I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 209 Mobile phone manufacturers come to the door

Chapter 209 Mobile phone manufacturers come to the door

Umbrella Building, President's Office! !

"Boss, we have already arranged the staff for the class," Wu Peng said.

"Has there been any accidents or casualties?" Li Yu asked.

"Don't worry about that, of course not, they stopped making trouble when they heard that we bought Bansai." Wu Peng laughed.

"The name Bansai has become a thing of the past after the acquisition of my umbrella. From today, Bansai is a subsidiary of my umbrella electronics company!" Li Yu said lightly, the umbrella industry is naturally named after the umbrella, without exception.

"Boss, I have already sent someone to do this." Wu Peng nodded and said, after all, it has been bought by the umbrella, so how can I keep Ban Sai's name.This is well known to the top management of the group.

"Well, is there anything else?" Li Yu asked softly.

"Boss, according to the feedback from the technology department and the marketing department, after the accident in Bansai, after Harrison took away the funds and escaped, the company has been in an abnormal state of operation, so the official support of the Bansai system is also in a blank state. Over the past few days, the Bansai system has been unable to be upgraded, and there are more and more loopholes, and Bansai users have complained." Wu Peng recalled what Tianxing, the technical department, told him, and reported.

"Then let them abandon Bansai and choose the BHS with my umbrella, natural selection!" Li Yu said calmly. It is well known that the umbrella system surpasses Bansai. Just use this time to replace the entire Yanhuang with the BHS mobile phone system.

"Let the technology department announce to people through the QQ promotion channel that Umbrella has acquired Bansai Company, and the Bansai system will gradually withdraw from the market in the future!" Li Yu said, in this way, more people can know that Bansai was acquired by Umbrella, and also It can accelerate these people to give up the class competition in their hands and choose the umbrella BHS.

"Good BOSS!" Wu Peng nodded in response, constantly admiring Li Yu in front of him, and thoughtful in doing things.

"How is the column in the hands of the police?" Li Yu asked.

"Liede and Fang Ying are together, but both of them fainted, and they are not seriously ill. Now they are pretending to be mentally ill and staying in the hospital, trying to escape legal punishment." Wu Peng said.

"It's smart." Li Yu snorted coldly.

That night, an explosive news popped up on the mobile phones of countless Yanhuang QQ users.

"In view of the impact of major adverse events in Bansai Company, internal waste, and bankruptcy, Umbrella Company reached an agreement with it and successfully acquired Bansai Company as an umbrella company. The corresponding Bansai System will gradually withdraw from the market. Umbrella Company does not provide updates for it, and Umbrella Company will better launch the BHS mobile phone system!"

As soon as this news was pushed, it exploded in the Internet.

"This black-hearted Bansai company has finally gone bankrupt!"

"Great, the Umbrella Company has acquired Ban Sai, and I will be using the Umbrella phone in the future!"

"I have long seen that the Bansai system is not pleasing to the eye, and now it is finally going to withdraw from the market!"

"The conscience company of the umbrella company, the BHS mobile phone with the lowest configuration is also a thousand times better than Bansai's mobile phone!"

For a while, there were discussions about this matter on the Internet. Countless netizens applauded for the umbrella's acquisition of Bansai, and left comments to support the umbrella.

"Boss, a lot of mobile phone vendors and software developers came to the company at once, all of them came to discuss cooperation with us." Huang Yao called Li Yu with a phone in her hand.

"Is it the merchants who signed contracts with Bansai Company?" After receiving Huang Yao's call, Li Yu guessed the origin of these people at once.

Most of them are contract authorization letters signed with Bansai System. Now Bansai Group has closed down and was acquired by the umbrella company. These people are in a relationship of interest, so of course they found the umbrella company.

"Yes, Boss, you are right, most of them are, and they all want to discuss with you." Huang Yao said softly.

"Umbrella acquired the Bansai company. It stands to reason that it should be responsible for these merchants who signed the terms with Bansai. They will make two choices. One is to use the umbrella as a bansai and ask for high compensation fees, and the other is to buy the umbrella. BHS system authorization."

"Huang Yao, don't let them come to me, this matter is up to you." Li Yu said lightly.

"Okay boss!" After speaking, Huang Yao hung up the phone.

Still the same, Huang Yao asked people to divide the merchants who came here into two groups, one group was software developers, and the other group was mobile phone manufacturers. Like last time, they were brought into different meeting rooms.

Li Yu's words are very clear. Huang Yao knows in her heart that it is impossible to ask for high compensation from the umbrella company. Compared with the umbrella, the umbrella is the umbrella, and the class is the class. They themselves have caused trouble in the past. Look for it. There is absolutely no umbrella to be found on the ground.

But one thing is certain, let these people buy the BHS system, so it will cost a lot of money.

meeting room!
Dozens of mobile phone manufacturers stared at Huang Yao closely.

"The president of my company has given me full authority to handle this matter!" Huang Yao said from the main seat.

"Well, let's stop talking nonsense! The purpose of our visit this time is to get back the compensation!" said one of the mobile phone manufacturers.

Sure enough, she guessed right, Huang Yao stroked her long hair around her ears, these people really came to demand compensation just like what the boss said.

"We heard that your company acquired Bansai Company, so it should be acquired together with Bansai Company's business and debts." Another mobile phone manufacturer said.

"Do you think my umbrella is so stupid?" Huang Yao opened her eyes coldly, looking at the person who made the sound.

"Eh!" Choking on Huang Yao's words, the mobile phone manufacturer didn't know what to say.


Umbrella only acquires Bansai's technical system and inherent assets. The so-called debt is not related to the umbrella. If everyone comes to the umbrella to ask for debts, then what is the point of buying Bansai? The umbrella is not so stupid, and the law Acquired together with no debt!

Huang Yao scanned the few people present, and then said: "The purpose of my meeting with you today is about the BHS system of my umbrella group! Do you want to purchase the BHS system authorization?"

Huang Yao didn't want to waste time, so she went straight to the topic!
"This..." For a while, these mobile phone manufacturers were speechless.

"Then who will we go to for the funds that we signed the licensing contract with Bansai?" A mobile phone manufacturer said dissatisfied, but his tone was much weaker. .

These mobile phone manufacturers here all want to get compensation from the umbrella, but they all know that the current market is full of umbrella phones. If they can't get the mobile phone manufacturing authorization, it means that they will lose their way of life.

"My umbrella is only to acquire the operation system and inherent assets of Bansai. If you have any compensation issues, please contact the official!"

"Then what should we do? Our company's funds have been used to purchase the authorization of the Bansai system. Now, how can we still have the funds to re-purchase the authorization of your umbrella company?" Many manufacturers complained. Don't think about it, they must have been cheated by Bansai A large sum.

"As for the authorization of BHS!" Huang Yao said with a slight smile, like a spring breeze, and then changed the tone: "I understand your situation. After the approval of the president of our company, it is decided that you can pay the price of the original BHS system. Half-price purchases on the website, the licenses you enjoy are exactly the same as other mobile phone licensees.”

"This can also be regarded as a benefit that my umbrella gives you who once lost the funds in Bansai!"

There are so many mobile phone manufacturers, you can't miss it, you can make money step by step, and take a long time to catch big fish. Let's keep these people today!

"Are you telling the truth?" These mobile phone manufacturers asked one after another. They all knew how expensive the license fee of the umbrella BHS mobile phone was, but now it was half price, which really made them very excited.

"Our Umbrella Group does business with integrity!" Huang Yao said.

The mobile phone manufacturers here look at each other and look at each other. Hesitation appears on everyone's face. They originally wanted to extort money from the umbrella and then find time to buy the BHS system instead, but now Huang Yao Directly stated the conditions for purchasing the BHS system at half price.

"You all know the benefits of the umbrella BHS system, so I won't talk about it." Huang Yao said softly, scanning these people, waiting for their decision.

"If you agree, I will immediately sign a contract with you on behalf of our company." Huang Yao continued.

"It's a good idea to slash the price to half price to entice us to buy a license!" said one of the phone makers.

"Now the umbrella BHS system has already occupied the mobile phone market. Anyway, I will buy it sooner or later. Why don't I buy it now!"

"Director Huang, I want a one-year license for Bank B's system!"

"Give me a one-year Type C license!"

These mobile phone manufacturers present here saw that it was impossible not to buy it, and there was only one chance, so they opened their mouths to buy.

Huang Yao distributed the contracts in her hands to the mobile phone manufacturers present in order.

Those phone makers took the contract and immediately signed their names.

Most of them purchased the B-type system relying on the conditions given by the umbrella, and a small number of small mobile phone manufacturers purchased the C-type system.

"Everyone, please follow my secretary to deposit funds into my umbrella company's account!" Huang Yao said.

The secretary nodded, then quickly walked out of the meeting room, and soon brought a laptop. The mobile phone manufacturer present took the computer, logged in to his account, entered the amount, and transferred the funds to the umbrella company account.

"Don't worry, everyone, take your time!"

After handing these people over to her secretary, Huang Yao came to the meeting room of the electronic software vendor.

Umbrella building, president office building, high-level conference room!
"Boss, the problems of those mobile phone manufacturers and electronic software vendors have been successfully resolved!" Huang Yao said happily.

"Report the specific situation." Li Yu sat on the chair and said seriously.

"Boss, as you said, these merchants all came to ask for compensation from our company. According to your instructions, they offered half price to them. After weighing the pros and cons, they gave up the compensation and bought our company for a period of one year. authorized by the system!" Huang Yao said.

"A total of 43 people came this time, including 20 from mobile phone manufacturers and 23 from software manufacturers. All of them signed contracts with our company. Most of these people were charged huge licensing fees by Bansai Company, so they were unable to Purchase a two-year license, but this time the license fee is a net profit of 25 billion yuan!" Huang Yao reported excitedly.

The half-price authorization fee alone has reached 25 billion yuan, which is a bit scary.

"Has their authorization fee been transferred to the company's account?" Li Yu asked.

"Boss, these people transferred the authorization fee to my company's account on the spot. The total funds of my company are 175 billion yuan." Huang Yao said excitedly, brushing her hair behind her ears.

"Very good!" Li Yu said with a smile.

After the annexation of Bansai, there are very few electronic companies in Yanhuang that are fighting against the umbrella company, and the umbrella company is growing rapidly in a rapid way.

"Now in Yanhuang territory, the umbrella electronics are the most powerful!" Li Yu said while sitting in the main seat.

"Boss, the company's total assets have reached more than 175 billion, and this number is still growing. Our company's various businesses are constantly developing, and funds will flow into the account every day!" Wu Lin, the financial director Said.

"It will break through 200 billion soon!" Li Yu said with deep eyes.

With assets exceeding 200 billion, the umbrella will usher in a leap-like change again, and its overall strength will increase even more.

"How about the investment in Somalia?" Li Yu asked seriously. After this matter was ordered, he rarely heard news.

"Boss, director Yi Hailun took a group of people from the company to Kyoto to have a meeting with the Somali embassy yesterday. I believe the results will be obtained soon!" Jiang Yuyao said.

"The conditions proposed by our company must be met!" Li Yu asked seriously.

"Before I left, I had already handed over the drafted contract to Yi Hai, and I just need to sign it according to the contract!" Jiang Yuyao said softly.

"There must be no mistakes in this matter!"

Somali Embassy in Kyoto!
After several hours of air flight, Yi Hailun led many management personnel of the umbrella to Kyoto that night, and directly checked into the hotel under the umbrella.

The headquarter of Umbrella Company is located in City C, but its industries are also slightly distributed in Kyoto. Therefore, when the manager of a hotel in Umbrella's Kyoto branch learned that Yi Hailun and others were coming to Kyoto, he had already prepared a plan for them. A series of housing and travel arrangements, this time Yi Hailun came on behalf of the head office, and she has a lot of power in her hands.

Before coming, Umbrella Company had already contacted the staff of the Somali Embassy by phone, and the staff of the Somali Embassy expressed that they welcome Umbrella Company to discuss investment matters.

On the crowded highway in Kyoto, eight pure black high-end cars, with golden umbrella-shaped logos printed on the body, are driving neatly and vertically on the road in a straight line, looking extraordinarily dazzling and full of momentum!

Eight pure black cars, with dazzling lights, finally arrived at the Somali embassy after driving for half an hour.

The security guards in front of the Somali embassy had also received the news beforehand. Seeing the battle, they turned around and walked towards the inside of the embassy. After a while, all the staff of the embassy came out and stood neatly in front of the embassy. , waiting for Yi Hailun and others.

(End of this chapter)

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