Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 86 Farewell

Chapter 86 Farewell
After finishing what he said just now, Wayne watched a group of students who bowed their heads in deep thought and didn't bother them any more. Instead, they quickened their pace and walked towards the dormitory.

Just after walking 100 meters, Wayne secretly looked back and saw that the group of students seemed to be still immersed in Wayne's questioning, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Professor X is not easy either."

Wayne shook his head and sighed as he walked.

I'm still smart. Although I can't comfort others, I can hate others.

They are so angry that they doubt themselves, give them a goal, and finally give them a promise of no money, isn't this the same as comforting people?

When Wayne returned to the dormitory, the little fat man had already woken up and was lying on the bed playing with his mobile phone. Seeing Wayne push the door in, the little fat man put down the mobile phone in his hand:

"Are you just coming back now?"

The little fat man, who was in a deep sleep, didn't realize that Wayne had come back to sleep.

Wayne went to his own bed and lay down and replied, "I've already slept, are the others awake?"

Wayne's mobile phone was turned into a pile of waste during yesterday's battle, which made him unable to read his favorite e-book today.

"Wake up early, we are chatting in the group."

The little fat man saw Wayne lying on the bed empty-handed, surprisingly not reading the e-book, and immediately knew it.

In order to facilitate the contact of several people, the little fat man used his own ability to specially create an app, which was only used by the team's internal staff.

"Call them here, I have something to tell you."

Wayne sat up on the bed again.

Then it was time to say goodbye.

Glancing at the serious Wayne, the little fat man didn't know what happened, but he still sent a message to others.

Not long after, there was a knock on the bedroom door.

Wayne walked over to open the door, and as soon as he opened it, he saw Liao standing at the door of the bedroom wearing a Doraemon pajamas.

"What do you need to say to your face?"

After Liao walked in, he unceremoniously sat down on the sofa next to Wayne's bed, and there was an overwhelmed "creak" sound from the sofa.

"Why is this sofa getting crowded?"

Liao Fei moved his butt in the sofa which was very narrow for him.

As Liao's ability to control his abilities continued to improve, his weight also began to increase.

Before, because most of the food would enter the different-dimensional space, Liao got used to eating and drinking recklessly every day, and as his ability to control the different-dimensional space continued to improve.

The food entering the different dimension space is getting less and less, but his appetite is increasing, which makes his body size have successfully surpassed the little fat man, and he feels like he is sprinting towards 300 catties.

"Let's talk about it when they arrive."

Seeing his sofa being ruined again, Wayne sighed, rarely threatening Liao.

The little fat man on the side also noticed Wayne's abnormality. If Liao was tossing his sofa like this, Wayne would have picked up Liao with one hand and thrown him out like trash.

After a few minutes, Adonis suddenly appeared from some shadow, and stood silently in a corner of the room.

The last one to come was Miaoji, and as soon as she came in, Miaoji gave Wayne a hug. Watching Wayne fight back and forth among a bunch of soldiers yesterday made her worry all night.

Seeing his team members finally arrive, Wayne took a deep breath.

Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, seeing the expressions of them looking at him one by one, Wayne suddenly couldn't speak.

Although they haven't known each other for a long time, Wayne has already regarded them as his partners and his family.

After a long silence, Wayne finally spoke:
"I might be away for a while."


The little fat man was the first to ask.

"have no idea for now"

"How long will it take?" Liao asked.

"Maybe 1 year, maybe 2 years?"

Wayne pinched his nose.

He doesn't know how long he needs to play this secret agent game, and now he doesn't know the Hydra organization at all.

"It's not enough for us to go together."

Liao on the side said carelessly.

Now his ability can be freely controlled, so he doesn't need to stay here, he can leave at any time.

"Is it dangerous?"

Adonis in the corner asked.

Although he usually doesn't like to talk, Adonis may be the most normal-thinking person in this team, and he immediately guessed Wayne's intentions.

"There is a certain risk, but it's nothing to me."

Wayne said with a smile.

Indeed, if the criterion for judging danger is whether it is life-threatening, Wayne still doesn't know what makes him feel dangerous.

Meowji, who was sitting next to Wayne, immediately grabbed Wayne's hand and looked at Wayne pitifully.

Before he could speak, Wayne patted Meowji's head and said to everyone:

"The soldiers who attacked the academy yesterday and the group of people who tortured me before are all from an organization called Hydra. The purpose of my going out this time is to deal with them."

As soon as the words fell, the little fat man interrupted:

"Then why don't you take us with you?"

"Too dangerous."

Wayne sighed again:

"I can't guarantee your safety. Hydra is a very old evil organization. I don't know how powerful they are."

"I'm pretty good now, and Adonis is only a little worse than me."

Liao on the side suddenly became unconvinced.

Yesterday's battle made his self-confidence burst again.

Ignoring the ever-expanding fat man, Wayne continued with a sincere face:

"Professor X and I have already agreed that he will help you with special training during this time. I promise that I will notify you before taking any action after my investigation is almost done."

"you sure?"

The little fat man looked at Wayne suspiciously.

He was not the group of silly students before. If anyone in the team knew Wayne the best, the answer would undoubtedly be the little fat man.

Having lived together in the orphanage for 9 years, he knew Wayne's character very well, so he expressed 1 doubts about Wayne's guarantee.

"Ahem. Really, I promise!"

The little excuse was seen through, and Wayne suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"Take it, remember to contact me every day."

Passing the mobile phone in his hand to Wayne, the little fat man said.

Based on his understanding of Wayne, since Wayne has already decided on this matter, it is useless for them to say more, it is better to give Wayne some help within his ability.

"This mobile phone was made by Tony when I was making the defense system with him. It uses the same material as his armor, so that you don't have to change your mobile phone every time you finish a fight."

After taking the phone, Wayne immediately found that although the phone looked similar to an ordinary phone, the texture from his fingertips was obviously different.

Turning on the phone and looking at the amazing software carefully crafted by the little fat man, Wayne's eyes were a little moist, and he glanced at the little fat man with emotion and said:

"There is still an e-book software."

 I was alone at home today, and I was lying in bed reading a novel, but a phone call told me to go downstairs to pick up the courier.

  However, as soon as I opened the door and walked out, a gust of wind blew and the door was blown shut! ! !

  No keys, no mobile phone, no one at home!
(End of this chapter)

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