I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 211 Signing a Contract

Chapter 211 Signing a Contract
"If possible, let's sign the investment contract now!" Yi Hailun said with a smile.

"Of course, it can be signed now!" Elev said excitedly when he heard the contract was signed. Once the contract is signed, it means that the matter is finalized. There is 20.00% to [-]% hope, and [-]% is needed Their own efforts to complete the conditions of the umbrella.

The secretary brought beside Yi Hailun winked, and the secretary immediately understood and handed over the contract in his hand.

"This is a contract drawn up by our group in advance, please check it! If there is no problem, you can sign it!" Yi Hailun said with a smile.

The contract is divided into two parts, one in Chinese and the other in the official language of Somalia. These are all ready for implementation. This is doing business with foreigners.

"Okay!" Elev took the contract carefully, and carefully reviewed it with the staff of the embassy.

The contract stated that some umbrella companies wanted to invest in projects, drug production, and simple products, as well as the requirements put forward by the umbrella company, such as the security team going out of the country in full armor. Yi Helen's requirements were basically It's all inside.

"No problem!" After looking through it carefully, Eleph and the staff nodded in confirmation, then picked up a pen to sign a contract with his name, and handed it to Yi Hailun.

"You are sure that there is no problem, then it is fine!" Yi Hailun took the contract, and then picked up a pen to sign her name on it.

Seeing that Yi Hailun signed his name, a stone hanging in Ai Lefu's heart finally fell. The signing of the contract has legal effect, and the success rate of this matter has reached more than [-]% to [-]%. .

"Happy cooperation!" Yi Hailun stood up with a smile, and stretched out her hand politely. Afterwards, Eleph stood up and stretched out his hand, clasping both hands tightly.

"We will discuss the request from your company with Yanhuang officials as soon as possible, and strive to complete it in the shortest possible time!" Elev said confidently.

"That's naturally the best. As long as you agree to the conditions of my umbrella, you can invest in your country." Yi Hailun also laughed.

After the contract was signed, Yi Hailun and the others did not delay much, and returned to City C on the C-numbered passenger plane the next day.

Yanhuang Kyoto Official! !
"Brother Wang, the staff of the Somali embassy want to negotiate with us!" said the man in a black suit holding a document bag.

"What are you discussing?" The secretary sat on the office chair and said without raising the head of the document in his hand.

"According to them, they want to discuss with us about my Yanhuang company's investment and business in Somalia!" The man rubbed his eyes, thought for a while and said, with a very serious expression.

"Domestic companies should ask them to go to the foreign affairs management office for outbound investment. Why are they looking for us? Isn't this the wrong department?" The secretary said impatiently.

"At first they said the same thing when they communicated with us, and of course I replied to them in the same way. Such matters should be handled by foreign affairs management. Enterprise investment does not belong to us, but they said that this is not ordinary enterprise investment. Some things I hope you can discuss it with us," the man said.

"What's the difference?" The secretary looked up and asked.

"Brother Wang, look, this is a matter that the Somali embassy wants to discuss with us!" As he spoke, the man handed a document in his hand to the secretary, and then said: "The biggest problem they raised is the most difficult to solve. It is the company that carries the guns out of the country!"

"What? Why didn't you say it earlier!" The secretary became nervous when he heard this, took the document, and kept flipping through it.

Indeed, it is clearly stated in the material that the Somali embassy hopes to discuss with Yanhuang and ask for permission for the investment company to lead security personnel in full armor and carry guns to leave the country!
The situation of carrying firearms is not an ordinary joke. It involves many legal provisions and entry and exit management. The most important thing is that Yanhuang officials do not allow non-governmental organizations to carry firearms into and out of the country.

"It's still up for discussion? It's definitely not going to pass!" The secretary suddenly became angry and said, "Are the staff of the Somali embassy crazy, asking companies to carry firearms into and out of the country, and which company dares to invest in Somalia?"

"Brother Wang, the staff of the Somali embassy specially instructed that this time they are going to invest in an umbrella company that has risen rapidly in my country in the recent period. They need to carry various antiviral toxins and vaccines, and request to bring their own security company personnel. Use this to protect and avoid losing the technology in your hands!" said the man.

"Umbrella company? It's breaking the monopoly of the industry recently and producing medicines that can restrain AIDS and even cancer?" The secretary said with a frown.

Recently, as the mayor's secretary, he attended meetings with the mayor all day long, and naturally he could hear a thing or two from the sidelines. The one who heard the most was the umbrella company in City C, not only the mayor, but even the mayor. Relevant leaders of other departments in Kyoto have repeatedly mentioned this umbrella company in meetings, and it can be said that all the leaders of all parties pay special attention to it.

"This umbrella company is going to invest in Somalia, which is not easy!" the secretary said with a frown.

"Brother Wang, this umbrella company has been very popular recently. They have established a security company, which means they have their own security team members, and all the firearms in their hands are approved live ammunition. They are going to do business in places like Somalia, where there is a lot of chaos. Then it should be reasonable to bring your own security personnel in full armor."

"Don't tell me, this matter is not big or small, I have to ask my superiors for instructions!" The secretary stood up, picked up the material from the Somali embassy, ​​and went to the office. Walk upstairs to the immediate office.

After nearly two hours, the secretary came down from the mayor's office upstairs and returned to his office.

"Brother Wang, what's the matter?" the man from before came over and said.

"As soon as the superiors heard about this matter, they immediately became serious and kept asking for instructions for two hours, one for this and another for that, until they finally decided to allow this umbrella company to carry firearms! "The secretary sat on the office chair with a tired face. Of course he was a little tired after standing back and forth for two hours.

"It seems that the bosses above are all very serious about the affairs of this umbrella group." The man said.

"Of course, how could Buruan spend nearly two hours discussing it." The secretary smiled helplessly.

"You go to the Somali embassy right now and tell them that their request is officially allowed, and the Umbrella Group can leave the country with firearms as long as it does not disturb the order of Yanhuang!" The secretary said while sitting on a chair, giving an order.

"Okay, I'm going now!" The man finished speaking and walked towards the door.

"Master, just now Yanhuang official came and said that we have agreed to our request!" A staff member of the Somali embassy walked over quickly and said excitedly.

PS: Many brothers are asking about the exchange group, I will announce it here, group number: 124869465, all brothers are welcome to enter!
(End of this chapter)

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