Chapter 89 Nick
Lying on the bed, Wayne slowly opened his eyes, groped the bed with his right hand, and finally found his mobile phone under the quilt, picked it up and saw that the time was already 9 o'clock the next morning.

Helplessly glanced at Miaoji, who was still sleeping soundly next to him, Wayne stretched lazily, and slowly got up from the bed.

After rejecting Ward last night, Wayne didn't talk to Skydo any more. Instead, he lay on the bed and read the e-book, immersed in the sea of ​​books wholeheartedly, and didn't close his eyes until early morning.

Wayne walked out of the lounge and arrived at the restaurant on the plane with ease.

I don't know what the other planes of S.H.I.E.L.D. are like, but Coulson's plane has all kinds of supporting facilities. The kitchen equipment in the plane can open a small restaurant.

Wayne and Fatty had been obsessed with this plane since the last time they came to the academy to fly on it.

Pushing open the door of the restaurant, other people on the plane were also having breakfast.

"Good morning."

Wayne greeted everyone.

"Are you still used to sleeping?"

Seeing Wayne walking in, Coulson took out a breakfast and handed it to Wayne.

"Slept well."

Wayne found a separate seat and sat down, picked up a piece of toast and put it in his mouth.

The bread tasted pretty good, at least better than the Xavier Academy for Geniuses.

Sure enough, the treatment of agents is better than that of free schools.

A few minutes later, Wayne killed the eggs and bread in front of him, took a sip of milk, and Wayne yelled at Coulson who was tinkering with something in the kitchen:
"One more, thank you."

As soon as the words fell, another breakfast was served in front of Wayne.

Wayne turned his head and saw that it was Skye.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

"I'm stuffed."

Skye showed a slight smile. Yesterday's communication made her rely on Wayne in this very strange environment.

After all, they are all orphans, and they are all newcomers to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Although this newcomer looks a little special.

Last night, she checked some information about Wayne on the Internet through her superb hacking skills.

It was discovered that besides having more than 100 million fans on ins, Wayne was also very familiar with the famous Iron Man.

The more he learned, the more Skye felt that his new friend was full of mystery.

"When can we see the chief?"

After finishing breakfast quickly, Wayne asked Coulson.

He can't wait to solve his identity problem and start his real secret agent adventure.

"About half an hour."

Coulson looked at his watch and pouted.

On one side is his boss, and on the other side is Wayne with Professor X as the backstage. It's really uncomfortable to be caught in the middle by a small agent, and it's hard to offend either side.

Fortunately, half an hour passed in a flash. As soon as the plane landed, Wayne followed Coulson off the plane, while the others stayed on the plane and stood by.

After getting off the plane, Wayne began to carefully look at the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. in front of him. It didn't look as mysterious as he imagined. It was just an ordinary building with a strange shape.

There is a fan-shaped building in the front, and a cylindrical ordinary high-rise building in the back. The color of the whole building is grayish.

Wayne followed Agent Coulson closely and walked into the base. As soon as he entered the door, he saw many people in neat suits flowing in the hall.

"Why is this the same as an ordinary office building?"

Wayne couldn't help but asked Coulson in front of him, everything he saw now didn't match the image he expected.

"We are a formal organization affiliated to the Security Council, not some shady underground organization."

Coulson explained helplessly.

The various spy blockbusters that have emerged in recent years seem to have created a mysterious, dangerous, and shady profession for agents. In fact, most of the agents still have a normal life except during the mission.

After entering the lobby, Coulson led Wayne straight towards a transparent elevator. Along the way, people kept nodding or smiling at Coulson.

"It seems that you are very popular. Do you usually go to work like this? Like ordinary office workers?"

After getting on the elevator, Wayne said while looking at the scenery outside through the glass.

"Thank you, the work of an agent is not as exciting as you imagined."

As the elevator continued to rise, Coulson seemed to have become serious, and the professional smile on his face also subsided.


Coming out of the elevator, Wayne looked at the serious-looking Coulson beside him, reached out and patted his shoulder lightly:

"Relax, relax, isn't it just to meet the chief."

"Well, our roles seem to be reversed."

Coulson shrugged, and the standard smile appeared on his face again.

Wayne's consolation made the serious atmosphere he managed to create disappear.

Walking to the room at the top of the corridor, Wayne came to an office with a total area of ​​more than 100 square meters. There was a huge desk in the middle of the office.

At this time, a person seemed to be sitting on the armchair behind the desk with his back facing them, but because of the height of the man, Wayne could only see a little bit of black skin protruding from the back of the seat, and there seemed to be no hair. .

"You have the habit of pretending to be x every time you appear on the stage, you must have learned from your chief."

Wayne whispered in Coulson's ear with an affirmative tone.


Eyelids twitched, Coulson chose to remain silent.

"Hello, Nick."

Seeing that the other party seemed to continue to pretend, Wayne took the initiative to say hello.

As early as in school, Professor X told Wayne the name of the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"You should call me Chief."

The seat turned around abruptly, a bald black man with a blindfold stood up from the seat, and stared at Wayne viciously with his ferocious one-eyed eyes, like a ferocious wolf stinging own prey.

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., although Wayne is a temporary agent who came in through the back door, since Wayne joined S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick needs Wayne to abide by S.H.I.E.L.D.'s rules during this period.

It's just Nick's usual routine to meet a bad guy.

Usually, newcomers who come here will inevitably feel a little nervous when they first meet their immediate boss like the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. At this time, if Nick uses his aura to press the past, he will often easily destroy the opponent's mental defense line. so as to achieve the desired purpose.

For example, when he met Coulson for the first time, Nick used this trick to control Coulson to be honest.

But this time, Director Nick is doomed to miscalculate.


Seeing the black stew dressed as a pirate captain staring at him fiercely, Wayne, who had endured for a long time, couldn't control himself.

As soon as he laughed, Wayne realized his gaffe, and quickly covered his mouth with his hand.

However, the arc of his eyes showed that Wayne's smile didn't stop, on the contrary, he laughed even harder, and even his shoulders trembled slightly.

Coulson at the side silently glanced at the laughing Wayne, and quietly moved a small step to the side to distance himself from Wayne.

Then he looked helplessly at Chief Nick, whose complexion became even darker, with the corners of his mouth slightly upturned. He had been looking forward to this scene for a long time.

Based on his understanding of his director, meeting a new employee for the first time would definitely give him a hard time.

But it's a pity that the target of the shaming this time is Wayne.

(End of this chapter)

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