Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 93 Marksman Wayne

Chapter 93 Marksman Wayne

Picking up a pistol from the table, Wayne walked directly to the 10-meter target without looking at the 25-meter and 50-meter targets.

Looking at the distance, Wayne nodded in satisfaction. Since he wanted to show off, of course he had to pick the one that was more difficult.

"The next thing is the show time of Gunslinger Wayne."

Holding the pistol, Wayne adjusted his posture while listening to Coulson's guidance.

Hold the pistol in the right hand, wrap the fingers holding the gun in the left hand, pull back the shoulders slightly, take a small step back with the right foot, turn the body slightly sideways, and adjust the pistol and sight to a straight line.

"Good posture."

Seeing Wayne's gun posture after a series of adjustments, Coulson nodded.

Taking a deep breath, Wayne adjusted his breathing. He was still a little nervous when he officially shot for the first time.

No need to wear glasses, the enhanced vision can clearly see the red heart 50 meters away.

Aiming the muzzle at the red heart of the target, Wayne buckled his hand.


With Wayne's finger pressing down lightly, the bullet flew out of the gun in an instant.

Wayne's eyes were fixed on the fired bullet, and with Wayne's current vision, he could already see the trajectory of the bullet in the air.

Since it was indoors and there was no interference from external factors, the bullet flew in a straight line in the air, perfectly avoiding the distant target and hitting the wall behind.

Skye and Coulson in the rear glanced at the intact target, and put down their hands ready to applaud in embarrassment.

".how is this possible."

Wayne put down the hand holding the gun, and looked at the bullet holes in the distance in disbelief.

The little smoke rising from the bullet hole slowly formed a shape resembling a smiling face, as if mocking Wayne's incompetence.

Raising the pistol again, Wayne aimed at the red heart 50 meters away and clasped his fingers.

"Bang, bang, bang."

The recoil of the pistol is almost useless to Wayne. Even with only one hand, Wayne can bear the recoil of the pistol without moving.

However, the three bullets that placed Wayne's infinite hope once again deviated from Wayne's expectations.

The three bullets formed an arc and straight line, rubbed the target and shot into the wall behind again, and three wisps of white smoke rose from the wall again.

"Is there something wrong with this gun?"

Wayne turned around suddenly, looked at Coulson with a serious face and said.

Obviously he aimed very accurately and shot very steadily, how could he not even hit the target.

Four consecutive misses made Wayne feel a little bad.

It seemed that something bad was about to happen to him.

"I'll try."

Coulson takes the pistol from Wayne.

Not to mention that Wayne himself couldn't believe it, the melon-eaters standing behind them were also a little hard to accept.

It can be seen from the practice that Wayne abused Ward just now that Wayne's physical fitness is very good.

And this kind of standing shooting is actually not very difficult technically. It stands to reason that even if Wayne misses the red heart, it is not difficult to hit the target.


Coulson raised the pistol and pulled the trigger.

The bullet was fired again, but this time the bullet flew out of the gun hole and hit the red heart of the target straight.

"It seems that there is no problem."

Coulson was slightly taken aback when he saw the result, then looked at Wayne with a strange expression and said.

"This is impossible."

Wayne walked to the table, took out a pistol again, pushed Coulson away, and raised his hand to shoot three times.

However, history is always surprisingly similar, and the three bullets once again avoided the target perfectly.

Immediately, Wayne's face darkened.

At this moment, he felt that he was being targeted by the whole world, and he personally felt the deep malice from the world.

"It's okay, I'm about the same level as you."

Seeing Wayne's frustrated look, Skye walked over, took the pistol from Wayne, and fired at the target with a not-so-standard posture.


The bullet flew towards the target again. Although it missed the red heart, it shot steadily into the third ring of the target.

"." Wayne.


Skye was speechless for a while, and she didn't know how to comfort Wayne now.

She usually hits one out of ten shots, but she never thought that today's hit was just the first shot.

The unbelieving Wayne rushed to the table with the guns again, picked up a rifle and returned to the shooting position.

The recoil of the rifle was much greater than that of the pistol, but it didn't make any difference to Wayne, so Wayne simply gave up asking Coulson about the shooting posture, and shot directly after aiming at the red heart.


Another shot.

The bullet flew out faster than the pistol bullet, and then rushed through the target faster than the pistol bullet and shot into the wall behind.


Without saying a word, Wayne dropped the rifle in his hand like trash, turned around and went back to get a sniper.

After 10 minutes, Wayne had tried all the types of guns on the table. However, except for the wall behind which was punched with thousands of holes, the target in front of Wayne still only had two bullet holes.

One was played by Coulson and the other by Skye.

"You guys play, I want to be quiet."

Wayne slowly walked to the corner with blank eyes, and squatted down silently.

"Why is this?"

Watching Skye, Simmons, and Fitz, under the guidance of Coulson and May, keep hitting distant targets with their guns, and looking at the marks they left on the wall, Wayne suddenly felt a little Wronged.

Every time I shoot myself, it seems that a magical will will suddenly come to me in the universe, and then forcibly interfere with the bullet I fired.

Just as Wayne continued to doubt himself and the universe, Skye and others finally ended today's gun practice.

"It's okay Wayne, you're strong enough."

Coulson said to Wayne who was squatting alone in the corner.

Although he still couldn't figure out why he couldn't even hit the target with Wayne's strength, it still didn't hinder his recognition of Wayne's strength.

A guy who can knock a good S.H.I.E.L.D.

At least Coulson thought he was giving himself a machine gun, and he would not be Wayne's opponent.

"It's okay, Wayne."

Skye on the side also came over.

At present, besides Coulson, she and Wayne are the closest to each other in this team.

Seeing that Wayne, who was always laughing and joking, looked a little decadent at the moment, she was also a little worried whether Wayne was really hit.

"Well, I'm fine, what's next."

Rubbing his face vigorously with his hands, Wayne temporarily gave up and continued to diss the universe in his heart.

"The next step is some theoretical knowledge, which we can learn directly back on the plane."

Coulson gave Wayne a hand and pulled Wayne up from the ground.

"Now in our team, only you and Skye are trainee agents. You need to pass these theoretical knowledge assessments before carrying out the mission, and understand some matters that need to be paid attention to when carrying out the mission."

"Do you still need a test?"

Wayne frowned.

You must know that he has grown up so big, but he hasn't read a serious book for a day.

"Of course, although this knowledge is useless in the actual execution of tasks, the situation still has to go together. If you have any objections, you can find them."

"You can find Nick, I know."

Before Coulson could say the name of that person, Wayne knew that he was going to take the blame for the stewed director again.


Coulson confirmed Wayne's guess with a smile.

 This is an interesting little setting, and there will be a little surprise later.

(End of this chapter)

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