had been destroyed, but now it doesn't look like it."

Professor X said.

Because of his cooperation with S.H.I.E.L.D., he knows Hydra better than Magneto.

In the records of S.H.I.E.L.D., Hydra is just past tense, but now this mysterious organization has reappeared in the world.

"Let's go in and talk."

Professor X sat there thinking for a while, then took the lead towards his office.

Magneto also ordered his subordinates to stand by, and then followed.

When passing by the corpses of students and employees, the two old men supporting the group of mutants stopped at the same time.

Looking at the corpses lying side by side, the two old men closed their eyes silently, and walked towards the office again after a long time.

Wayne followed them slowly, and seemed to notice that the bodies of the two old men became more rickety at that moment.

After entering the office, Logan, who walked last, closed the door.

"We need revenge."

Once the door was closed, Magneto stopped suppressing his emotions.

"We need to get in touch with S.H.I.E.L.D. first now."

Professor X sat in his seat and said without doubt.

Glancing at the tough Professor X, Magneto found a sofa and sat down angrily. It was rare that he didn't continue to shout about revenge on society.

Wayne glanced at the quiet Magneto with some surprise. Compared with the last time the two met, the relationship between the two seems to have changed a bit.

If it was still the same situation as the last time we met, Magneto should have started to slap tables and throw benches at this time, and now he obediently obeyed the arrangement.

Seeing that Magneto was finally quiet for a while, Professor X suddenly took out a black mobile phone and made a call.

After glancing at everyone present, Professor X pressed the speakerphone on the phone.


A man's voice came from the phone.

"Nick, the Xavier Academy for Geniuses has been invaded."

Professor X seemed to be dealing with the person on the other end of the phone for the first time, so he said straight to the point.

"Who did it?"

The man named Nick on the opposite side fell silent, and then suddenly spoke.


Professor X pronounced the name again.


Nick yelled directly in a low voice, feeling a little agitated.

"Are you doubting my ability? It's impossible for someone to lie in front of me."

Professor X continued.

"Sorry, I meant Hydra should have been destroyed during the last world war."

Nick seemed to sort out his emotions, but he still didn't want to believe in the existence of Hydra.

"It's a fact, Nick, I lost more than 30 mutant students last night. I need the detailed information of Hydra, otherwise I will directly use my own means to obtain these information."

Professor X's attitude this time is very tough.

"Okay, I will send it to you today, but if Hydra really exists all the time, these materials may not be of much use."

Nick was silent for a moment after finishing speaking, and then said:
"I will investigate the S.H.I.E.L.D. and will notify you immediately if there is any news."

Apart from being an agent, Nick can certainly realize what it means if Hydra has been running silently in secret, while his internal data has no indication.

"OK, thanks."

Professor X hung up the phone directly.

(End of this chapter)

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