I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 149 Signing a Contract

Chapter 149 Signing a Contract
"And after the acquisition of Donglin Hotel, my umbrella can logically enter the hotel industry, as a springboard for my umbrella to go to major cities in Yanhuang. For example, opening hotels in major cities first, as an advanced base, can send group personnel to station at any time Hotel, inspect the local area!"

"Moreover, BOSS initially planned the Supervision Department under my umbrella. One is to monitor the inside and the other is to monitor the outside. The hotel is a key place where all kinds of people gather. If the hotel is used as the bright side and the hotel is profitable, the Supervision Department exists in the dark. , Collecting all kinds of information, wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone." Tian Xing said, thinking very rigorously.

"This is your idea, very good!" Li Yu smiled majesticly, looking at Tianxing, showing a kind of appreciation.

"Boss has won the prize, it is my duty to contribute to the umbrella." Tian Xing said.

"What else do you think?" Li Yu looked away and turned to Wei Quan and other senior executives.

In fact, at the beginning, Li Yu didn't intend to let go of the electronics company and the hotel industry. This question was entirely to see what his subordinates thought.

"A complete acquisition is feasible." Zhang Hong said.

"I learned that Donglin Group has a total of more than 2000 employees, but there are also many people who eat dry food. From the perspective of protecting the interests of the umbrella, this time the recruitment of Donglin's old employees must be extra strict, and we must not recruit those who are lazy and lazy. Guy, and in terms of management, except for me as the main management position under the umbrella, the previous Donglin grassroots management was unable to remove all of them, so as not to recruit some guys who were wasting money." Wei Quandao.

He came from a factory management background, and he can understand that grassroots factories are a big hole in funds, and if they are not properly scheduled at the beginning, something will happen in the future.

"Director Wei's opinion is very pertinent and practical. My umbrella's motto for employees is to keep only elites and no rubbish! As for the recruitment of old Donglin employees, this matter is fully entrusted to the Human Resources Department, and it must be done beautifully!"

"In addition, the most important point is, what is the estimated value of Donglin Group's assets? Including Donglin's three major subsidiaries?" Li Yu asked Huang Yao and Wu Lin who were in charge of this acquisition.

"The municipal government's quotation for Donglin's total assets is 2.5 million yuan! The value of Donglin Building is estimated at 1.1 million yuan, plus 1.4 million yuan for Donglin's other assets and facilities!" Wu Lin reported with a serious expression.

"2.5 million, this comprehensive calculation is not expensive." Li Yu stroked his chin and thought about it.

After all, Donglin Group has been operating in City C for so many years, and its inherent assets are also valuable. Donglin Building is one, as well as factories, equipment, and branch hotels under Donglin. The combined value is not bad.

"What is your quotation to the city government?" Li Yu asked.

"I have negotiated with the city government. My umbrella can only give 2.2 million yuan. As long as they are willing, they can immediately sign a purchase contract and buy the whole thing!" Huang Yao said warmly, with an extraordinary heroic tone.

"Not surprisingly, the municipal government should agree to this number. After all, more than 2000 employees of Donglin are now blocking the door and making trouble. If it is not resolved as soon as possible, this will also affect their government's image."

"Huang Yao, Wu Lin, the two of you will be in charge of the acquisition project this time. We must negotiate it as soon as possible. For the issue of capital expenditure, you can ask Mr. Jiang to sign! As long as the project does not exceed 3 million yuan in the future, Mr. Jiang will make all decisions. Power!" Li Yu said in a deep voice, now that funds are abundant, Li Yu has the confidence no matter what he does.

The amount of 2.2 million is completely within Li Yu's tolerance. Indeed, the valuation this time is indeed a great concession from the city government to the umbrella. In Li Yu's expectation, the bottom line for this acquisition is actually 3 million. .

After all, the inherent assets of Donglin Group are indeed worth this price. First of all, Donglin Building, a 35-story high-rise, was originally built for at least 1.5 million yuan. There are also several hotels of Donglin Group, although they have not reached five-star hotels. But there are also four-star hotels, and each hotel is worth at least tens of millions. If the city government auctions off the assets of Donglin Group, it will definitely be able to sell for 4 million, not much more!
"Yes!" Huang Yao and Wu Lin nodded respectfully.

"If there is nothing else to do, let's go back to the various departments to prepare. After the acquisition of Donglin Building, except for the group's grassroots management, all the high-level executives of all departments are going to move to Donglin Building." Li Yu said.

Before building an office building under the umbrella, what Li Yu thought was that the management would be able to worry about the factory in the first place and solve everything!
After all, there was only a small factory under the umbrella at that time, and everyone from Li Yu to the top management was very tight about the factory's problems!

But now that the umbrella is booming, it can also be said that it is a pharmaceutical giant in City C. In a few months, there have been earth-shaking changes. While the management secretly accepted it, their vision has also changed.

How can the headquarters of the umbrella, the office of the top executives of the umbrella, be subdued within the factory area? This is too out of character!
So all the management team jointly proposed to move the office!

This is not just in time, something happened to Lin Dongchu, Donglin Group went bankrupt, and the acquisition of Donglin Group was imperative. Donglin Building, one of the most luxurious buildings in C City, also belonged to the umbrella, and Li Yu also took advantage of it. With today's news that the high-level office will be relocated.

"Yes, we understand!" Upon hearing the news of the office relocation, every executive smiled happily.

Municipal government, government affairs conference room!
Jiang Yuyao, the general manager of the umbrella, Huang Yao, the head of the investment department, Wu Lin, the head of the finance department, and several clerks with umbrellas sat in the conference room.

Opposite them, the secretary of the mayor, Zeng Lei, and several civil servants from the city government were sitting, and everyone had serious expressions on their faces.

"The price given by your company last time, after our collective discussion and the mayor's personal approval, we think it is feasible. If your company is willing, you can sign the purchase contract immediately." Zeng Lei said with a smile.

"Our President Li said that as long as the city government agrees to sell it at a price of 2.2 million, we can immediately sign a contract and transfer the funds!" Jiang Yuyao smiled warmly and opened her mouth.

"Well, I've already drawn up the contract. Mr. Jiang can take a look at it." Hearing that the funds can be transferred immediately, Zeng Lei also fell a big stone. After smiling, he directly handed over the contract in hand to Jiang Yuyao, in duplicate.

"You guys have a look too." Jiang Yuyao was very strict in doing things, split the contract to Huang Yao, and Wu Lin had a look.

after a little while!
"The contract is fine, we can sign it!" Huang Yao and Wu Lin said one after another as they read the contract.

"Sign it!"

Jiang Yuyao nodded and said.

Huang Yao's two daughters didn't hesitate either. They signed the contract and handed it to Jiang Yuyao. After Jiang Yuyao signed it, she handed it to Zeng Lei!
(End of this chapter)

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